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FH-Campaign: Breaking the wall

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As we approached the beaches, all I could think of was one specific line in the speech General Eisenhower before we left England: “The free men of the world are marching to victory!”

I felt reassured as we left in the L.C.I.’s even though I could not hear myself think because of the hundreds of explosions around me.

I still can’t describe the horror I saw when we stopped.

The hatch opened and suddenly the first 7 men die in front of me. I ran forward and as I approached the beach, I saw my own friends a few feet away from me have their arms and heads shot off, I could only see bullets flying... I didn’t even know where the hell we were, where was my company? All I could think of was that the war had begun.


Play an unique experience for Forgotten Hope 0.7

Breaking the Wall has just started


  • Play a Forgotten Hope 1 campaign spanning 15 battles across the Normandy.

  • For the first time in a Forgotten Honor FH1 campaign, two invasion maps played as scrim: Dunkerque where the allied were pushed out and their comeback at Utah Beach.

  • Teamwork oriented armies employing strategies and co-operation with promotions and rewards for your achievements.

  • Large scale battles every Saturday at 19:00 GMT.

  • New maps produced by experienced mappers and tested extensively by the community to assure a high level of playability.

  • New friendships with likeminded people from all over the world.

  • It is free to join, and everybody is welcome.


Click here to Sign Up!

Forgotten Honor is a gaming platform that has a great amount of experience in arranging online events for games. We work our way up to bring you the opportunity to game as the way we think it should be: a full immersive experience. This is what makes FH so different. The context we add to your games creates a gaming environment you can't get with the vanilla game. Because at the end, those huge intense hours of gameplay with us is what makes a game unforgetable. Forgotten Honor has nearly 12,000 registered gamers and partnered up with AAA title developers and distributors.

Forgotten Honor is a platform that puts gamers together by giving value for their game experiences.


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Hi, ich nochmal, kurz 2 Sachen:

Es gibt noch reichlich Platz und nächstes Wochenende geht es dann auch schon los. Also bei Intresse bitte melden. Falls ihr Fragen habt, dürft ihr mir auch gerne eine pm schreiben oder hier posten. Es gibt auf deutscher Seite auch wieder ein deutschsprachiges Regiment, nur falls sich jemand durch den englischen Text abgeschreckt fühlt.

Die Betreiber der Seite würde ich gern fragen, ob es möglich wäre eine kleine News zu schreiben. Würde uns sehr helfen. Danke schon mal im vorraus.

Die Betreiber der Seite würde ich gern fragen, ob es möglich wäre eine kleine News zu schreiben. Würde uns sehr helfen. Danke schon mal im vorraus.

Hier in dem Thread wird das warscheinlich untergehen,aber auf der Startseite gibt es links den button "News einsenden" probier es doch mal damit ;)


Danke für den Hinweis, habe die News eingeschickt.


Die ersten zwei Scrims sind vorbei, dabei hatten die Achsenmächte die Oberhand, doch diese Wochenende wird es ernst. Der erste gewertete Battle wartet.

Anmeldungen sind immer noch möglich, also worauf wartet ihr, auf in die Schlacht.

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