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Achtung beim 18. handelt es sich bisher nur um ein gerücht.


Wie mich die Chinokentanks nur nerven. Scheiß Kopien der OPs -.-

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

So mal eine News für die arty bobs unter uns :trollface:


AMX Obusier automoteur de 105


BatChatillon155 auf Patton II


10,5cm Sfl. auf Geschützpanzer Mk.VI(e)


Pz.Sfl.IVb - Heuschrecke


GW Elefant


SU 122A


Su 14-1





Bearbeitet von SirGutz

Pfui, weg mit dem Zeugs :omg:


Die Heuschrecke kann man bestimmt gut als TD spielen :derb:

Rest davon ist mir egal.


Sieht das alles billig aus


Direkt vom US-Portal die patchnotes für 0.8.5

Added new branch of German medium and light tanks:
VK 20.01 (D) tier IV medium tank
VK 30.02 (D) v1 tier VI medium tank
Aufklarerpanzer Panther tier VII light tank
Indien Panzer tier VIII medium tank
Prototype der Arbeitsgruppe A tier IX medium tank
Leopard 1 tier X medium tank
Added new branch of USSR light tanks:
Т-60 tier II light tank
Т-70 tier III light tank
Т-80 tier IV light tank
Added new map: Pearl River
Changes and improvements for after-battle statistics screen
Added notification for automatic conversions after version releases (change of shells, modules, vehicles, etc.)
Added new inscriptions for five nations: USSR, Germany, USA, France, and United Kingdom
Updated the description of the Situational Awareness skill
Added a display of team status as a list of vehicle types icons at the top of the screen

Added gameplay and visual fixes for the following maps: Redshire, El-Halluf, Karelia, Prohorovka, and Sand River
Added improvements for Assault mode for the following maps: Malinovka, Karelia, and Sand River
Premium consumables (med kits, repair kits, etc.) are now available for credits (according to gold/credits exchange rate similar to that of premium shells)
Creation of platoons for 3 players is now available for basic accounts
Creation of tank companies is now available for basic accounts
Added new Match Maker rule for the balancing of light tanks:
All vehicles marked as Scout will be balanced according to the currently existing SPG rule: balance weight of Scouts in both teams won’t differ on more than +/-20 balance weight points
The following vehicles will be marked as Scouts:




VK 16.02
VK 28.01

United States

M24 Chaffee


AMX 12t
AMX 13 75
AMX 13 90


M5A1 Stuart
59 16
WZ 131
WZ 132

Reduced credit cost for temporary camouflages, emblems, and inscriptions
Reduced terrain resistance when driving a tank on some destroyed objects

Improved visual models for the following vehicles: IS-3, Valentine AT, Pz V Panther, Pz IV/V, Object 263, VK 3001H, Conqueror, IS-4М, Matilda Black Prince, IS-7, ARL-44, and Black Prince
Reworked graphics for the following maps: Siegfried Line, South Coast, and Malinovka
Increased the resolution for Inscriptions on vehicles and places where such changes were possible
Optimized vehicle motion effects for dust and dirt that kicks out from under a vehicle's treads
Reworked multiple object destruction effects

Changed the mechanics of how Expert and Expert Per Nation achievements work:
Those who received the medal earlier (and the medal is greyed out) will get back the respective medal as active
Neither Expert nor Expert Per Nation achievements will fade after new vehicle introduction in new update
The rest will get the greyed medal (Expert and Expert Per Nation) that on mouse-over will show, which tanks should be destroyed to obtain the medal
Fixed description of following achievements: Raider, Reaper, Dumitru’s Medal, de Langlade's Medal, and Lion of Sinai

