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Elite: Dangerous

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Wat. Die wollen 40 Pfund, also 57 Euro, für die Expansion. Was haben die denn gesoffen? nen Zwanni hätte ich ok gefunden, aber fast das dreifache?

Cashgrab. Damit wollen die doch nur ihre seltsamen Rollercoaster-Spiele querfinanzieren. 

Für den Preis müssen die mich aber jetzt aber echt vom Hocker hauen... wobei ich nicht glaube, dass das passieren wird.


Elite war ne schöne Idee, aber ist einfach seelenlos und ohne richtigen Content. Schade.


Hmm irgendwie hab ich grad ein breites Grinsen im Gesicht wenn ich an die 120 € Premium BETA denke. Lifetime Expansion pass ist nämlich mit drin :ugly:


Hmm irgendwie hab ich grad ein breites Grinsen im Gesicht wenn ich an die 120 € Premium BETA denke. Lifetime Expansion pass ist nämlich mit drin :ugly:


Na, dann hast du deine 50 Ocken ja quasi schon vorgestreckt. Woohooo.



Hmm irgendwie hab ich grad ein breites Grinsen im Gesicht wenn ich an die 120 € Premium BETA denke. Lifetime Expansion pass ist nämlich mit drin :ugly:


Na, dann hast du deine 50 Ocken ja quasi schon vorgestreckt. Woohooo.



Wenn jede Expansion um die 50 € kostet, bin ich nach der zweiten schon fein raus. 


Hello, Commanders


This morning we’re announcing Elite Dangerous: Horizons – another full season of major gameplay expansions for Elite Dangerous, beginning later this year with ‘Planetary Landings’.


I’ve been fascinated by the exploration of space since I was young, and especially with the almost unimaginable scales involved. Going down to the surfaces of planets was a key part of my dreams of exploration, and soon we'll realise that dream in Elite Dangerous.


We're beginning with airless, rocky worlds – places where a great deal of new gameplay can take place. These are planet-sized sandbox environments, with all sorts of things to discover hidden on them. You'll find surface starports, crashed ships, mineral deposits, hidden bases and more.


These worlds are gigantic, and - like the open galaxy - you'll be able to go anywhere. You'll be able to fly over the surface in low orbit and choose your spot to land, you'll be able to venture out in your Surface Recon Vehicle and hurtle across the surface at high speed. You'll be able to sneak around or go in all guns blazing. The nimble SRV is tiny compared to your ship, and is virtually invisible on a long range scanner – ship-based weapons will find it very hard to hold a lock on them, but airborne and ground-based players can explore the same worlds together, so watch the skies!


As I’ve said already, I’ve wanted to do surface landings in Elite Dangerous for quite a while now – and we have been planning how best to do it since the Kickstarter. Elite Dangerous: Horizons is the first stage and a huge step. The quality people expect is, as always, very high, and the team have done a great job hitting that benchmark. These worlds will feel real and meaningfully unique.


You’ll read about some of the exciting things you’ll find on surfaces this week in the press and on our Community blog, but Planetary Landings is just the start. Elite Dangerous: Horizons is a full season of content extending into 2016, introducing new features and gameplay in each major expansion. As with Season One, this season of expansions is not just about planet surfaces, but other major features are coming too.


Of course support will continue for Elite Dangerous even outside of Elite Dangerous: Horizons, and we’re keeping the community together. All Elite Dangerous and Elite Dangerous: Horizons players will share the same galaxy together and you’ll retain all your progress whenever you choose to join our new season of expansions.


Elite Dangerous: Horizons will be available to pre-order on our store today, and I’m very happy to announce all existing Elite Dangerous players will receive a 25 percent loyalty discount off the Horizons retail price. Existing players will also unlock the exclusive Cobra Mk IV ship in Elite Dangerous: Horizons. The Cobra Mk IV will be available in the game only to players who joined us in the first year – forever. It’s our ‘thank you’ for your faith in the game, and you’ll see more of the Cobra Mk IV in Friday’s Peek Of The Week.


Due to popular demand, we’ve also decided to bring back for a limited time the lifetime expansion pass. It should appear in our store later today.


We’re committed to seeing Elite Dangerous grow the right way, and we hope you’ll join us planetside as we embark upon the exploration of our galaxy’s undiscovered worlds together. We have a great team, and I believe Elite Dangerous: Horizons will bring players closer than ever to the dream of touching other worlds.


There will be lots of questions, I know! Elite Dangerous’ Lead Designer Sandro Sammarco and I will be taking your questions in this afternoon’s livestream at 16:00 CEST, so please visit twitch.tv/elitedangerous for that.


The Community team will do their best to answer your questions about the ongoing evolution of Elite Dangerous on our forums, and tune in to our Twitch stream throughout the week for more on Elite Dangerous for Xbox One, Elite Dangerous 1.4: CQC for PC and Mac, and Elite Dangerous: Horizons.


