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Ok zu aller erst. 0.7.4 kommt morgen.


Wargaming.net is pleased to announce that the 7.4 update for World of Tanks will be released tomorrow (Thursday 21st June).

In order to implement the update, there will be maintenance on the server as follows:

Downtime begins on Thursday 21st June at 06:00 CEST (04:00 GMT).

Server open to players on Thursday 21st June at 12:00 CEST (10:00 GMT).

Players having premium accounts running at the moment of maintenance will have one day of premium compensated to their accounts.

Once the update has been implemented you will be able to download the full game client with the update, or just the update alone.

The main new features of the update are two brand new game modes, the introduction of the French SPGs and tank destroyers and two new maps – Widepark and Airfield.

We look forward to seeing you on the battlefields with your new vehicles!



Dann gabs auf wot-news.com die tage ein Interview mit einem von WG bezüglich der Tier 10 tanks. Leider wieder nur in russisch aber google macht es einigermaßen verständlich.

Everyone knows that in the near future, and to be more precise in the next patch (0.7.5) will be required to receive CT and PT level 10. Yet very little information on these machines, but one of the game designers of the project - aka Stanislav Kargin Veider, has kindly agreed to answer a few questions.

Edrard: Perhaps the most popular question that interests of all players is - why the developers decided to enter the CT and PT level 10, which was the main reason?

Veider: First, BTR'a - Tank Rubilovo Bodrov. Second, to bring the trees to a more bleeding finished appearance.

Edrard: E-50 Ausf.M, how realistic is this model? Could you tell me more about it a little bit than it will be different from the usual E-50?

Veider: Let's just say it is a logical continuation of the ideas of the German tank. From the usual E50 will be different so that the transmission is close to the rear of the engine. Because of this, the height of the body changed for the better - E50 Ausf.M was lower. Because of this, as the tower moved slightly forward, because the logistics just ballooned in size. In addition, due to changes in body size, was recovered several tons of weight, we simply cut off. Thrust will increase.

Edrard: On STUG E-100 will be installed 170 mm gun which is now installed on the GW Tiger, in connection with this question - which, presumably, the types of shells will have this gun? Will kept booking platform E-100 or something to change?

Veider: Booking Platform will be absolutely identical. Reservations will be similar to cutting booking E100 tower. As for the guns and ammunition - set this gun get this: BS, CS and PF.

Edrard: I noticed that all the ST level 10 caliber guns 100 or 105 mm, which means that the damage and armor, as well, will not be great, whether these machines are fine to deal with their heavier friends and if they can, then at the expense of what?

Veider: The damage will remain the same as that of the ST9. But it will grow much armor weapons, for armor-piercing shells instead of the usual players will be available to the piercing. We believe that this argument would be significant to deal with CT of the enemy. But make no mistake, frontal projection TT will remain strong.

Edrard: What can you expect players to Patton III, whether he will retain all the advantages of its predecessor, the excellent speed, a good maneuver, high PDM and Alpha, as well as large angles of inclination of the gun?

Veider: Yes, it will retain. Also get another nice addition, which now, perhaps, say nothing. There will be a surprise.

Edrard: An object 268 is made ??on the basis of the T-10, can we assume that this machine inherits all the advantages and disadvantages of the platform, such as - high mobility and low head-booking? And why was chosen gun M64, and m69 are not more powerful, whether it will be competitive with the same 17 cm K.Mrs.Laf

Veider: Yes, the platform of IP-8 will make itself felt. As for guns, M-64 - historically an instrument, it is not installed on the surviving instance in Kubinka. In addition, M-64 and M-69 did not differ in their fighting qualities.

The balance between instruments PT10 will be observed, so that the experience does not make sense.

Edrard: Bat Chatillon 25t going to move to level 10, does this mean that the current owners batshatov receive it after the patch for 10 levels? And yet, if not a secret that will get this car during the transition to level 10, it will just improve the performance of all or expect any surprises?

Veider: Yes, the current owners of the BS level 9 will be available to the BS level 10. When you go to level 10 will improve the parameters of the tank, the tank also receives a new instrument of CN 105/57, which will allow him to successfully fight the high levels of the tanks. PS To get the top-end BS 10, BS need to make top-end 9.

Edrard: The developers have always said that the performance characteristics of CT 9 level, in fact, a little too high, so - Balanced weight of heavy tanks, and level 9 is the same. Whether you're a little nerf ST 9 that they would comply with the general concept and it does not matter?

Veider: It is not going to.

Edrard: The British have already announced, and while that is their topavaya CT Centurion MK5-9, which then can be expected at level 10, really early prototype Chieftain? And what are the contenders for the role of English Fri 10 level?

