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DayZ [OT]

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Server steht = MY263


Ich farm noch nen bisschen EXP bei Minecraft, dann komm ich mal ;)


hey zone was ist mit deinem server? da steht immer "waiting for host"


Die basteln an den Datenbankservern rum. Hoffe das ist bis morgen behoben.




Neues Update in Sicht.


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Posted Yesterday, 07:57 AM

Next Build
Community Change log:

* [Prerequisites] New mission file downloaded from (http://www.silentspy...sion-generator/)
* [Prerequisites] Battleye filters must be updated manually by server admins.

* [NEW] - Models and textures for mutton.
* [NEW] - Seperate meat for goats, same blood regen as mutton.
* [NEW] - Can now combine magazines.
* [NEW] - Added new loot & table for church.
* [NEW] - Added new food and drink items (only found in supermarkets).
* [NEW] - Added model for a dropped map and watch.
* [NEW] - Weapon MakarovSD (Military, Military Special).
* [NEW] - Weapon RPK_74 (Mi8 Helicrash).
* [NEW] - Vehicle Damage in Percent (With a Toolbox).
* [NEW] - 5L Fuel can takes 1 inv slot.
* [NEW] - Zeds can now push players to the ground when attacked from behind.
* [NEW] - Bigger Compass (You can see the number of degrees).
* [NEW] - Added auth retry system to make sure clients are authed before they spawn (should stop seagull issue).
* [NEW] - Added force end mission for players joining with wrong version/failed auth. (Will replace timout later).

* [FIXED] - Vehicle Repair should now always work correctly.
* [FIXED] - M107 & AS50 Lock on system removed.
* [FIXED] - Humanity skin change can now change during gameplay in all directions. (No longer have to die to change from hero to normal to bandit and vice versa)
* [FIXED] - StudyBody should now work
* [FIXED] - Crashsite loot should now spawn correct for all types of Crash model.
* [FIXED] - Hero Skin teleport issue.
* [FIXED] - BAF Bags so they dont set on fire. :-) (no moaning it was a bug)
* [FIXED] - Updated timeout timer from 40 secs to 60 secs, Should allow lower end system to keep up. (Something went wrong, please disconnect and try again!)

* [uPDATED] - Reset action alert of zeds, Zeds hearing from actions is now reset back to (Max sight/hearing from movement forced to 80 meters)
* [uPDATED] - Updated rabbit to drop 2 raw food items. Lowered hp gain to Raw - 200 each / Cooked - 800 each.
* [uPDATED] - Moved anti teleport system to mission. Server admins can choose to enable/disable. (See prerequisites)
* [uPDATED] - M107 lowered chance in loot tables.
* [uPDATED] - AS50 lowered chance in loot tables.
* [uPDTAED] - ALL loot table weights have been updated.
* [uPDATED] - Updated Czech, German, Spanish, French and Russian stringtable.
* [uPDATED] - CrashSite Loot should now represent each type of model more. (("MilitaryWEST","HeliCrashWEST") Two new crash site loot tables)
* [uPDATED] - Zed spawn timer to 5 mins from 2 mins this should allow an area to be cleared of zeds before more spawn.
* [uPDATED] - Readded Save option to tent and vehilces this is a fail save option. (Due to a small amount of servers reporting issues with tents saving. With no info for us to recreate we readded this option to save tents/vehilces)
* [uPDATED] - Zed generate system. Should stop zeds spawning in veiw of players then being moved/deleted
* [uPDATED] - Zed attacks updated to make them less random. (ie first hit from full hp will no longer put you unconscious)
* [uPDATED] - Zeds overall dmg has been updated per hit/per zed (Max possible dmg if headshot = 1200 blood, Max body dmg = 700 blood)
* [uPDATED] - Bleed from zed attacks will now only happen if the initial dmg is above 0.8 or the zed gives a head shot. (should reduce the amount of bandages needed)


Bin gerade in "Verhandlungen" mit meinem Provider.

1. Hab ich die Slotzahl auf 50 reduziert, was (denke ich mal) ausreichend ist.

2. versuche ich Lingor auch für den private Hive zu bekommen


Denn in einem Blog vom Provider steht:


Die Server sind in den gängigen Gamebrowsern wie zb. dem Six Laucher oder dem DayZ Commander anhand der Locationid “DE MY” zu finden. Zudem sind dort die Maps Chernarus, Lingor und Takistan spielbar.


Wobei mir beim private Hive nur Chernarus angezeigt wird. Das will ich jetzt geklärt wissen. Denn wenn sie das schreiben, sollten sie das auch anbieten. :datass:


Wer testet heute abend mit mir DayZ Epoch?





DayZ Epoch is a modification of DayZ set in a future time after the Great Infection. Humanity is slowly returning to the wasteland, industrious survivors have begun to join together in small groups and rebuild society. Merchants have started to pop up to do business with survivors who collect goods from the wasted remnants of civilization. Wholesalers have landed, offering imported goods to aid the rebuilding effort.


All is not safe however some vestiges of infection still remain and rogue bandits still roam the countryside preying on unsuspecting survivors.

