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Grand Theft Auto V [OT]

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World of Video listet es für den 17.03.2013

Würd ich nicht so viel drauf geben. Scheinen irgendwie alles Platzhalter zu sein.

Also das Datum von WoV ist ein 100%iger Platzhalter: 17. März = Sonntag :cool:

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:) Nice. Vor allem immer wieder der Blick auf die Stadt.

PS: Komme gerade aus dem Kino ('DREDD'... :super: ).

PPS: Die Kollegen von IGN haben den 2. Trailer auch noch einmal auseinandergenommen:

Bearbeitet von Blond3r
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Nabend Freunde,

Fans durften die Kollegen von GameInformer in einem Q&A mit Fragen zur GTA 5 Präsentation bombardieren.

Hier die Antworten:

# You can't play the entire game as one character; sometimes you have to a solo mission as each character to advance the story.

# No co-op in the story.

# Some missions with all three characters you have to switch between them and then are given the opportunity to choose afterwards.

# Can't kill another character when playing as one of the three.

# Michael can walk around his house and interact with his family.

# Can buy new clothes. In free roam you choose to play whichever character you want.

# Each character is from a different part of Los Santos, but you can go anywhere you want.

# Natural Motion Euphoria used just like in IV, RDR and MP3.

# Entire map is open from the beginning.

# LV and SF definitely not in game.

# Downtown area of LS is smaller than Liberty City

# During demo, game and switching characters ran perfectly without lag.

# Swimming underwater confirmed, plenty of areas to explore.

# Plenty of boats and hoes.

# Internet on smartphone.

# Lots of TV shows.

# Trevor able to set things on fire when he wants, not just in missions.

# Each character has his own inventory and money. Subject to change before release, though.

# No CJ.

# No characters from III, VC or SA.

# Couple of familiar faces from IV will visit.

# Variety of races included; cars, bikes, triathlons.

# Still working on Wanted system.

# Rockstar didn't answer when asked if Xbox will have multiple discs.

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Den Artikel hab ich gerade gefunden- Keine Ahnung ob das stimmt,aber ich dachte dass das was der da schreibt ja schon irgendwie stimmen könnte

GTA V nicht für den PC ?

Ist halt nur seine persönliche These.....

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Na Ja,Red Dead Redemption könnte schon als Beispiel herhalten. Oder gibt es Pläne dass das dochnoch auf dem PC kommt ?

Und bei GTA IV hieß es doch auch lange das es erst gar nicht auf dem PC kommt. :unsure:

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Lasen wir uns überraschen... hier noch das letzte offizielle Statement zum Thema:

IGN: GTA V is only confirmed for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Why not the PC, Wii U and so on?

Dan Houser: Everything else is up for consideration. That's all I can give you. The main thing is we are not... we are a third-party publisher. We're not Nintendo, we're not Sony, we're not Microsoft. We love all of them in different ways. But we can do what we want wherever there's the appropriate business opportunity and chance to find a market. If that's on Apple we put something on Apple. Wherever it might be. I think that's the fun in what we do. We see ourselves as a content company that uses technology. We don't make it; we use it to make the most fun stuff.


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Wie nice ist das denn? Der aktuelle GTA 5 Trailer mit GTA 4 nachgestellt. :awesome:

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Nabend Freunde,

Fans durften die Kollegen von GameInformer in einem Q&A mit Fragen zur GTA 5 Präsentation bombardieren.

Hier die Antworten:

# You can't play the entire game as one character; sometimes you have to a solo mission as each character to advance the story.

# No co-op in the story.

# Some missions with all three characters you have to switch between them and then are given the opportunity to choose afterwards.

# Can't kill another character when playing as one of the three.

# Michael can walk around his house and interact with his family.

# Can buy new clothes. In free roam you choose to play whichever character you want.

# Each character is from a different part of Los Santos, but you can go anywhere you want.

# Natural Motion Euphoria used just like in IV, RDR and MP3.

# Entire map is open from the beginning.

# LV and SF definitely not in game.

# Downtown area of LS is smaller than Liberty City

# During demo, game and switching characters ran perfectly without lag.

# Swimming underwater confirmed, plenty of areas to explore.

# Plenty of boats and hoes.

# Internet on smartphone.

# Lots of TV shows.

# Trevor able to set things on fire when he wants, not just in missions.

# Each character has his own inventory and money. Subject to change before release, though.

# No CJ.

# No characters from III, VC or SA.

# Couple of familiar faces from IV will visit.

# Variety of races included; cars, bikes, triathlons.

# Still working on Wanted system.

# Rockstar didn't answer when asked if Xbox will have multiple discs.

Deutsche Übersetzung.

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Lasen wir uns überraschen... hier noch das letzte offizielle Statement zum Thema:

IGN: GTA V is only confirmed for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Why not the PC, Wii U and so on?

Dan Houser: Everything else is up for consideration. That's all I can give you. The main thing is we are not... we are a third-party publisher. We're not Nintendo, we're not Sony, we're not Microsoft. We love all of them in different ways. But we can do what we want wherever there's the appropriate business opportunity and chance to find a market. If that's on Apple we put something on Apple. Wherever it might be. I think that's the fun in what we do. We see ourselves as a content company that uses technology. We don't make it; we use it to make the most fun stuff.


Viel sinnloses blabla ohne echte Stellungnahme warum nicht für PC.

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Ich bin sicher das es auch für den PC kommt.

Der PC ist durch die im Vergleich technisch stark veralteten Konsolen wieder stärker im Aufwind. Könnte mir vorstellen das man RDR nicht für den PC gebracht hat um eine ähnliche Portierungskatastrophe zu verhindern wie sie es seinerzeit bei GTA4 gegeben hat. Raubkopien sind natürlich nach wie vor ein Thema, aber das hindert andere ja auch nicht daran PC Spiele zu veröffentlichen.

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LV and SF definitely not in game.

und dann soll das so ne riesige Map werden... kein Privatflughafen mehr, gar nix :(

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