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Elite: Dangerous

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Endlich richtige Missionen :)


This isn’t directly part of the new Powerplay feature, but does supplement it.



  • Gefällt mir! 1

Ehrlich gesagt hab ich jetzt auch keinen Schimmer, was das Hauptfeature des Updates werden soll :D Das ist fantastisch!

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Bei mir lad der grad seit knapp 5min nen Update gibts irgend nen changelog?

Bearbeitet von Germanfragger

Hab dann mal meine Daten vom Trip zum Zentrum verkauft.




Knapp 1:30 h gedauert zu verkaufen.

Einnamen ~28,5 Millionen. Hatte mir mehr erhofft bin aber auch ohne viel zu scannen durchgeflogen.



-> FDL verkauft und wieder ne Python für 110M angeschafft.

  • Gefällt mir! 2

discounter-exploring mit einer cobra:






fragger goes boom:







  • Gefällt mir! 2

Fragger goes boom? war das da wo ich kein treibstoff mehr hatte?



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Newsletter time!



In this week's developer update, Executive Producer Mike Brookes teased next week's Powerplay announcement with more news on some of the extra features you'll find in our third content update.

We've already talked about the new drones for scooping cargo and sharing fuel, but this week Mike went into some of the other new advantages for miners. The hardhat and pickaxe players out there have had to work hard for their credits in the past, so for Powerplay we're making your lives a little more interesting.

The new Prospector Drone can be fired to do your scanning for you; it'll investigate an asteroid and return data on its metal and mineral composition. Combine them with a big ship and a stack of Collection Drones, and you'll tear through asteroid belts at speed.

After Powerplay launches, mining will become a more viable route to riches, espcially with two new minerals – painite and osmium – and more minerals per extraction site. But we think mining should be a game of risk and reward, so you'll find high and low intensity extraction sites in human-occupied space, but with pirates swarming the high intensity areas you'll face greater danger... and greater rewards.

Lastly, Mike talked about another one of the small but significant details in the mission overhaul you'll experience as part of the Powerplay update. Right now, mission-related targets are always found at Unidentified Signal Sources, but after Powerplay you may find them roaming the galaxy and on the run.

Interstellar (very) high-speed chases are just one of the new things to do in Powerplay, and you haven't seen anything yet.




Bearbeitet von oOduffyOo
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Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
What Is Powerplay?

Powerplay is a new way to play Elite: Dangerous.

In Powerplay, you can participate in an ongoing battle for interstellar conquest and control that enhances every aspect of the Elite: Dangerous experience.

When Powerplay launches, you'll be able to ally yourself with any one of a number of galactic Powers, earning valuable perks, reputation bonuses and credits for your allegiance.

As a trusted ally of your chosen Power, you will be able to guide their strategy, take on special objectives to advance your shared cause, and dominate human space. Your choices and actions will have a direct and visible impact on the balance of galactic power.

And of course, Powerplay is a FREE content update for all Elite: Dangerous players and will be part of Elite: Dangerous for Mac and Xbox One at launch.


Bearbeitet von oOduffyOo

Geil. Sehr Geil!


Was ich mir noch für elite wünsche oder gerne hätte wäre ein Clan/Gruppen system und damit verbunden die möglichkeit eine station zu besitzen keine riesen dinger sonder eher die kleine orbital stationen die sollten je nach einstellung der gruppe angreifbar sein z.b. bei einer Piratengruppe! Ich denke da an ein system wie in der X reihe eine station kann z.b. auch mit bestimmten Modulen erweitert werden um sachen zu produzieren größere schiffe lande lassen etc.


beggebare stationen/schiffe soll es ja geben!

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