Buggy McDermit 165 Melden Geschrieben 18. Juni 2014 (bearbeitet) Heute released CHANGELOG: 0.45.124426 - Live now Known Issues: Crash caused by burned meat duplication Camera can clip through walls Occaisionally zombies are spawning at the same spot they died Extremely rare crash when a player throws item Player's next character will not be saved into database if he disconnects after death New: Actions: Added cancel current player action on self and on target back to gear configuration Actions: Added cancel current player action on self and on target back to data and character configuration Actions: Added cancel current player action on self, on target and on items back to actions themselves Actions: Added new animations for drinking from pond and well actions Actions: Igniting fireplace depends on wind strength and rain Actions: Salmonellosis is curable with antibiotics Actions: Emptying large magazine will split ammo in adequate amount of smaller piles Actions: You can sharpen a bit badly damaged blades using stone Actions : You can tear few blank pages out of a book Actions : You can go fishing (ponds and lakes for this moment) Actions : You can drink whole bottle at once Animations: Clapping now possible while crouching Animations: Binoculars transitions added for crouch and prone. Content: Garage office building loot spawns added Content: Doors on vehicle wrecks now show name in scroll menu so users are able to know which door or boot they are opening/closing.Crafting : You can craft improvised fishing rod using long ashwood stick and rope <- Angeln ftw Crafting : You craft and break down leather courier bag Crafting : You craft and break down leather backpack Crafting: Splitting long ashwood stick into thirds Crafting: Breaking Courier bag down into materials Crafting: Breaking Improvised backpack down into materials Crafting: Breaking Splint down into materials Gathering : You can collect wood from bushes and trees and also search for kindling in woods Gathering : You can mine stones from some smaller bouldersGathering : You can dig up worms from ground Gathering : You can search for apples Gathering : You can skin and quarter animals Gear: Road flare configuration Gear: Road flare animation Gear: Configuration of fireplace items and crafting recipes for them Gear: Crafting recipes for combine/split firewood and stones Gear: Added flare particle effects synchronization on server Item: AKM attachments (folding buttstock, rail handguard, plastic magazine), AK rail handguard allows the attachment of a flashlight and a bipod Item: Animal pelts added (Wildboar, Rabbit, Cow, Pig, Deer) <- Jagen und datt Zeug anschließend grillen kann man jetzt auch Item: Improvised Backpack and Courier bag made of fur, recipes added. Items: Road Flare, Fishing hook, High Capacity vest, Longhorn pistol, AKM butt stocks, AKM magazines added to loot spawns Items: Chernarus Police uniform (pants, jacket, cap) added to loot spawns Items: OREL special Police unit uniform added to loot spawns Items: Gorka Military Pants added to loot spawns Items: Various meats configsItem : Improvised fishing rod config Item: Fishing hook config Item: Fishing bait config Item: Worm config Localisation: Door names added to string table. Server: Animals spawning Server: Initial implementation of dynamic server events Fixed: Actions: Added conditions to crafting recipes Actions: Wooden sticks are stackable, crafting recipes with sticks modified to take stacks into account Actions: Catching some rain action, doesn't add water to a stomach Actions: Removed 'isUsingSomething' variable from player's stored variables Actions: Deconstructing improvised backpack produce wooden sticks in actual quantity required to craft it Actions: Fireplace sound effects fixed Actions: Fixed addressee of the messages in ignite fireplace action Action: Changed frying time to 30s Action: Higher probability to light fire in the wind Actions: Splitting ruined ammo won't create a pristine stack Actions: Bow loading action fixed Actions: Firewood splitting action fixed Animations: Fixed an issue where some animations were not interrupted with a death animation, when the player died Animations: Eating, drinking, crafting animations states are now correctly connected to death states Animations: More animations are now able to be cancelled(crafting, pills, injection) Animations: Some basic movement with binoculars is now possible in raised pose Config: Binoculars ability to be placed into holster Crafting: Splint recipe fix Gear: Changed firewood model Gear: Road flares to last 15 minutes Gear: Adding parameter to geometry lod to resolve alpha sorting Gear: Road flare cannot be lit after it's has already been used Gear: Road flare quantity is not showing in inventory for now (removed till they able to be stacked) Gear: Added cooking subclass to other meat configs Gear: Model filename changed for burned fillet Items: Shoes become damaged after falling from height Item : Long ashwood stick inventory size increased, can be placed on back Item: Improvised short bow inventory size Item: Binocular inventory size changed Item: Closed tuna can, lack of inventory image fixed Item: Closed sardines can, lack of inventory image fixed SFX: Fixed configuration for fireplace flame sound effect Spawns : Bugged crossbow bolt VFX: Helicopter crash site smoke particle effect initialization Actions: Bow loading action fixed Actions: Firewood splitting action fixed Bearbeitet 18. Juni 2014 von Buggy McDermit
Chapi 257 Melden Geschrieben 18. Juni 2014 Sehe wieder keinen Fix für "Zombies können nicht mehr durch Wände laufen" oder "Man kann sich nicht mehr durch Wände Buggen". Spiel Probleme mit Priorität 1 normalerweise.