Changed the Renault M26/27 engine price from 300 to 0 credits

Changed the Lorraine39 L AM tracks price from 1,730 to 590 credits

Changed the ammo capacity of the 12,8 cm KwK 44 L/55 gun from 42 to 72 shells
Changed the ammo capacity of the 15 cm KwK 44 L/3 gun from 28 to 50 shells
Raised the travel speed of all shells from 850 to 925 meters/second
Changed the DB 603 A2 engine type from diesel to gasoline
VK 28.01
Changed the research price from 52,100 to 28,500 experience
Reduced the repair price by 60%
Changed the declination angle from 8 to 10 grades
VK 30.02 (D)
Changed the suspension traverse mechanism of the VK 30.02 (D)
Changed the suspension traverse speed of the VK 30.02 (D) from 36 to 38
Changed the verstärkteketten suspension traverse mechanism of the VK 30.02 (D)
Changed the verstärkteketten suspension traverse speed of the VK 30.02 (D) from 40 to 42
Changed the MB 507 engine horse power from 750 to 720
Added the Maybach HL 230 TRM P30 engine
Fixed the VK 30.02 (D) Schmalturm and VK 30.02 (D) turrets armoring errors
Slightly rebalanced all of the guns
Raised the elevation and declination angles
Changed the VK 30.02 (D) Schmalturm turret view range from  370 to 380 m
Changed the VK 30.02 (D) turret view range from from 350 to 370 m
Changed the VK 30.02 (D) Schmalturm turret traverse speed from 30 grad/sec to 24 grad/second
Changed the VK 30.02 (D) turret traverse speed from 46 grad/sec to 32 grad/second
Changed the VK 30.02 (D) HP from 1,180 to 1,150
VK 36.01 (H)
Shell penetration value of Pzgr. 41 HK of gun 7,5 cm KwK 41 L/58 Konisch changed from 225 mm to 221 mm
Damage, made by shell Pzgr. 41 StK of gun 7,5 cm KwK 41 L/58 Konisch, changed from 65 to 165
Shell penetration value of Pzgr. 41 StK of gun 7,5 cm KwK 41 L/58 Konisch changed from 167 mm to 157 mm

United Kingdom
Price of QF 2-pdr Mk. X gun changed from 3,000 to 6,000 credits
Price of 75 mm Vickers HV gun changed from 63,000 to 50,000 credits
Price of OQF 77 mm Gun Mk. II gun changed from 50,000 to 63,000 credits
Price of OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII gun changed from 60,000 to 70,000 credits
Price of Centurion Mk. III turret changed from 50,500 to 42,000 credits
Centurion Mk. I
Price of Centurion Mk. I turret changed from 15,000 to 20,000 credits
Price of Centurion Mk. III turret changed from 32,000 to 42,000 credits
AT 15
Research price of engine Rolls-Royce Meteor changed from 1,900 to 1,500 experience

United States
M4A2E4 Sherman
Elevation level of the 75 mm Gun M3 L/37 gun increased from 20 deg to 25 deg
Level of suspension T25/2T4 changed from 7 to 8
Price of suspension T25/2T4 changed from 19,200 to 32,720 credits
Price of suspension T82T55E2 changed from 1,850 to 740 credits
Price of suspension T82T55E4 changed from 740 to 1,480 credits

Cost of 37 mm ZIS-19 gun changed from 2,560 to 4,250 credits
Cost of 122 mm U11 gun changed from 59,920 to 45,920 credits
Cost of 85 mm F-30 gun changed from 41,000 to 48,000 credits
Cost of 76 mm S-54 gun changed from 41,480 to 40,130 credits
Cost of B-2CH engine changed from 17,000 to 34,000 credits
Cost of 85 mm S-31 gun changed from 42,200 to 49,200 credits
Cost of 57 mm ZiS-4 changed from 40,130 to 41,480 credits
А-20, Т-46, Т-50-2
Damage dealt by UBR-243SP shell of 45 mm BT-42 gun changed from 49 to 55
Damage dealt by UBR-243SPA shell of 45 mm BT-42 gun changed from 49 to 55
Armor penetration of UBR-243SPA shell of 45mm BT-42 gun changed from 95 mm to 110 mm
Damage dealt by UOF-243 shell of 45mm BT-42 gun changed from 63 to 65
Added M-80 engine
Removed GAZ-203F engine
Max speed changed from 50 km/h to 59.6 km/h
Turning speed of SU-76 suspension changed from 32 to 38
Turning speed of SU-76M suspension changed from 32 to 38

