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Planetside 2

Empfohlene Beiträge

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Maxtower - Eurydome

Jackbubu - Eurydome

CplBast - Eurydome

Nikopol - Eurydome

Angstman - Eurydome

GrmlZ (Thud) - Eurydome

Panzerfan - Eurydome

FrKmpfSordan - Eurodings

Lhugin - Eurydome

ChuckiCdN - Eurydome

1DaWallace - Eurydome

Chapi - Eurydome

SergejFaehrlich - Eurydome

Oile - Eurydome

Cybi11 - Eurydome

Left4Cookie - Eurydome

Natriumarm - Eurydome

Bearbeitet von kahunasta


We'd like to thank all of our EU customers for their continued feedback and let you all know we've found a way to allow existing customers migrating to keep their original SOE accounts. This means you will remain customers of SOE and play on SOE servers.

New accounts must be created through ProSiebenSat.1 but they will still be able to play on US servers. There is the possibility that accounts may voluntarily migrate at a later date. We will provide more information as it becomes available. Thanks again for your patience with us and we move forward with this process.

Sehr gut, bei dem saftladen hätte ich im leben keinen account aufgemacht :daumenhoch:

Ansonsten noch neuigkeiten zu anstehenden änderungen


Spawn beacons will no longer cost resources or use up a tool slot

Squad leaders who are actively leading a squad and have unlocked the beacon cert will be able to place a beacon on a timer

The nearest "hard spawn point" to your squad leader will be available to all squad mates to spawn at regardless of their location on the map

Squad vehicles like Sunderers will be available to be spawned at regardless of distance

Players will be able to "Instant Action" to their squad leader as long as the instant action timer is available.

Finde ich alles sehr gut. Ich hab immer sehr viel Mühe dabei zu meinem Squad zu gelangen. Deswegen habe ich mich einfach immer bei der großen Meute aufgehalten, auch wenn mein Squad ein paar Tausend Meter in andere Richtung lag :D

Currently to capture a base you 'flip' a point and then wait for your capture tickets to count up, this is a passive process which currently allows people to flip a point and then move to another base, or flip a point and camp somewhere in the base. We're going to make it so that the time to flip the point is the time to capture the base, that way you know if a base is being captured there are players actively there converting the point. As part of this change we'll also be increasing the radius for capture by quite a bit so you don't have to just stand within a 5 foot radius of the point, but can move around within the outpost of facility to a greater degree.

das hingegen finde ich total scheisse, nicht wer den kleinen radius um die punkte hält gewinnt, sondern wer am meisten leute um die basis versammeln kann, egal ob die es schaffen sich zur "flagge" vorzuarbeiten..

ich freu mich ja schon auf alle glitcher and getarnten infiltratoren die man nirgens findet..

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Einige Punkte sind ohnehin fehlerhaft, namentlich Crossroads Watchtower und Regent Rock eignen sich hervoragend zum XP Farmen, da einer der eroberten Punkte nach kürzester Zeit wieder auf die Farbe der Fraktion wechselt welche vorher in der Stellung saß.

Maxtower - Eurydome

Jackbubu - Eurydome

CplBast - Eurydome

Nikopol - Eurydome

Angstman - Eurydome

GrmlZ (Thud) - Eurydome

Panzerfan - Eurydome

FrKmpfSordan - Eurodings

Lhugin - Eurydome

ChuckiCdN - Eurydome

1DaWallace - Eurydome

Chapi - Eurydome

SergejFaehrlich - Eurydome

Oile - Eurydome

Cybi11 - Eurydome

Left4Cookie - Eurydome

groovebox - Eurydome

Bearbeitet von monkeysphere

Neues 2GB großes Update drauen -.-


Ist hier eigentlich wer auf Seiten der VS auf Eurydome unterwegs?


Bloß nicht...

Bloß nicht...

Besser als im Mainstream NC Blob zu hocken...... <_<


Wer spielt denn schon diesen Alien Abschaum.

NC - rock'n'roll baby :awesome:

Bloß nicht...

Besser als im Mainstream NC Blob zu hocken...... <_<

Sagen die deren Sniper einen selbst auf 15487435km headen können, weil sie keinen Bulletdrop haben.

Bloß nicht...

Besser als im Mainstream NC Blob zu hocken...... <_<

Sagen die deren Sniper einen selbst auf 15487435km headen können, weil sie keinen Bulletdrop haben.

Wer sich von `nem Sniper umlegen läßt ist meistens selbst schuld. 99% aller Kills dieser Klasse bestehen darin afkler, andere Sniper, Sunderer-Engi-camper und alles außer dem eigentlichen Ziel zu treffen. Die gefährlichen 15487435km header bekommt man meist dann gesetzt wenn man es am wenigsten erwartet und resultieren in Treadnoughts darüber wie OP sniper ohne bulletdrop sind.



First a couple known issues we'll hotfix asap:

Weapons are not purchasable in the marketplace, but are in the Cert trees

The Dalton and Tank Buster, Liberator weapons, are not purchasable from Cert trees


Infantry and vehicle weapons are unlocked with cert points instead of Auraxium

Auraxium rewards were removed from the game

Cert points are earned with every 250 experience points instead of 1000 experience points

Gameplay implants were removed, will return later as a loadout slot

Weapon medals grant cert point rewards

Top Player Bugs Resolved:

Frame rate shouldn't affect fire rate

Infiltrators should not be able to fire while cloaked

Ability system improvements to help protect against abilities getting stuck on or off

Ammo boxes and mines should be more responsive

Fixed an issue where players would get into a semi-dead state

Resolved an issue where players would log in or spawn at a location in the middle of the zone

Platoons should no longer get in a broken leaderless state

Players should no longer spawn at zero health

Removed a case where players could get weapons into an unusable state

The heal and repair tools now have sticky targeting


All shotgun damage and range has been reduced

TR shotgun rate of fire is a little slower, but it is still the fastest shotgun

Projectile drop was slightly increased


Damage of Rocket Pods, Lightning 75mm, 40mm Grenade Launchers and Liberator 105mm cannon increased against Main Battle Tanks

Flak damage reduced by ~5%

Repair tool is now 25% slower on vehicles

Liberator health increased by 10%

A tuning pass has been done on tank turret controls. They should feel more responsive.

Range of Scout Radar on Flash has been reduced

Galaxy acquire timer is now 20 minutes instead of 30


Scout Radar certification is now 4 ranks. Maximum range reduced to 200 meters

Galaxy acquire timer certifications now capable of reducing timer to 5 minutes

Mineguard certifications are now 4 ranks


Queues for logging in to full servers or zones (no more having to spam the play button or warp button)

Client performance optimizations


Infantry and vehicle weapons are unlocked with cert points instead of Auraxium

Auraxium rewards were removed from the game

Cert points are earned with every 250 experience points instead of 1000 experience points


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