Veider: Unfortunately for you, this information is still secret, so the answer I will not be able to.

Edrard: There are rumors that the Germans will be the second branch of PT, the crown of which will be the prototype of the Leopard-1. What are the tanks in this thread, and whether this prototype level 10?

Veider: This question also remains unanswered, because, quote, "the further development of the branches, we still do not comment"-end quote.

Edrard: What do you think, will the new scores to enter the arena of global war, they displace their heavy fellow there, or you can on the contrary, they will be used only when the rest of the machinery is frozen?

Veider: 10ki likely to come out into the arena. As for displacement so far, time will tell. But the popularity they enjoy are unique.


Davor gabs noch einige bilder von den neuen. Leider ohne deutsche beteiligung. Weder E50M oder StugE100 waren dabei. Alle bilder gibts auf Wotbase.ru oder wot-news.com






Man erkennt, wenn man sich alle bilder angeschaut hat, das es wohl Stockvarianten bei einigen Tier10 geben wird. Da die kanonen verscheiden ausschaun. Ich hoffe doch das, dass nicht wieder so ein gefikke wird wie beim IS4 :trollface:


Englischer Trailer is nu auch da.


Ich lass das ma auf mich zukommen, denn wenn ich nu dein übersetztes noch mal übersetzen lasse-wir sind ja eher im Deutschsprachigen Raum hier- kommt eh nur Kauderwelsch raus.

Also warten, bis man es selbst "erfährt" oder deutsche News rauskommen...Fachbegriffe usw hatte ich nämlich damals im Schulenglisch nicht, und das ist auch schon ne Weile her.

Und weil WG immer so einfallsreich mit den Linknamen ist, schon der wahrscheinliche downloadlink. Im moment führt der noch ins nix. Aber allen letzten Versionen wurde nur hinten die Nummer ausgetauscht und der rest blieb gleich. Also wirds dieser link scho sein.


Ha und wie ich halt den link vorraussagen kann :D

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

der panzer in der mitter ist der t62 a oder ? und der zweite von oben der patton ?

Bearbeitet von maxtower



T-62A sollte der 2. von unten sein, in der Mitte ist n Ami.


Irgendwie muss ich mal wieder leben hier rein bringen :bleh:

Da heut patch day ist, hier schon mal die downloadlinks vorab, wenn man sich nicht mit dem autoupdate rumqualen will.

Full Installation (3.7GB)


Patch only (1.3GB) [Not Reccommended, use with caution]



Ok nu gibts nen ganzen shitload an news. Ich hau heut aber nur die wichtigste raus.

Das bisherige Changelog von 0.8.1

Changelog for WoT 8.0 to 8.1


- Added base British Tech Tree: medium tanks branch with FV4202 as Tier 10 and heavy tanks with FV215 as Tier 10 tank. IMPORTANT! Please, take in count, that economical, research, and characteristics balance of British vehicles is not yet ready and will be changed

- Following Premium vehicles were added to in-game store: Tier 7 Soviet TD SU-122-44, Tier 7 German MT Panther M-10, Tier 6 German MT PzIV Schmalturm

- Following maps were reworked and optimized for new render graphics: Province, El-Halluf, Dragon Ridge, Abbey

- ‘Dragon Ridge’ map re-introduced to random battles

- ‘Prohorovka’ Assault map removed

- ‘Insufficient credits’ status added to the module hint

Game Mechanics:

- Added possibility to purchase premium rounds using credits in addition to the current gold variant (prices are based on 1 gold = 400 credits exchange rates)

- Added possibility for a platoon creator to exclude game modes for the platoon – this means that platoon will enter only game modes, which are selected in platoon creator options

- Added Object 263 to the description of the ‘Sinai Lion’

- For majority of tanks systemized and readjusted speed of tank burning (minor corrections)

- Chat messages returned to replays

- Upon entering XP exchange window on elite vehicle, which has not all modules researched (due to addition/change of vehicles within update), exchange XP unchecked for it, but vehicle will still be in the list.