Added fixes for collision models for the PanzerJager I and JagdPz E-100
Fixed minor errors in the names of vehicles and modules
Fixed issue where large vehicles would get stuck under hanging elements of map objects (e.g. bridges, etc.)
Fixed rare bug when shell with a "small damage to modules" parameter disappears after it hits enemy gun of higher strength
Fixed bug when HE shells don't cause full HE damage to the external module after penetration
Fixed behavior of HE shell after hitting crew of a destroyed tank with an open-topped compartment
Fixed bug of showing shells exploding in the air
Fixed indication of damage to the fuel tank when it's destroyed in some rare cases
Destroyed vehicles no longer absorb damage caused by HE shells. They are always exploding on the surface of these vehicles
Fixed bug that didn't cause damage to lighter vehicles when located on top of heavy vehicles
Partially fixed issue of emblems and inscriptions vanishing on vehicles after Alt-Tab or adjusting AA settings
Fixed the wording on memory leak warning messages
Fixed errors when creating a private chat channel (e.g. not displaying channel creator, freezing of chat window when closing, etc.)
Fixed appearance of premium vehicles’ modules in the in-game shop
Fixed description of consumables 100-octane Gasoline and 105-octane Gasoline
Fixed minor bugs in the battle tutorial
Fixed the loss of camouflage net and binocular telescope effects when attempting to move a vehicle with a damaged track
Fixed Sixth Sense indicator that may have stopped working after rapid re-spotting
Fixed the display of lag indicator with green color when server operational load is close to 100%
Fixed the display of the tank collision effect when tanks are at a different height
Fixed some ambient object models

is7 wurde mal eben 10 kmh schneller gemacht :kritisch:


Die er eh nur im freien Fall erreicht. Genauso wie seine momentane topspeed

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Fixed the VK 30.02 (D) Schmalturm and VK 30.02 (D) turrets armoring errors

Slightly rebalanced all of the guns

Raised the elevation and declination angles

Changed the VK 30.02 (D) Schmalturm turret view range from  370 to 380 m

Changed the VK 30.02 (D) turret view range from from 350 to 370 m

Changed the VK 30.02 (D) Schmalturm turret traverse speed from 30 grad/sec to 24 grad/second

Changed the VK 30.02 (D) turret traverse speed from 46 grad/sec to 32 grad/second

Changed the VK 30.02 (D) HP from 1,180 to 1,150


:facepalm: jetzt ist das Ding doch nur noch crappy.


VK 30.02 (D)

Changed the suspension traverse mechanism of the VK 30.02 (D)

Changed the verstärkteketten suspension traverse mechanism of the VK 30.02 (D)


Bedeutet ?

Bearbeitet von Buggy McDermit

das ding ist nu eigentlich sogar besser und spielt sich auch deutlich angenehmer. Was nämlich nich drin steht, ist das man nu 8° gundepression statt 6 hat. Dazu sinkt auch noch das gewicht.

Im grunde wird der im nächsten pach gebufft aber an den softstats die so nicht ersichtlich sind.


Direkt vom US-Portal die patchnotes für 0.8.5

Added new Match Maker rule for the balancing of light tanks:

All vehicles marked as Scout will be balanced according to the currently existing SPG rule: balance weight of Scouts in both teams won’t differ on more than +/-20 balance weight points

The following vehicles will be marked as Scouts:







VK 16.02

VK 28.01


United States

M24 Chaffee





AMX 12t

AMX 13 75

AMX 13 90


M5A1 Stuart

59 16

WZ 131

WZ 132


Was heist das jetzt für die lights ?

Und was ist mit dem Type 62 kommt der jetzt nurnoch in Tier 7 gefechte. :thihi:


Wie sich das mm für die scouts verändert, werden wir dann sehen, wenn die neue mm tabelle da ist.

Beim Type 62 könnt ich mir vorstellen, das die den nu einfach vergessen haben den aufzuführen. Is ja nicht das erste mal, dass die was vergessen.


Achtung! Wichtige Informationen zu eurem Spielkonto

Während einer Routine-Sicherheitskontrolle, mussten wir vor kurzem feststellen, dass es aufgrund einer Sicherheitslücke eventuell geschehen sein konnte, dass persönliche Daten in Gefahr geraten sein könnten. Wir haben den Vorfall sofort untersucht und können euch versichern, dass keine Finanzinformationen (Kreditkartendaten/Transaktionsberichte, etc.) beeinträchtigt wurden. Es kann jedoch sein, dass einige Passwörter und E-Mail-Adressen durch das Sicherheitsleck ausgelesen wurden. 

Die Sicherheit eures Accounts hat für uns bei Wargaming höchste Priorität. Vorsichtshalber wollen wir daher eine globale Untersuchung unserer Sicherheitsbestimmungen einleiten, um euren Schutzfaktor in Zukunft für euch zu erhöhen. W

ir bitten euch daher, euer Wargaming-ID-Account-Passwort in der Kontoverwaltungsseite zurückzusetzen und euch ein neues auszuwählen.


Fürs ändern gibts wohl als "belohnung" 300 gold


Wollt ich eben machen aber mein Account ist blocked. WTF?

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