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wie die Überschrift schon sagt, ist noch was los bei AIX oder lohnt es sich nicht mehr die Mod zu laden?

Wieviele Server/Spieler sind im Durchschnitt am Start?




Ob es sich lohnt musst du schon selbst entscheiden. In meinem BF2 sind aktuell nur noch 2 Mods installiert: Forgotten Hope und AIX.

Coop gibt es noch einige besuchte Server, Conquest ist es mittlerweile sehr rar. AIX ist aber auch keine Conquest Mod sondern Coop ;)


Alles klar, danke erstmal für die Info :daumenhoch:

Ich denke ich werd einfach mal laden und antesten.



Gast buschhans


Today, we introduce our release plan and official co-op server.

*Upcoming release

We are woking on v0.32 now.

It contains some bug fixes and new features.

We're going to release it on 25-30th November or early December.

*Our official co-op server

We have a public co-op server.

You can join the server whenever you like.

Let's play with us, and enjoy this mini-mod.

If you are on the server, please play fair.


The server is located in Japan.

Sadly, Europe players become high ping. maybe hard to play.

Server name

[FLN-LF#5] AIX2EX MiniMOD v0.31 at JPN

Server IP


Requires to play

BF2 v1.5


AIX2 Expansion MiniMOD v0.31

AIX2 Expansion MiniMOD Mappack 1

AIX 2.0 Full Client install first:


Download the AIX 2 Mini Mod and Mappack:


Peak time

13:00 ~ 15:00GMT (many Japanese players)

Server restart time

21:00GMT on everyday

Server feature


-Removed commander.

-Tickets will be increased to 9999 when the player counts are more than 13.


-Increased team kill penalty from -2 to -15.

-Increased the flag capture point.

-You can get extra points when capture the flag.

-Squad leader can get extra points when squad members capture the flag.

+Time to capture the flag

-Increase capture time depending on the player counts.

-Decrease capture time depending on the flag counts.

+Bot skill

-Increase the bot skill depending on the player counts.

-Increase the bot counts depending on the player counts.

+Betrayer system

-One or two players will be moved to the enemy team when the player counts are more than 16.

-Betrayers will be back when after 15 minutes or decrease the flag counts to 1.

-Increase betrayer's spawn time depending on what to use the weapon. If you use explosives, your spawn time will be increased.

-Betrayers can not capture any flags.

+Limited vehicles

-You must use the attack heli with two players. You will be dead when you fire the gun on the second seat by yourself. (include UH-60 & MH-53J)

+Uncap system

-You should capture the flags in order from the front.

Today's news is over.

We're going to show the new contents for upcoming version in the next time.

See you again!

(Source: Moddb.com)


Gast buschhans

Hello folks!

It's getting chilly day by day everywhere in Japan. How is your country?

I'd like to introduce the vehicles that was not mentioned in the previous news.

There are 6 of them.

Anti-Air Gun

- M167 Vulcan Air Defense System (VADS)


Here's a tractor type anti-air asset (AAA) that would be located in the maps.

VADS is an anti aircraft gun system invented in the U.S. It uses M61 6-barrel gatling cannon.

This fixed AAA will provide an extreme effectiveness upon attacking on aircrafts.

M167 would be used by the U.S. and the UN.

- ZPU-4


Here's another tractor type AAA that would be used by eastern countries.

ZPU-4 was manufactured in USSR right after the WWII. It's 4-barrel, manned asset.

ZPU-4 would be used by MEC and CHPLA(China).

Mobile Artillery

- M109


M109 is a self-propelled gun manufactured by the U.S. Army.

This vehicle has one 155mm howitzer that can be rotated.

M109 is a common indirect-fire support vehicle in the Western countries.

This would be used by the U.S. military and the UN PKO force in the game.

- 2S1 Gvozdika


Gvozdika is a mobile gun that was invented by USSR during the 60's.

It has 122 mm gun on its body. Due to the gun that is smaller than that of M109, it provides the next shot a little faster than M109.

2S1 is imported to many of the Middle Eastern countries, and also manufactured in Poland and Bulgaria.

This would be used by MEC and CHPLA forces.

- M270 MLRS


M270 is a U.S. army self-propelled rocket artillery of the U.S. Army.

It provides an effective wide range attack on designated coordinates with its multiple rockets.

This would be used by the U.S. and the UN forces.

- BM21 Grad


BM-21 Grad is a Soviet mobile rocket artillery that is usually mounted on a truck or other large vehicles.

This is the most used rocket artillery system all over the world.

Just like M270, it would provide an wide range attack.

This would be used by MEC and CHPLA forces.

Special thanks to USI team upon using all these vehicles!

Also, the newly modified skins of mobile artillery vehicles are created by SuzukiWYS, who diligently cooperates with us. Special thanks to him!

The release of v0.32 is getting closer. Even I (as a member) can't wait for the official version of v0.32!

The next news would also be released around the New Year's Day, so it would be late Christmas Gift for you guys.

See you on the battlefield!


(Source: moddb.com)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Wenn es jemanden interssieren sollte.....


die v0.33 AIX2exp Mini Mod ist seit ein paar Tagen raus...