Technical Optimization:

- Some objects on several maps were optimized for new render

- Optimized drawing speed of some small objects

- Fixed the productivity slump for several hardware configurations


- Fixed rare issue, which caused player be balanced into game modes he previously excluded

- Fixed a wrong possibility rate to be balanced in a game mode, if one of game modes is excluded (for example, this caused player be balanced to often to ‘Encouter’ game, if ‘Assault’ if excluded)

- Fixed the bug, which caused throwing tank out after it drove inside a bunker

- Fixed the errors in placing of objects and lighting on maps Ruinberg, Widepark, El-Halluf and Himmelsdorf

- Removed tank ‘shadow’ from the hangar for cases, when the vehicle is still in battle

- Removed gap between tank and surface in standard hangar

- Fixed mistakes in models of following vehicles: Pz IV Schmalturm, SU-122-54, Super Pershing, VK 3002 DB, VK 3001H

- Fixed mistakes in display of camouflage patters on SU-100-M1

- Fixed incorrect display of emblems and inscriptions on following vehicles: AMX 13F3AM, D2, SU-122-54, Tetrarch, VK3601H

- Fixed the display of SPG schematics in status window during the battle (previously tanks were displayed instead of SPG

- Fixed the display of SU-122-54 turret armoring

- Fixed the slop angle of lower armoring plate of IS-7 (changed to historical)

- Fixed the slop angle of lower armoring plate of IS-3 (changed to historical). Fixed armoring of tank’s bottom

- Fixed water display artifacts with enabled antialiasing

- Fixed the incorrect re-initialization of dynamic shadows after switching over to the game using Alt+Tab

- Fixed the display of suspension tracks while in air

- Fixed the display of grass in Sniper Mode with this option disabled

- Fixed rare incorrect interaction between water and fog

- Fixed many small interface errors of after battle statistics window

- Fixed error of replaying the base capture sound during replay pause

- Fixed the rare error with stop of replay reproduction after rewinding

- Fixed the incorrect work of minimap in Clan Wars battles (with Fog of War enabled)

- Fixed the impossibility to reconnect to Clan Wars battle, if replays are enabled

- Fixed the memory leak upon radial menu opening

- Fixed the update of tank icons in nation tree in research menu

- Fixed the incorrect status for researched modules on vehicles that has not been yet researched

- Fixed the intersection of ammo rack blow-up icon with damage numbers

- Fixed the incorrect sound for hitting the stone surface

- Fixed the call of battle menu only after second pressing of ‘Esc’ button

- Fixed rare bug with unavailability of mouse cursor in battle menu window

- Fixed some small errors in ‘Exterior’ menu window

- Fixed some grammar errors in German inscriptions

- Fixed the receive of a daily suspension, if account was online for more than 25 hours

- Removed possibility to retrain crew to ‘Observer’ tank

- Fixed incorrect display of penetration mark after ricochet

- Fixed the impossibility to make a screenshot with active battle chat

- Fixed the display of 3 types of shells in Hangar for tanks, which have only 2 types of ammunition

- Fixed the slop angle of lower armoring plate of IS-7 (changed to historical)

- Fixed the slop angle of lower armoring plate of IS-3 (changed to historical). Fixed armoring of tank’s bottom

Endlich kann man die kackmodes auch im platoon abwählen.

Das mit der Goldmuni wird interessant. Werd mir wohl den VK2801 wieder kaufen. :whistling: Bin mal gespannt wie die das balancen wollen. Ich mein ein Hetzer mit Gold gefahren is ja dann der totale Imbatank.

- Added possibility to purchase premium rounds using credits in addition to the current gold variant (prices are based on 1 gold = 400 credits exchange rates)

:facepalm: ... und es fliegt somit wieder runter.


Was für ein Schwachsinn. :trollface:

Changelog for WoT 8.0 to 8.1

- Fixed the slop angle of lower armoring plate of IS-7 (changed to historical)

- Fixed the slop angle of lower armoring plate of IS-3 (changed to historical). Fixed armoring of tank’s bottom

Endlich kann man die kackmodes auch im platoon abwählen.

Das mit der Goldmuni wird interessant. Werd mir wohl den VK2801 wieder kaufen. :whistling: Bin mal gespannt wie die das balancen wollen. Ich mein ein Hetzer mit Gold gefahren is ja dann der totale Imbatank.

... wollen wir wetten das es sich dabei um einen "heimlichen Buff" handelt, weil changed to historical ist alles andere als Aussagekräftig was genau damit nun gemacht wurde?


Was wird die Auswirkung der Amorplate für den IS-3/IS-7 sein, mehr oder weniger bounces ?


Das is nu die Frage. In 0.8.0 wurde die LFP des IS7 ja generft. Der Winkel wurde geändert und glaub die Panzerungsstärke verringert. In den patchnotes war es ja damals nicht. Im offiziellen wird nu diskutiert das es sich hierbei nun nur um den versäumten patchnote von 0.8.0 handelt. Es ändert sich daher zur aktuellen Version nichts.

Aber mal schaun ob sich da einer findet, der das genau testet. Du wot armory gibt ja leider nicht mehr.

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