sid6.5 319 Melden Geschrieben 28. März 2013 (bearbeitet) GameKult interview GameKult : During the marketing campaign of bf3, PC players have been criticizing you for showing singleplayer that didn't interest them and by console players that knew that it would render differently on their TV. For bf4, you decide to do it again with singleplayer on PC. Why ? Lars Gustavsson : Good question ! I have been working on battlefield for 14 years now since the first prototype and we only had multiplayer at the time. I think multi is on our genes but we want to create something new and cool everytime. For the singleplayer, we are still learning and we want to show not only to the media but also to us that we can make it a true component of battlefield. I think we succeeded with bad company, and with battlefield 3, we learnt how to tell a story with some epic moments but losing a bit of the battlefield spirit. It was linear, scripted, without any real choices but this time, since the beginning of the project, we wanted to take the direction of an united battlefield with the multiplayer philosophy, even in singleplayer. This is why we are showing solo but also, to be honest, because it is easier to realize that kind of presentation with single player game. If we play multiplayer on stage, people don't get everything that is going on. GK : Another critic of battlefield 3 solo was the feeling you were more of a spectator than an actor. today's demo was visually impressive but i didn't get the feeling that the player had much impact on the events. Will we really have an impact on battlefield 4 campaign ? LG : You definitively have more influence on battlefield 4. We only showed you the first level, the prologue so you are learning basic actions, how to run, shoot and then we introduce you to the building area and let you decide what you want to do. you can use a vehicle or not, you can order your squad to open fire, distract the enemy to flank and so on. At some moments, we take control but we want these transitions to be invisible to the player. There is absolute authority that control your moves, you are the initiator and we immediatly transmit you the important data. When the building is falling down, the player can still control his character and shoot at enemies during the fall. It is a mix but overall, the player has much more control than before. GK : when you talk about multi philosophy in SP (singleplayer), is the goal to introduce the open world side of MP (multiplayer) in SP ? LG : Yes, player autonomy is way more important than in bf3 where you got a gun, a corridor and that was great and many things were well done but there was little reward of finding your own path. This time, we want the player to choose his own way and in the demo was an example of that : you could have kept the vehicle longer, flank by the right, choose ot make a suppression fire on the house ; these things come from MP where you can spot the enemy for other players to take them down, flank, design targets. You saw the helicopter attack for example and the use of environment destruction. This is more dynamic, more battlefield like in order to give the player his own playthrough. GK : How efficient is the squad at fighting ? Can i play commander to really eliminate the enemy ? LG : They do take enemy down but if the opposition takes cover, it will be more suppression fire because they are not 100% efficient. They can shot down cover and kill but they don't do all your job. GK : Do they use environment destruction possibilities ? On the demo, only the player uses his grenade launcher. LG : Good question to which i can't answer. We are still making the game so i have not all the answers yet. More ot come on the future. GK : I hated QTE on battlefield 3 SP. Are they still there ? LG : No, they are gone. They are still some interactions but you are in control and you do'nt have to wait for a button to appear. We leanrt our lesson. GK : i think one of the worst moment of bf3 SP was at the beginning where you get a shotgun to lose it 3 seconds later in a script without using it once... LG : i understand ! (laugh) GK : About SP, we saw the squad were american soldiers but we don't know much about the overall situation. Are there marines, rangers, who are they fighting, is there a link with battlefield 3 campaign ? LG:There is a link, i don't know if you noticed the name of the chopper pilot, hawkins, she was already in bf3 so there are connections. You don't need to have played bf3 in order to play bf4... but you will see !(laugh) GK : do we change from viewpoints during the campaign this time again : LG : No, we realized that we had to eliminated everything technological that prevented you from identifying with the characters in order to make them more human. In battlefield 3, your squad didn't pay much attention to you. This time, they are much more aware, they react, they have better animations, better facial expressions, better modelisation and the acting like for Michael Kenneth Williams who played Omar dans The Wire, combined together to give everyone personnality. You play one character, you interact and play with your squad but while in battlefield 3 the geopolitic was the key element, this is only peripheral here. The key here is you and your friends and their conflicts and agendas, to which we can identify. It is more about living another day than saving the world. GK : Bf4 is obviously a beautiful game but was that necessary to jump to another engine considering bf3 is still one of the prettiest game on the market ? LG : This is both a gift and a curse. We are a company very interested in and grown by technology so we feel like making real breakthrough by changing engines. Especially considering the characters that we wanted to be more reactives towards the player and the environment. Increase player autonomy without scripting was one of the main reason that pushed us to make the big jump. But, i have to confess we really like to push back the limits of technology, it had always been our thing ! (laugh) GK : During the presentation, we could saw the FrostEd editor used to make the game. I guess it is only an internal tool ? LG : yes GK : so no mods ? LG : No, it is a tool other EA studios are using and we are still learning about the engine as we progress. GK : for a fan of battlefield 3 who saw that presentation and would not be all that interested in battlefield 4 as bf3 is still very active and had lo of DLC... what would you tell him to convince him to buy bf4 ? LG : this is a good question and we live in a world of free choices and the only thing we can do is believe in what we do. For me, especially, as a creative director, the business model is never the priority, for me what is truly important is what we want to make, to create something incredible that make the player want to try bf4. The players want to see what we made this time, we have no evil plans to make them change game. It is up to the player to make his choice but we hope to create an experience different and impressive enough to make you smile and think "i must try it out." GK : i guess you aren't going to say anything about MP ? LG : not really, no. GK : Can you at least answer this : do you have something cool prepared for MP ? LG : Yes (laugh) GK : We will have to make up with that for now. Playing multiplayer in front of people doesn't give the audience the full picture. Bearbeitet 28. März 2013 von sid6.5 1
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Moonshine1990 0 Melden Geschrieben 29. März 2013 (bearbeitet) Sehr interessant Trailer-Zahlen: Das 17-minütige Gameplay-Video zu Battlefield 4 ist extrem beliebt. Wie beliebt genau? Ein Blick auf die Nutzerzahlen und positiven Bewertungen zeigt ebenso in eine extrem positive Richtung wie der Tweet des ehemaligen Treyarch-Community-Managers: Das Video würde öfter angesehen werden als jedes “Call of Duty”-Reveal-Video im gleichen Zeitraum. Wie gesagt: Beeindruckende Zahlen... Seeschlachten? Aber sicher! Auf die Frage, ob und was man bei Battlefield 4 mit Seeschlachten vorhabe, hat sich Lars Gustavsson ganz eindeutig ausgedrückt. "Battlefield hat den Anspruch, Krieg zu Boden, in der Luft und auf See zu simulieren. Und gerade im letzten Bereich hatten wir zuletzt deutliche Defizite." Das soll sich nun augenscheinlich ändern - Details fehlen allerdings leider noch. Bearbeitet 29. März 2013 von Moonshine1990
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