This update is just a small portion, and it doesn't really have new weapons or vehicles.
Mainly this update contains features, adjustments, and bugfixes.


AIX2 Expansion MiniMOD v0.33

- Thermal Vision

Tanks, APCs, attack helis and jets now have thermal vision.
Thermal vision can be selected by using radio commo rose.
Thermal vision scripts were made by Mosquill. Special thanks for him.

- M16A4

M16A4 is a new handheld weapon for medic (replaced with M16A2)
Comp M2 red dot sight is mounted and it also comes with foregrip.

- Additional Radio Comm Rose Voices(chats)

The voices of "Reload!" and "Lasing target!" is added to commo rose.
You can tell your teammmates that you are to reload or to mark the target using SIMRAD.

- Laser-marked target shown on a map

You can see where the lased target is on your map. Minimap also shows it.
Friendlies are able to see the marker. However, if you took enemy's kit and lased target, the marker will be shown on enemy's map (neither your map nor your friendlies' maps)

- Mobile artillery adjusted

Mobile artillery vehicles have now unlimited ammo because ammo pack couldn't feed them.
Firing mode has been changed for more efficient use.
When fired, you can look the fired projectile from third-person point of view.


Full install (1.3 Gb) :
*Caution: Those who install MiniMOD for the first time should install BF2 v1.5 and AIX2 mod before installing MiniMOD.

1. Download 'AIX2_Expansion_MiniMOD_v0.32_installer.zip' to wherever you want to download
2. Execute 'AIX2_Expansion_MiniMOD_v0.32_installer.exe'
3. Install
4. Run MiniMOD and play !


v0.33 changelog:


- The number of AIs on singleplayer is now 48. Bot's difficulty is changed to 0.5.
- Bot snipers are now a little accurate to aim.

Handheld weapons
- Deploysound of L85A2 GL is now the same as the one used by M16A2 w/ M203.
- Fixed the problem that the sound and animation of USP Match w/ supressor didn't match.
- Firing effect of MGL-140 is now the same as the one used by grenade launchers.

- Fixed WZ-551 floating too high.
- Fixed torque of MEC technical (pick-up truck) so that it won't flip over any more.
- Reduced the sound range of M134's revolving barrels.
- Added overheating on F-15 and F-18's machine guns.
- Reduced torque of Tiger HAP, and increased operability.
- The names of MLRS and mobile howitzers now have name suffix of "MLRS" or "Howizter".
- coaxial MG of US vehicles are now firing on 900 RPM.
- Changed the gunfire sounds from dintance.
- Countermeasure of Mi-17 is now reloaded after 3 times of use (just like other helis).
- Reload time of heli supply crate is reduced by 10 seconds (so it is 20 secs now).
- Supply crates dropped from heli now have 5 seconds of delay until it can benefit to solder.
   If there are 2 or more soldiers in the radius of supply benefit, it will feed ammo and heal.(Reconsidering needed)
- Changed firing effects of jet's MG and heli's MG. They are categorized by their calibers (20-30mm cannons and 12.7mm MGs)
- Fixed that MH-53J leans strangely when player input yaw movement.
- Fixed unshown weapon selection icons of F-117



Nen Update patch Installer (ca 480 Mb) von v0.32b -> v0.33,  gibts auch noch für die jenigen die nicht nochmal alles ziehen wollen...


Tja und neue Server Files (Win/linux ca 400 Mb) natürlich eben so...

Bearbeitet von web
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

@ kwanzabot


Wenn Du auch noch was anderes kannst als rum zu meckern  - machs / poste es doch demnächst selber...



Bearbeitet von web


Weißt, ich hab das so ne Sache, ich bin krankhaft misanthrop, ich bekomme Sodbrennen wenn ich nicht mindestens einer Seele pro Tag die Laune versaue.

Ich hab das nur geschrieben weil das hier einer dieser bescheuerten "lohnt es sich noch..."-Threads is und der sowieso derailed wurde und es ging um AIX nicht um die Mini-Mod.

Der andere is halt der Sticky zu eben dieser Minimod.

Ich dachte ehrlich einfach nur den Tipp geben zu dürfen. Hätte ich das selbst dort gepostet, würde das doch auch komisch wirken, oder? Zumindest hätte ich dort erklären müssen, dass die Info von dir kommt und blarababer.


:oo:  < this is me giving a flock


ich musste mein bf2 komplett löschen und neu installieren. natürlich wollte ich auch meinen geliebten mod "aix2 ex mini mod" wieder spielen. soweit ich das sehe habe ich auch alles richtig installiert aber irgendwie lande ich immer wieder auf dem desktop wenn ich den mod anwähle. :confused:

was habe ich übersehen? :kritisch:


Alle BF2 patches installiert? 1.41 und 1.5?


Also auf jeden Fall den 1.5! Da sollte es doch nicht nötig sein den 1.41 auch noch zu installieren? !


wenn ic das gerade richtig gelesen habe muss der 1.41 wohl doch sein!! :innocent:

also den nun installieren und den 1.5 wieder drüber?! :confused:

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