Nestor980 12 Melden Geschrieben 20. Juni 2014 Super "Update". Ich brauche jetzt >5 Versuche um überhaupt auf nen Server zu kommen, um endlich das Rubberbanding genießen zu können, von dem ich bisher immer verschont geblieben bin. Ich glaube langsam, die verrennen sich da in irgendwas...
Buggy McDermit 165 Melden Geschrieben 21. Juni 2014 Hat schon wer nen dummen Angelhaken gefunden? ;_; "Pianohaus" im Arbeitsraum oben und Garagen absuchen. Good luck !
Cpl.Basti 1488 Melden Geschrieben 21. Juni 2014 Haben im Supermarkt einen gefunden. Aber dummer Bug dass das Fleisch/Fisch sofort verbrennt :/
Buggy McDermit 165 Melden Geschrieben 3. Juli 2014 (bearbeitet) Bekannte Probleme Absturz durch Fireplace-Kit im Inventar Klonen des Charakters Spieler können durch Wände schauen Zombies spawnen an der Stelle ihres vorherigen Todes Spieler sind nach einem Reconnect in einem Gebäude eingeschlossen Spieler kann nicht neu spawnen nachdem er ertrunken ist auf die Schatten-Berechnung zurückzuführender FPS-Absturz wenn ein weggetretener Spieler gefesselt wird, bleibt er bis zu einem Reconnect gefesselt Neu: Aktionen: Brauchbare Munition kann aus einem unbrauchbaren Paket aussortiert werden Animationen: Neue Nachlade-Animationen für Longhorn und eine zweite Animation für die Armbrust Animationen: Neue Nachlade-Animation für das B95-Double-Rifle Animationen: Neue Nachlade-Animation für die MP5K Animationen: Neue Ziel-Pose für im Sitzen verwendete Gewehre Animationen: Trinken aus einem Teich oder Brunnen Loot: MP5 mit Magazinen Loot: Militärische Pilotka-Cappy Map: Karmanovka ist wieder da Map: Novodmitrovsk wurde hinzugefügt Map: Novodmitrovsk hat ein Industriegebiet erhalten Map: Wohngegend in der Nähe von Novodmitrovsk hinzugefügt Map: Dorf Dobroe hinzugefügt Map: Einige administrative Gebäude in Novodmitrovsk hinzugefügt Item: Flashbang-Granate Item: Handgranate Item: ZSh3-Helm hat grüne und schwarze Farb-Varianten bekommen Sound: Sound bei der Benutzung eines Bogens Behoben: Aktionen: Färben des 75-AKM-Drum-Magazins Aktionen: Herstellen eines Fell-Rucksacks Aktionen: Bemalung der AKM-Schulterstütze Aktionen: Zerreißen von Rucksäcken in einzelne Stücke Aktionen: Herstellen eines Leder-Rucksacks Aktionen: Chance auf erfolgreiches Entfachen eines Feuers in der Wildnis erhöht Aktionen: Absturz beim Fleisch-Duplizieren im Inventar oder in einer Feuerstelle behoben Aktionen: Fleisch kann nicht direkt von der Feuerstelle gegessen werden Animationen: Handbewegung am Ende des SKS-Nachladens behoben Animationen: Hand-Clipping beim unbewaffneten Rennen behoben Animationen: Neue Animationen für Gehen und Rennen in hockender Stellung Animationen: Hockende Idle-Position angepasst, damit Gegenstände in der Hand besser zu sehen sind Animationen: Neue Animation für das Sprinten mit einer Waffe Animationen: Spring-Amimationen aktualisiert Animationen: Hand-Posen für das Halten von Granaten, Fellen, Alkohol-Tinkturen, Fischen, Magazinen und Holz hinzugefügt Animationen: Angriffs-Animationen der Zombies verbessert Animationen: Gesten verbessert Animationen: Mit beiden Händen durchgeführte Bewaffnungs-Animation behoben Animationen: Problem behoben, durch das eine Aufgabe immer wieder abgebrochen wurde, wenn eine Einhand-Nahkampf-Waffe genutzt wurde Animationen: Probleme mit dem Übergeben bei der Nutzung von Zweihand-Nahkampfwaffen behoben Animationen: Probleme mit der Trinkanimation im Liegen behoben Animationen: Wegwerfen von Gegenständen neu konfiguriert Animationen: Lehnen für flüssigere Übergänge angepasst Animationen: Problem behoben, das das nach links oder rechts Rollen bei angelegtem Fernglas im Liegen nicht möglich war Ausrüstung: Alpha-Auslese beim Modell der Alkohol-Tinktur Gegenstand: Platzierung der Eisensäge in der Hand Sound: Laden eines Pfeils Sound: Abschießen eines Pfeils Sound: Überprüfen des Köders beim Fischen Gestern zu dritt paar Stunden gespielt lief ziemlich gut bis auf den Serverconnect, da muß man ab und zu mal bei "Please wait" ESC drücken und resumen bevor das schwarze Bild weg ist. Bearbeitet 3. Juli 2014 von Buggy McDermit
