oOduffyOo 195 Melden Geschrieben 18. Februar 2016 ENDLICH! Quote "Hi everyone, This week’s dev update is the penultimate update on the changes to missions coming in the (2.1) release - The Engineers. The topic I’ll cover is the variety goal and next week I’ll cover the final goals of consequences and rewards. Variety at its most simplistic is making sure that more missions (and variants) are available, but beyond that tweaking them to make them more accessible and having a better sense of predictability, so if you’re looking for a particular type of mission then you can determine the best places to find them. We’re tackling variety with a host of changes – the first is ensuring that more missions are available at the neutral reputation stage. Developing your reputation will reveal more missions, but more importantly – more valuable missions. We’re also removing the rank requirement for missions. The rank will now be an indication of difficulty (and by association, rewards) and generally will generated around your relevant Pilots Federation rank. You can take on more difficult missions to try and grasp some big rewards, but there is a risk in doing so. Missions will be generated by stricter criteria so that the majority of missions offered will make sense in the location that are offered. A three stage hierarchy will govern how the missions are created. First by the state of the minor faction, so if they are in famine, or at war, or any other state missions to address that state are generated. Secondly, the type of market for the port, so that they match the economic activity for that market. An obvious example is creating mining missions from extraction economies. The third stage is determined by the government type and this reflects the character of the minor factions and the types of operation that they indulge in. For example dictatorships are more likely to indulge in overt assassinations and so send a visible message, while democracies will conduct their wet work through covert operations. Within the offered mission there will be a description for why that mission has been generated and what effect it will have for the minor faction. This clearer communication of the interaction with the galactic simulation will make it easier for you to pick the relevant missions for your goals. We’re also looking to reduce the barrier of inconvenience for some of the mission elements – my favourite here is not having to drop out of supercruise to listen to alternate offers. The time limits for missions as well as which elements make them easier, or more difficult are being reviewed and addressed. Another exciting change is how missions and USSs interact with each other. USSs for missions will now generally be located at specific bodies within a system which have can be located using a discovery scanner, although the usual ranges apply. If the system has a nav beacon then these can now be scanned and the scan will reveal these mission locations as well as providing any exploration data for that system. In conjunction with these changes the general distribution and generation of USSs is also being updated. There are now concepts of different parts of space within a system, like traffic lanes and hubs and different contents can be generated at each. They are also created spatially rather than by time range so you can no longer just sit and wait for one to appear, you will need to look for it. One other significant change for USSs is that they can be scanned to reveal more information about them without having to drop out of supercruise. There’s still a ton of details for changes of other aspects of the game coming after next week’s look at mission consequences and rewards. Thanks, Michael."
Krockeschinski 1765 Melden Geschrieben 24. Februar 2016 http://www.twitch.tv/laveradio/v/49585346 ab ~1:05:00 "you violated them without CONSENT" hahahahaha, EVE Players send their Regards. Ich freu mich schon auf Star Citizen und die Tränen )))
Angstman 1394 Melden Geschrieben 24. Februar 2016 Falls es mal rauskommt... wundern sich die SC Spieler über die ganzen "Arschlöcher" die jeden Tag plötzlich um 1100 GMT auftauchen
Krockeschinski 1765 Melden Geschrieben 2. April 2016 http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-04-01-griefers-or-saviours-the-elite-dangerous-players-causing-a-rift-in-space Star Citizen up next, the grief train has no breaks
Angstman 1394 Melden Geschrieben 2. April 2016 Krockeschinski, vor 2 Stunden: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-04-01-griefers-or-saviours-the-elite-dangerous-players-causing-a-rift-in-space Star Citizen up next, the grief train has no breaks Noch bevor ich zum part des Artikels kam wo es stand, war irgendwie sofort klar das die Jungs Eve-spieler sind
Crogy2 366 Melden Geschrieben 25. Oktober 2016 (bearbeitet) Guardians Update 1.7 / 2.2 ist live / Größe 13 GB / Change-Log / 4Players Bearbeitet 25. Oktober 2016 von Crogy2
Krockeschinski 1765 Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2017 Also wenn man Aliens in ein Spiel einführt, dann so ! Großartig 1
oOduffyOo 195 Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2017 FD kann man einfach nicht verstehen. Offensichtliche Probleme des Spiels sind nicht behebbar (Content) bzw man hat das Gefühl bei FD interessiert es einfach keinen und dann sowas. Does not compute.
oOduffyOo 195 Melden Geschrieben 10. Januar 2017 Germanfragger, On 6.1.2017 at 23:45: Erkläre er sich! Im letzten Livestream wurde halt gesagt, dass Wing Missions und Mission Sharing "very hard to do" sind und wahrscheinlich noch sehr lange brauchen werden. Der nächste Patch heisst Multicrew. Was soll man mit Multicrew wenn es nichtmal Content gibt, den man gemeinsam machen kann? Nur PVP? Irgendwie ist das alles sinnfrei.
Sepsis 588 Melden Geschrieben 10. Januar 2017 Ist es denn wirklich so schwer mehr solcher Events ins Spiel zu bringen? Aktuell bringt mich wirklich nicht viel dazu das Spiel spielen zu wollen. Grind Grind Grind der Superlative...
Poow 893 Melden Geschrieben 17. Januar 2017 Das der oberste Beitrag hier auf der vorherigen Seite bald ein Jahr alt ist sagt glaube ich so einiges. Ist leider nach wie vor das selbe Problem mit dem Content und absolut null echten Coop Missionen die im Spiel gestellt werden. Habe es neulich vorallem wegen VR wieder angespielt. Aber so richtig Lust auf den Grind, der zumindest bei den Engineers etwas abgeschwächt wurde habe ich auch nicht. Ansonten hab ich nach jedem Patch mal so ein bis zwei Stunden geschaut was neu ist, bin mit paar Leuten aus der Friendlist auf einen TS und darüber gequatscht welche kleinen Änderungen das Spiel perfekt machen würden und mich dann wieder ausgeloggt. Spielt hier noch einer regelmäßig?