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Names and images of all 10 Battlefield 4 maps leak online Resort, Dish, Tremors and more revealed in leaked images. By David Scammell (@VG_DaveOn 26th Sep, 2013 at 12:07pm113186_avatar64x64.jpg?4

The internal names and images of all ten multiplayer maps expected to be included in Battlefield 4 have leaked online.

The images, spotted by a member of NeoGAF, were discovered on Battlelog – EA's social network for Battlefield – and drop hints at what to expect from the upcoming shooter.

One previously unrevealed map appears to be set within a radar array in a forest area, with another set on an island resort. You can take a look at the images and their placeholder names below.






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Commander News:



The feedback we’ve received following our in-depth blog post on the return of Commander Mode has been tremendous, and we’re listening! The team at DICE is hard at work putting the final touches on Battlefield 4, but we managed to get some time with Valerian Noghin, Multiplayer Designer on Commander Mode.

High Value Targets
One of the primary objectives for a Commander will be to identify threats.  In Battlefield 4, we are giving the Commander the ability to identify High Value Targets, turning up the intensity on the battlefield even more.
When a player has reached a kill streak of six, they will appear as a selectable unit on the Commander Screen. Once this happens, the opposing teams Commander can choose to reveal the HVT’s location on the map. Once they do that, a timer begins to count down and a message will appear on-screen letting that Commanders team know where that HVT is via the mini map.
If the HVT takes down an enemy while the timer is counting down, they will receive bonus points for each kill. If you’re good, racking up great amounts of points during a match will be easier, but don’t expect it to be easy if you’re playing against a well-coordinated team. Rewarding skilled players is really important for us, as we don’t want them to feel as if this is a punishment, but rather something that they should be proud about.
When a player eliminates a HVT they will receive a one-time bonus, and the Commander that issued the order will also receive a bonus based on the total amount of kills the HVT had during their kill streak. Taking down a HVT isn’t an easy task, especially if the opposing Commander utilizes assets such as the EMP or even supply drops to help his team out. When the countdown ends, there will be a cool down before a Commander can choose a new target, so it won’t be possible to HVT spam.
Becoming a Commander
You’ve been on the battlefield and now you’re ready to lead your team to victory. Players that have reached Rank 10, will be able to join matches as a Commander on a first-come, first-served basis. This rank requirement will also be required for Commanders playing on tablets, meaning they will need PC/console experience before leading their teams while on the move. PC players will use Battlelog to join, while console players will be able to do this through the in-game menus.
Commander Mutiny
Think you can be a better Commander? If so, start a mutiny. Squad leaders who disapprove of the Commanders performance will be able to vote for a mutiny against the Commander. When a Commander reaches the munity threshold, all players on the team will be informed and a countdown timer of 2 minutes will appear on the Commander Screen (and those of the squad leaders). The Commander will be able to directly see which leaders disapprove and will have some time to turn the tide of the battle, showing that they are worthy to be in the position. Unlike normal voting, squad leaders can at any point change their minds and show that they now approve of how the Commander plays.  If a mutiny does occur, new Commanders will have a couple of minutes’ grace period when taking the seat before a mutiny can be started against them.
Bearbeitet von renesweb74
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NVidia 331.40 Beta Treiber mit Support für Battlefield 4


XP 32bit: http://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/331.40/331.40-desktop-winxp-32bit-english-beta.exe
XP 64bit: http://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/331.40/331.40-desktop-winxp-64bit-english-beta.exe

Windows 8/Vista/7 32bit: http://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/331.40/331.40-desktop-win8-win7-winvista-32bit-english-beta.exe
Windows 8/Vista/7 64bit: http://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/331.40/331.40-desktop-win8-win7-winvista-64bit-international-beta.exe

Windows 8/7 32bit: http://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/331.40/331.40-notebook-win8-win7-32bit-international-beta.exe
Windows 8/7 64bit: http://us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/331.40/331.40-notebook-win8-win7-64bit-international-beta.exe

The new GeForce 331.40 beta driver, is now available to download. An essential update for all GeForce GTX users jumping into the Battlefield 4 Beta, 331.40 beta ensures maximum performance and system stability in the shooter’s eagerly anticipated pre-release test.
Rounding out 331.40 beta is a whole host of profile updates, adding new SLI profiles, updating existing SLI profiles, adding new Ambient Occlusion profiles, and updating other profile elements for optimum game experiences:

Bearbeitet von sid6.5
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Habe dazu noch nichts gefunden, sorry falls es doch schon irgendwo stehen sollte:


Das sind die bislang geplanten 5 DLCs für BF4:


1. China Rising:


"Kämpfe mit brandneuen Fahrzeugen und militärischer Hightech-Ausrüstung auf vier riesigen Karten um die Vorherrschaft im weitläufigen und majestätischen China."


2. Second Assault:


"Battlefield 4™ Second Assault wird nach der Veröffentlichung zuerst für Xbox One-Kunden erhältlich sein. Diese Premium-Erweiterung wird vier der beliebtesten Karten aus Battlefield 3 beinhalten, die für unsere fortschrittliche Frostbite 3-Engine überarbeitet wurden und neue Multiplayer-Features aus Battlefield 4 enthalten werden."


3. Naval Strike: 


"Erlebe mitreißende Seeschlachten - in Naval Strike verlagert die chinesische Flotte den Kampf aufs Meer. Battlefield 4™ Naval Strike ist eine von fünf thematisch ausgerichteten Erweiterungen, die in der BF4 Premium-Mitgliedschaft enthalten sind."


4. Dragon's Teeth: 


"Erlebe gnadenlose Häuserkämpfe auf neuen Multiplayer-Karten und kämpfe dich durch vom Krieg gezeichnete Städte, die von der chinesischen Armee abgeriegelt wurden. Battlefield 4™ Dragon's Teeth ist eine von fünf Erweiterungen, die in BF4 Premium enthalten sind."


5. Final Stand: 


"In Battlefield 4™ Final Stand erreicht der Krieg sein episches Finale. Weitere Informationen zu dieser Erweiterung werden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt veröffentlicht. Battlefield 4™ Final Stand ist in BF4 Premium enthalten und die fünfte Erweiterung für Battlefield 4."


Zu allen ist auf Battlelog folgender Satz zu finden: 



Bearbeitet von Jesus C²
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Hab hier nen ganz interessanten Beitrag gefunden.

"Battlefield 4 CPU-Test: Windows 8.1 bis zu 50 Prozent schneller als Windows 7"





Ich hoffe der Link ist erlaubt. Andernfalls bitte umgehend löschen!

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Twitter @battlefield:

New Obliteration mode is rolling out in the #BF4 Beta (PC/PS3/X360). Server availability will increase gradually. bit.ly/1a9OQe5k

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Änderungen im Beta Patch 2 (10.10.2013)
- Zwei weitere Korrekturen die lange bzw. endlose Ladebildschirme auslösten wurden behoben
- Diverse Verbesserungen, um die Performance mit Quadcore und Sixcore CPU’s zu optimieren
- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, der auf Dualcore Systemen zum Absturz nach dem Ladevorgang führte
- Ein Fehler, der in Verbindung mit DirectX 10 Grafikkarten zum Absturz führte, wurde behoben
- Diverse Stabilitäts-Verbesserungen
- Diverse Korrekturen um Abstürze zu verhindern

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