Thank you for playing, and Right On, Commander!


David Braben


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Hmm irgendwie hab ich grad ein breites Grinsen im Gesicht wenn ich an die 120 € Premium BETA denke. Lifetime Expansion pass ist nämlich mit drin :ugly:






Hmm irgendwie hab ich grad ein breites Grinsen im Gesicht wenn ich an die 120 € Premium BETA denke. Lifetime Expansion pass ist nämlich mit drin :ugly:


Na, dann hast du deine 50 Ocken ja quasi schon vorgestreckt. Woohooo.



Wenn jede Expansion um die 50 € kostet, bin ich nach der zweiten schon fein raus. 


Gz... Spielt dann wahrscheinlich keiner mehr.


Wenn ich das richtig lese reden die da über einen Seasonpass, nicht nur einzelne Expansions.


Elite Dangerous: Horizons will be available to pre-order on our store today, and I’m very happy to announce all existing Elite Dangerous players will receive a 25 percent loyalty discount off the Horizons retail price.


is ok würdsch sagen, zumal das ja scheinbar für die nächste expansion "season" gilt was auch immer das umfasst

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hier mal eine kleine Liste mit Dingen die im Stream erwähnt wurden:


Here follows details of the stream:
Planetary Landing will follow process: Orbital Cruise (like supercruise) > choose spot and land > Deploy SRV
Ships will handle re-entry in different ways. Smaller ships will be easier to handle in orbital supercruise than larger ones.
You can't land on every airless moon/planet - some are closed off and require a permit. Any other in the universe is available.
Planets can have surface bases where you can dock and trade, or you can just choose to land in the middle of nowhere and drive about.
Planets will also have rare minerals, pirate bases, crashed ships.
All ships can carry an SRV, but not every ship can carry every SRV. Different SRV's for different tasks with some cross over like ships.
Gravity will effect SRV depending on the planet.
Thrusters in each wheel will allow you to jump. On low gravity planets, jets will rotate round and force you on to floor for traction - to stop you floating away
SRV will take up module/compartment space.
Some vehicles will be remote controlled from a base on the planet. These vehicles can be knocked out by destroying the control base.
It will cost to buy an SRV as per normal equipment.
Debate inhouse on on what happens to ships when you leave them and drive about planet - not decided whether someone else can destroy or just damage it.
Wings can be used on the planet surface Co-operation.
Core gameplay features - will continued to be worked on. All planet missions bleed into space missions.
Loot and crafting mentioned but no more than newsletter.
CQC assets - "Absolutely" will be used in main game.
Cobra Mk IV - access available for people who have bought the original game. It is better in lots of ways, better weapons placement and 1 more hardpoint.
One more free expansion (1.5) after CQC and 1.4. (It's been said/suggested elsewhere this will contain a number of new ships)
Thanksgiving/Christmas is (blurry) release date but definitely 2015 for 1.4, 1.5 and Horizons.
1.4 to follow on PC one day after XBox release (fingers crossed, hopefully). Will be lots of other new tweaks.


Bearbeitet von oOduffyOo

Luftlose Planeten und Monde, also im ersten Schritt nur pures Terrain ohne Vegetation, Ozeane etc.

Das kommt dann vermutlich wenn sie weiter mit Ihren RnD sind.

Aus dem Schiff aussteigen bzw. seinen Chrakter wird man da dann wohl auch noch nicht können.


Verfolge Elite zwar nur etwas am Rande, aber SO eine Preispolitik ist eine Frechheit.

Für den DLC muss man also das Hauptspiel nochmal mit kaufen....wohl besoffen oder was? :allesklar:


Elite: Dangerous - Preisgestaltung von Elite Dangerous: Horizons verärgert Spieler

Frontier Developments bietet die kommenden Inhalte der Erweiterungs-Saison Horizons nur in Verbindung mit dem Hauptspiel Elite: Dangerous an. Viele bestehende Spieler der Weltraum-Simulation sind deshalb verärgert.

Elite Dangerous: Horizons ist nämlich für 49,99 Euro erhältlich und beinhaltet dann das Grundspiel gleich mit - allerdings gibt es keine separate Version für Kunden, die Elite: Dangerous bereits besitzen. Treue Fans von Frontier Developments haben sich also im Zweifelsfalls ohnehin bereits das Hauptspiel gekauft und müssen sich dieses dann erneut als Teil des Horizons-Bundles zulegen, wenn sie die Erweiterungbesitzen wollen.





Aus der Sparte "Wenn Entwickler zu gierig werden"....

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Das wäre echt ne dreiste sauerrei ich hoffe das das nur nen PR fehler war oder sowas!


Das selbe wie bei Guild Wars 2 mit dem Addon...

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