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Grand Theft Auto V [OT]

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selbst dann würde die "auflösung" des auges wohl nicht ausreichen, um auch nur im entferntesten etwas zu erkennen :kritisch:

4 Spiegel und ein ~4m² Raum und das soll die "Aufkösung" des menschlichen Auges nicht packen? :kritisch:

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spielt GTA V etwa in einem 4m² großen Raum? bzw. dein leben, um auf das beispiel von necrofridge zurückzukommen?

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@ pnshr

Jeder der dich kennt weiß dass mit dir ohnehin keine sachliche Diskussion möglich ist

wie gut dass du mich 0 kennst ;)

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Das bsp mit "ausreichend Spiegeln" kam von Angstman und 4 Spiegel sind nunmal ausreichend. :kritisch:

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deine frage war doch aber, ob du in GTA V dir selbst auf den hinterkopf gucken könntest, und da hängt einem bekanntlich kein spiegel vor der rübe :kritisch:

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noch nie beim friseur aufn hinterkopf geguckt leute? 2 spiegel!

Das er auch immer alles besser wissen muss. :okay:

Bearbeitet von Sergio
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Das er auch immer alles besser wissen muss. :okay:

echt mal, mit mir kann man nicht diskutieren, jeder der mich kennt (und das sind automatisch alle forenmitglieder) sollte das wissen!

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Das er auch immer alles besser wissen muss. :okay:

echt mal, mit mir kann man nicht diskutieren, jeder der mich kennt (und das sind automatisch alle forenmitglieder) sollte das wissen!

is ja so. :P meistens hast ja recht.

und wenn mal nicht, dann gibst gleich nach. ohne widerrede. sehr angenehm. angenehmster User im Board. Definitiv ;)

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Switch between three protagonists at any time

Concept of doing iit like the Liberty City Episodes - three charas

Multiple perspective - clear advantages

Constantly switching - not rotating 5 missions as one character, then 5 as another

Allow them to create more diverse style of lead protag, tie certain behaviors to certain charas

Gameplay side - if charas lived apart, players could experience more of the qorld more quickly

Rockstar eliminate flat spots during missions - allow players to switch perspectives press of a button

Lets you play as both protagonist and antagonist - Dan Houser

Less wide-ranging characters "a lot of the time, the people you're not necessarily fighting with, but bickering with, are your other lead characters"


[Retired, Early 40s, livesin Rockford Hills, Nice Clothes]

Houser: idea was for an older, successful guy getting sucked back into the game

Voiceover character in the first trailer

retired bank rober living more lavish life than most people in witness protection thanks to deal with FIB

Demo opens with him resting comfortably in a pair of flip-flops next to a pool in the neighborhood Rockford Hills (Bev Hills)

Distance: his private tennis court

Smoggy horizon: Los Santos downtown

Isn't content with life, wife spending his dough (he hates her), doesn't know how to communicate with his kids

Kids: Tracey (teenage daughter), we see her playing Just Dance-style game, son named Jimmy

Wife: Amanda, we see her heading out the door on a shopping spree - shopaholic

Wife drives Sentinel XS sports car

Michael hops on bicycle rides down the street

Neighborhood has "manicured lawns, sprinkler systems, rolling hills," and luxury cars


Rockstar tester calls up menu to switch charas, camera zooms out in Google Earth style thing, and drops to "ramshackle trailer" in "desert region" of map

Michael's longtime friend

Trevor is first seen fighting a battle with toilet

Hops in Bodhi large truck (looks like Jeep Wrangler JK), drives down the road

Lives in Blaine county, region filled with bikers, meth heads, walks of life on fringes

Trevor drievs down road, parks, and flicks off building loiterers

Rockstar suggests you do this in various cases to see different people's reactions

Teseter grabs gasoline, douses a parked truck, pours a trail away, drops a lit Zippo, and boom - flame travels towards truck, sets tires on fire, then chassis, then finally the gas tank, and explosion


Cruising Vespucci Beach (Venice Beach) looking for car to take back for his boss

Waterfront filled with activities: muscle beach gym

Franklin finds his target: a 9F (Audi R8), gets in, drops top, rides off

Los Santos familiarity: Ammu-Nation is back

Each chara has own personality, motivations, skillset

When not in control of one, they go about their daily business

You may be surprised what situations they're in when you switch back to check up on them

"The contrast between three different experiences, geopgrahics, and vibes to eeverything should be really strong, and I think it's something that gives the game a unique feeling when you're visint gthese people's lives and seeing what they do," says Houser. "Within the story, you're going to know information about a character before they know what the other people know when you play as them."


