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Elite: Dangerous

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Ich hab in letzter Zeit mal wieder bissl mehr reingeguckt. Es macht natürlich für eine Weile immer wieder Spass. Das Space Feeling bleibt immer noch einzigartig. Nach ein paar Stunden setzt allerdings wieder das gewohnte Muster ein. Ich guck auf meine Kontostand und denk: Ich hab eh alles was ich will und log wieder aus. 

Bearbeitet von oOduffyOo





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oOduffyOo, On 15.2.2017 at 22:07:


Oh toll, man kann einen Char erstellen... den nie jemand sieht! :derb: 


Naja doch schon, mit dem Patch 2.3 soll ja auch das Multicrew feature kommen



  • Gefällt mir! 1

The recent announcement of the discovery of the Trappist 1 system is exciting. The star, an M8 dwarf red star is right at the bottom end of the M class stars, so faint it is only just visible in the most powerful telescopes, and doesn’t feature in most star catalogues for this reason. Luckily, though, the system is almost exactly ‘edge on’ from our viewpoint – which means it is possible to ‘see’ the planets as they occlude the tiny star, and an incredible seven terrestrial planets have been spotted around the star by this technique, three of them in the ‘habitable zone’.

Even with Hubble, the fainter M class red stars are only just visible at 40 light years, which is why Trappist 1 is not in most of the star catalogues. Beyond this distance we can see ever fewer M class stars – particularly the fainter ones like this M8 – and it is where our procedural generation begins to kick in – supplementing the brighter, more visible stars.

The way Stellar Forge works is to use ‘available mass’ from which to generate systems – and because of this unaccounted mass, Stellar Forge has created a system with a Brown Dwarf in very nearly the same place – 39 light years away – this is only a little smaller than an M8 – and it even has seven terrestrial worlds around it – Core Sys Sector XU-P A5-0.

Interestingly the system that came out of Stellar Forge has a couple of moons, and a couple of co-orbiting binary pairs – these things would not (yet) be detected in the occlusion technique, as this is simply detecting the darkening of the stellar disc, but who knows, this might be possible.

Because of this we have tweaked Stellar Forge with the data from the recent discoveries so that the planets are now the same – and we have renamed it Trappist 1 – but the great thing is it is only a small tweak! We may still add a few moons back in, and this should go live in beta 2, and will of course be in 2.3 when it goes live to everyone.

David Braben



Die 2.3 BETA ist soeben live gegangen. Erstmal ohne Mutlicrew, da es wohl noch Probleme gibt. Aber schaut mal hier:



2.3 The Commanders, Changelog

11. April - BrettC_Frontier
Greetings Commanders, today we've released the 2.3 update! Below is a short snippet of the very large list of changes.

You can view the full list of changes by going to our official forums here: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/341916

New Content & Features (Horizons)

Holo-Me (Commander Creator)

• Holo-Me UI added
- Players can create their own commander using a variety of customisation options and/or presets
• Player avatars now used in ship cockpits
• Added holographic effect for commander avatars (when they are not physically present)
• Hooked up the player avatar display to the comms panel and the commander history, so now chat messages will have a picture of the senders avatar next to them
• Added Holo-Me option to cockpit Status Panel
• Added Holo-Me shortcut to Startport Services screen, as well as including player’s current commander profile image
• Added rank shoulder patches, unlocked with rank
• Added faction and pirate shoulder patches


• Multi-Crew availability is based on the number of physical seats on your ship
• Gunner role added
• Fighter Con role added
• Helm role added
• Matchmaking for different session types added
- Bounty Hunting
- Mentor
- Piracy
- Mining
- Exploration
- Smuggling
• Session summary screens added
• Allow friend invitations to Multi-Crew
• Power Distributor - Non helm Multi-Crew players provide an additional single power distribution pip which they control
• Added idle animations for other commanders in cockpit
• Crimes system updated to support Multi-Crew
• Multi-Crew related stats added
• Chat interface updated


• Added Multi-Crew cameras to supported ships
• Upgraded cockpits for Multi-Crew
- Adder (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Anaconda (upgraded second and third chair for Multi-Crew)
- Asp (added second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Asp Scout (added second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Beluga (upgraded second and third chair for Multi-Crew)
- Cobra MkIII (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Cobra MkIV (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Imperial Clipper (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Corvette (upgraded second and third chair for Multi-Crew)
- Federal Dropship (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Federal Assault (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Federal Gunship (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Fer de Lance (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Orca (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Cutter (upgraded second and third chair for Multi-Crew)
- Type 9 (upgraded second and third chair for Multi-Crew)
- Python (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
- Vulture (upgraded second chair for Multi-Crew)
• Dolphin playable ship added
• Dolphin NPC ships added


• New mysterious things added
• New organics added to surfaces

New Content & Features (Non-Horizons)

Ship Naming

• Ship Name and ID plates can now be added via Outfitting
• Ship names are server moderated if deemed inappropriate then will be masked off to other players
• If you report a player in-game, we'll now fill in their ship name and ship ID for you
• Added ship name plates to ships
• Added ID plates to ships
• Added ship names to various cockpit UI
• The start new commander flow will now prompt you to enter a ship name

Camera Suite

• Added vanity cameras to the ships
- Players can view their commander and ship from a variety of interior and exterior camera angles, using a range of new camera control options, including:

+ Zoom (Interior, Exterior, with Free Camera enabled)
+ Focus (Exterior, with Depth of Field Enabled)
+ Blur (Interior, Exterior, with Depth of Field Enabled)
+ Roll (Exterior)
+ Elevation (Exterior)
+ Speed (Exterior)
+ Stabiliser On/Off (Exterior)
+ Enable/Disable Ship Controls (Exterior)
+ Detach/Attach Camera With Ship (Exterior)
+ Hide UI (Interior, Exterior)

• Added free camera to ships
- Within the vanity camera, players can also select a free camera mode to more freely adjust their camera view (with access to the above camera options)
- Updated ship cockpit interiors to account for new viewing angles


• Added asteroid base type station (including air traffic controllers)
• Added 32 asteroid bases in various deep space locations
• Added some new challenge scenarios
- 4 new Incursion scenarios
- Speed docking
- Driver challenge
- Ship launched fighter challenge
• Added custom engine trails support
• Added Megaships
- Tanker
- Cargo
- Asteroid Miner
- Flight Operations
- Prison Ship
- Science Vessel
- Passenger
- ???
- ???
• Added 100 new tourist beacons
• Added Bucky Ball Beer Mats rare good


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