Burner 1635 Melden Geschrieben 30. Juli 2014 (bearbeitet) Neuer Patch. ne Menge interessantes aber das wichtigste: ~1.1gb Actions: Zucchini can be force fed ----------- Note: This update features many new features and their initial implementations. We will be watching server data, and the feedback tracker for any potential severe issues and will address them accordingly with a hot fix. Note: Change log pending contributions from engine/programming team. Known issues: Player can in rare circumstances enter a state in which they cannot attack and must relog Character may temporarily enter a frozen state when throwing (resolved a few seconds) Melee targeting is off in some situations Players can in some circumstances experience slight desync with server Dynamic server events are temporarily disabled Backpacks rearrange after reconnection Players restrained while unconscious remained restrained until reconnection (after awaking) Persistent items & storage are disabled server side pending hot fix to stable branch New: Actions: cans can be opened with SKS bayonet and sickle Actions: added playerDrinkCan action to config Actions: added Melee class to SurvivorBase Animations: New default aimed animations with rifle Animations: Player now can walk while surrender Animations: Transitions for surrender/restrained player Animations: Crouched zombie animation set Animations: Reload for CZ527 Animations: Hand poses added for matchbox, Injection Vial, Hacksaw Animations: Drinking from can Character: New female face models Character: New male face modelsEngine: Ragdoll support for Zombies & PlayersEngine: Initial implementation of navmesh for zombie pathfinding Items: Boonie hat fishing hook storage Items: ChemlightsItems: AK101 Items: CR 527 Items: Makarov Items PM 73 RAKItems: Medium Civilian Tent Items: Paramedic clothes (jacket and pants)Items: Military Boots now store knives Items: Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo bandana added Items: Untied Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo bandana added Recipes : Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo as a bandage Recipes: Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo bandanas can be untied and tied to mask Server: Persistent item support (disabled for this update)Server: Simulation changes to support increased server performance Server: Persistent storage support (disabled for this update)Server: Dynamic loot respawningWorld: Turovo village added Fixed: Actions: Player is not able to fill a ruined canteen from well. Actions: When player opens ruined canned food there is low amount of food left. Actions: Player is not able to pour water from a ruined canteen. Actions: Player can no long empty magazine attached to a weapon Actions: No access to catch rain action during ongoing action Actions: Fishing actions displayed while using different items than rod Actions: Added missing part to improvised bag/backpack crafting messages in action menuActions: Zucchini can be force fed Actions: Added new drink from well animation to blue well Actions: Unable to use actions while swimming or while on ladder Actions: Player can take Makarov into hands straight from ground Actions: Player can take PM73 RAK into hands straight from ground Actions: Removing item on which consume action was called, not item which was swapped to hands during consume action Animals: Visual improvement of cow, rabbit and wildboar Animations: Gestures related bugs fixed (Facepalm, Cut throat, Silence) Animations: Crouch moves with bow Animations: Prone moves with pistolAnimations: Fixed multiple issues with vaultingAnimations: Zucchini handheld position Animations: SoundEdge(footstep sounds) set correctly for kneel run with rifle Animations: Face-palm doesn't make the player stand up from prone anymore Animations: Sitting tweaked(changing weapons keeps player in kneel, instead of making them stand....) Engine: Adjustment to Night time lighting levels Items: Dimmed fireplace light so it not interfere with HDR Items: tweaked shotguns dispersions and recoils Items: tweaked pistols dispersions Items: tweaked rifles, carbines and SMGs dispersions Items: tweaked attachments (optics, buttstocks, handguards, compensators, bipod) dispersions Items: Wooden sticks can be held in hands Items: CR527 shadow glitch fixed Items: set chemlight to last 60 minutes Items: lowered light intensity for chemlights and flare Items: removed buttstock as default spawned attachment for MP5 Item: Binoculars size reduced Items: added other chemlight color material variants Modifiers: removed vomit message from blinded modifier Recipes: You can paint cz572 black, green and camo Recipes: Player can't tear clothing into rags while there are things in it Recipes: Ruined cans opening tweaked Bearbeitet 30. Juli 2014 von Burner
Lappihuan 17 Melden Geschrieben 18. September 2014 (bearbeitet) New events (helicopter crashes, vehicle spawns etc.) Vom Patch gestern oder heute... Jemand schon getestet? Bearbeitet 18. September 2014 von Lappihuan