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Planetside 2

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:lol: jetzt überleg ich gerade ob ich den beta-download nicht doch wieder abbreche. wie kann man denn sowas nur entwickeln :o

pfff wenn ich mit 15-20 fps nen gegner mit 120fps vor der nase habe, hat der automatisch gewonnen naja fast zumindest.


Jo komm glei...

Maxtower - Eurydome

Jackbubu - Eurydome

CplBast - Eurydome

Nikopol - Eurydome

Angstman - Eurydome

GrmlZ (Thud) - Eurydome

Panzerfan - Eurydome

FrKmpfSordan - Eurodings

Lhugin - Eurydome

ChuckiCdN - Eurydome

1DaWallace - Eurydome

Chapi - Eurydome

Oile - Eurydome


Maxtower - Eurydome

Jackbubu - Eurydome

CplBast - Eurydome

Nikopol - Eurydome

Angstman - Eurydome

GrmlZ (Thud) - Eurydome

Panzerfan - Eurydome

FrKmpfSordan - Eurodings

Lhugin - Eurydome

ChuckiCdN - Eurydome

1DaWallace - Eurydome

Chapi - Eurydome

Oile - Eurydome

Cybi11 - Eurydome


Maxtower - Eurydome

Jackbubu - Eurydome

CplBast - Eurydome

Nikopol - Eurydome

Angstman - Eurydome

GrmlZ (Thud) - Eurydome

Panzerfan - Eurydome

FrKmpfSordan - Eurodings

Lhugin - Eurydome

ChuckiCdN - Eurydome

1DaWallace - Eurydome

Chapi - Eurydome

SergejFaehrlich - Eurydome

Oile - Eurydome

Cybi11 - Eurydome

Left4Cookie - Eurydome


vom heutigen patch

Player and vehicle abilities getting stuck or not working after certain actions has been fixed.

Auraxium rewards have been increased when gaining experience.

Experience for capturing facilities has been fixed.

Pain fields in spawn areas have been disabled temporarily.

The fog on Esamir has been reduced.

auraxium gain passt auf jedenfall, in der session grade hab ich ~800 aurax abgestaubt


Klingt gut.

Aber, kein IFR auf esamir mehr. :(

Here are the big ticket things we're working on

1. Performance - this is #1 with a bullet. We have major improvements coming in the upcoming patches. We're aware it's not perfect. As it stands now we know the game needs improving in all areas. We are currently CPU bound which means it's more important what kind of CPU you have versus what kind of graphics card. As I said we have major improvements coming. This isn't magic. It's hard work. Planetside 2 is always going to have a higher end requirement than other similar games because of the scale of fights we have.

2. Metagame - right behind performance is the metagame. We have large plans for this that I think are going to make everyone happy. They all revolve around a 3 continent launch. Yes.. we will launch with all 3 we promised. I'm not going to go into detail on this because we have a big meeting to finalize it all tomorrow and Matt Higby is going to announce the specifics. Please understand this game has a lot of Planetside heritage and a lot of what we're aiming for has this in mind. Also keep in mind this will involve stuff like base benefits and what happens when people "lock down" continents.

3. Weapon balance - still a ways to go on this. We have some really good data on this now and we're zeroing in on making this feel right.

4. Remaining certs - within 2 weeks we expect them all to be in and done. Please note this also includes properly setting the costs. We know there are some bad and unreasonable costs out there. They are being fixed.

5. Changing over weapon sales to cert points - this will also mean the end of Auraxium as a resource. After listening to the feedback in the thread we feel like this is the way to go. Keep in mind when we do this (with this next patch) we will be DRAMATICALLY INCREASING THE SPEED AT WHICH YOU GAIN CERTS. Something like 4X. Again folks, we play the game on non-admin accounts. We see the data. We see the issues. We're fixing them.

6. New player into the action fast - we have a nice mini-tutorial coming that will get a newbie in very quickly.

7. Instant Action mode working properly - It's busted. we get it. It will be fixed.



hehe,jetzt wo ich 2000 aurax pro stunde mache wollen sies abschaffen. ;)


Ich frage mich ob sie die gesammelten auraxium in certs migrieren, ich bin grad bei 6500


Na,ich geb sie vorsichtshabler vorher aus.


Hört sich aber doch alles in allem ganz gut an.

Vorallem die Arbeit an der Perfomance. :daumenhoch:

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