Idea of a proper Los Angeles

Thought San Andreas was very small and sketchlike

Hollywood, the porn industry, marijuana, immigration battle, gated communities, luxury pockets, homeless people, bankrupt government - enough topics for Rockstar signature style

Largest open-world playground to date

Interior and exterior spaces together: bigger than Red Dead Redemption, San Andreas, and GTA4 worlds combined, with room to spare

Enviro includes: beachfronts, wine country, large wilderness area, Salton sea region, military base, suburban hulls, urban center

Scuba to explore detailed ocean floor along Los Santos coastline

More vehicles than any GTA to date: BMX bike, mountain bikes, road bikes, dirt bikes, huge amount of cars and trucks, helis, planes, ATVs, jet Skis

Trevor is former war vet with flight experience, so he can fly a plane at any time - dont need to wait until endgame

Characters come together

Pursuit of mighty dollar

Each chara has full story arc

Peppers several complicated, multitiered hests in vein of GTA4's popular "three Leaf Clover" mission across narrative

Heists are a big theme

People love bank jobs, especially when they feel prepped

Rockstar addressing mission diversity to leverage different pairings of the protags

"We want to move from having one character in a mission to having two to having three" - akes missions feel more distinct, high in action, diffeerent tone depending on who's on them

Making the switch

Playing as Franklin, GI meets up with Trevor and Michael, who have already reunited. Mission: perform a snatch-n-grab to get the FIB off their case. Meet at a helipad to pick up civilian chopper FIB is supplying. Trevor is talking to sec guard with Mike pulls up, how he's just standing there while everyone is out having fun, Mike urges him to cal down, but Trevor doesn't listen.

This appears to be Franklin's first encounter with Trevor.

Everyone hops in choppper.

Arrive at IAA HQ (CIA), Franklin is ready with sniper rifle at nearby building, ready to react. Trevor hovers overhead. Players become Michael, who rappels down the side of the sky-scraper to locate the correct office. See into every office, where people are going about busiess. Music ramps up as Michael goes downward.

Michael locates target, smashes threw window, grabs him, holds hostage, points gun at interrogators, then ICON appears to switch

You could either stay in the same role as Michael and wait for Franklin to snipe these guys, or switch to Franklin

You're now Franklin, after a smooth transition, and can snipe the targets

Trevor picks up Michael and the target, helocopter chase ensues, players can either pilot the plane as Trevor, snipe other pilots as Franklin, or fire assault rifle from the back of the chopper as Michael


GTA4: Bowling Strip Clubs Live Stand-up comedy Interenet Cafes TV shows

Greater degree of variety in GTA5: different side-missions, more sophisticated mini-games

Will use characters and the rest of their lives "Michael's family, Franklin's crazy franks, or Trevor out in the desert with access to planes very early on"

Each protag will have unique hobbies only they can participate in "one or two key minigame activities per character" to separate one from another

Customization like San Andreas (RPG traits, gain or lose weight) impossible, but you can customize with diff clothing

TV returning in GTA 5 - "funny new stuff that's pretty odd to do in a game"

Outdoors: yoga, triathlons, jet skiing, base jumping, tennis, full golf game on full golf course

No romance because of nature of characters

Each protag has own cast of friends they can hang out with: Lamar is Franklin's crazy friend; Kimmy is Michael's lazy, pot-smoking 20-year-old son; Ron is Trevor's best friend and a paranoid conspiracy theorist; Amanda is michael's wife who he can't stand

Familiar faces from GTA 4 will appear, but dont expect Niko or anyone for the PS2 games - they never existed in this world

Economy: "very vibrant and fun economy", no property, but loads of other stuff to by

Cell phone concept still there, but no calls from friends all the time, phone will surface some of the acitvities, phone will be "more contemporary," use it to acces internet, activities moved to map

Occassionally bump into pedestrians you could interact with. In demo: Jesus-looking preacher with white robes encountered by Franklin, has more to offer than one-liner

Dynamic Missions: drive around, see broen-down car or hitchiker on road, you can pull over and see what happens. Go off road in desert, maybe you'll come across two parked cars and a bunch of dead bodies. In Los Santos, if you seee a cash van, you can steal it and make a quick score. Or, catch the mugger who knabbed granny's purse.

Multiplayer: it's there, but reveal at another time. Rockstar pleased with direction.


clouds roll over the sky

helicopters fly about

birds fly

cars drive

pedestrians hang around

dogs jump against fences if you walk too close

sprinklers wet the grass

puddles gather around carwash hoses

neighbors lie in the sun by the pool

dodgy guys hang around outside stores

inside 24-7 store: everything on the shelves are modeled and textured


Cars hold to ground better - not "big and boatlike in GTAIV"

More physics to cars, feels more like racing game

Racing game itch will be scratched

shooting has evolved in terms of core mechanics of how you play

melee is better than past - but will never be as big a deal as shooting

von irgendnem kerl selbst aus dem artikel zusammengeschrieben,keine offizielle liste ;)

Bearbeitet von shalashaska
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Zum Release bestell ich erstmal mein Reallife ab. Für ne Woche oder so.

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Link entfernt.


Bearbeitet von JackONeill
Jetzt verlinkt doch nicht immer die kompletten Magazin-Scans. :/
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is ja so. :P meistens hast ja recht.

und wenn mal nicht, dann gibst gleich nach. ohne widerrede. sehr angenehm. angenehmster User im Board. Definitiv ;)


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is ja so. :P meistens hast ja recht.

und wenn mal nicht, dann gibst gleich nach. ohne widerrede. sehr angenehm. angenehmster User im Board. Definitiv ;)


hab ich versehentlich die Sarkasmustags gesetzt? Nein!

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