Survive, explore, build wealth, make your way through the harsh environment and assist in the effort to rebuild, or burn it all down its your choice, live in the Epoch.


Ein paar Features:



  • Kill Message Board - Each Trader City contains a Kill Message Board that lists all the kills/deaths in the server since the last restart.
  • Crafting System - Ability to craft certain items
  • Smelting System - Ability to smelt certain metals from readily available materials
  • Currency System - Gold, Silver, Copper, Tin and Aluminum Bars
  • Dynamic Road Debris System - DayZ debris system replaced by random vehicle wrecks and debris that spawn on roads with loot.
  • Dynamic Vehicle Spawn System - DayZ fixed vehicle spawns replaced with random vehicle spawns anywhere near buildings or roads throughout the map.
  • Base Building System - Placeable Barriers, Fences and Gates (difficult to remove)
  • Tag Friendly Players - Get a visual identifier for those you have made friends with.
  • Salvage Parts - Remove wheels and window glass from vehicles. The higher the damage to the part the higher the chance the part will break and be destroyed.
  • Siphon Fuel - Fill Empty Jerry Cans on vehicles if they have enough fuel.
  • Personal Safe - Owner lockable storage tied to CD-Key.
  • NPC Traders (note: Players at -2000 or less Humanity will not be able to deal directly with most NPC Traders)
    • Weapons Traders Sidearms, Shotguns and Crossbow, Rifles, Assault Rifles, Machine Guns, Sniper Rifles.
    • Parts Traders Auto Parts, Building Supplies, Explosives.
    • Can Traders Canned food, Drinks, Toolbelt items, Backpacks, Clothing.
    • Ammo traders Ammo for all types of guns.
    • Auto Traders - Cars, Trucks (Unarmed), SUV, Buses and Vans, Offroad, Helicopter (Unarmed), Military (Unarmed), Trucks (Armed), Utility, Fuel Trucks, Heavy Armor Unarmed, Helicopter (Armed), Military (Armed).
    • Mad Scientists Trade Zombie Parts for Bio Meat, Utility, Medical Supplies, Chem-lites/Flares, Smoke Grenades.
    • Metals Traders Convert bars into a different currency.
    • Boat Traders Boats (Unarmed), Boats (Armed).
    • Wholesalers Random goods dirt cheap.
    • Plane Traders Various prop driven aircraft
    • Black Market Explosives, Military Equipment
  • Vehicle Ownership - Purchased vehicles can be locked/unlocked by owner
    (Tied to CD Key). All owned vehicles will spawn locked after server restart.
  • Custom new content:
    • Energy Drink - very rare (it has wings).
    • Zombie Parts Bag. - Gut zombies.
    • Bio Meat - Adds 1600 hp when eaten but higher chance to get infected.
    • Gold, Silver, Copper, Tin and Aluminum Bars
  • Infected Player
    • Die while infected and you will return as a random infected player.
    • Walk or crawl like a Zombie.
    • Practically invisible to other zombies both sight and hearing.
    • Can run very fast without sprinting.
    • Cannot use any items or carry weapons.
    • Cannot bleed.
    • Cannot drive or ride in vehicles.
    • Infected Player Skills
      • Raise Horde - Calls all zombies to your location within 100m.(zombies will detect and attack the infected player)
      • Attack - Short range melee attack causes bleeding, broken legs and/or infection
      • Feed - Only way to gain health is by feeding on dead players or wild animals.

Ich lads mal runter ^^


Klingt interessant


Versteh ich das richtig, dass man quasi selbst zum Zombie wird?


Ja, das verstehst du richtig. Wenn du also infiziert wirst, kannst du daran sterben und spawnst als Zombie und kannst Zombie Horden herbei rufen, dich wie ein Zombie bewegen und angreifen.


Stelle ich mir als Abwechslung ganz amüsant vor. :)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Neuer Dev-Blog ist draußen. Wisst ihr wieso das Standalone immer noch nicht da ist? Weil Rocket lieber n paar Wochen zwei Monate Urlaub macht. Um den Mount Everest zu besteigen. Die Spieler warten auf ihr Spiel, jeder Tag der vergeht ist wahrscheinlich ein potenzieller Kunde weniger für ein DayZ-Standalone.. und er setzt sich erstmal ins Ausland ab.  :ugly:

Bearbeitet von Pedder

hihihihi... :thihi:


  Am 15.4.2013 um 16:25 schrieb Pedder:

Neuer Dev-Blog ist draußen. Wisst ihr wieso das Standalone immer noch nicht da ist? Weil Rocket lieber n paar Wochen zwei Monate Urlaub macht. Um den Mount Everest zu besteigen. Die Spieler warten auf ihr Spiel, jeder Tag der vergeht ist wahrscheinlich ein potenzieller Kunde weniger für ein DayZ-Standalone.. und er setzt sich erstmal ins Ausland ab.  :ugly:


PR-technisch katastrophal und dann auch noch sagen, dass Spiel ist ja eigentlich so gut wie fertig. Naja da werden wir wohl noch 2-3 Monate warten dürfen auf die Alpha!!!  :kritisch:

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