oOduffyOo 195 Melden Geschrieben 30. September 2017 (bearbeitet) here we go Bearbeitet 30. September 2017 von oOduffyOo
oOduffyOo 195 Melden Geschrieben 1. Oktober 2017 (bearbeitet) Bearbeitet 1. Oktober 2017 von oOduffyOo
CptPimp 79 Melden Geschrieben 7. Oktober 2017 Germanfragger, vor 59 Minuten: yay Also letzteres (response to the thargoid threat) sieht schon supercool aus... hat was von nem Dropship a la Pelican oder sowas...
oOduffyOo 195 Melden Geschrieben 8. Oktober 2017 (bearbeitet) Frontier expo summary: Elite: Dangerous Horizons and Beyond content announcements: 2018's Series of updates will be called "Beyond", with the first release happening in Q1 2018 and will be FREE for Horizons owners Planetary Tech rework: new lighting system, material rendering pass, diversification of landscape, and more. Screenshot Quality of Life improvements: Better Crime and Punishment (including better armed system authority), Better trading data for more informed decision making, Wing Missions, and Engineering to be reworked to guarantee improved equipment for players. Guardian Arc to be revisited: providing new content such as Guardian tech; notably new hardpoint equipment. These will need to be unlocked for players on an individual basis (through "personal narratives"), as opposed to how we are unlocking the current AX weapons through Community Goals. Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2. Galnet Audio: Galnet will be provided with a text-to-speech medium for its articles. "A lot more ships to come": So far, Type-10, Krait and Chieftain ships have been confirmed. Latter two are Lakon projects in conjuction with the Alliance. Type-10 Defender. Krait. Chieftain Squadrons: New platform for clan-like system offering enhanced communications for a range of players. Also offering the ability for Squadrons to purchase ship carriers, which allows players to rearm, repair, refuel and respawn. Screenshot Mining to be revisited: Devs want to invoke a feeling of "Wild West Prospecting", giving players new tools to find and exploit ore reserves. Promotional Image Planetary Terrain Rework: Addition of Rock Scatter update for larger size and scale of terrain objects, along with localised fog effects too in order to make different planet types feel more distinct from one another. Art Target for Icy Planets Exploration to be revisited: Will be updated to add a suite of new activities to find and engage with. In addition to Exploration missions and a Codex to log discoveries and act as a sort of encyclopedia for space anomalies. With the addition of new effects, phenomenae and anomalies to discover. Promotional Image. Thargoid Arc extended: Story will naturally be progressed, with the introduction of a new ship or "clan" of Thargoids. Screenshot. Bearbeitet 8. Oktober 2017 von oOduffyOo
Germanfragger 235 Melden Geschrieben 13. Oktober 2017 (bearbeitet) EDDI getestet und schon nen fehler gefunden den ich net raus bekomm €: Verträgt sich anscheinend nicht mit der Steam version der normale launcher macht keine probleme! Bearbeitet 13. Oktober 2017 von Germanfragger
oOduffyOo 195 Melden Geschrieben 17. Januar 2018 Endlich Coop Missions. Wing Missions Each CMDR can choose a different reward when they complete the mission. Wing Commander has a special tab to view Progress and assigned CMDRS You can apparently do multiple runs for a mission. So if one requires 500 units you can do two runs of 250 units and it would work, each cmdr can take x amount for the run. You can see how much everyone is taking live. Wing Missions icon There are massacre missions, massacre conflict, assassination, cargo, basic missions that can be done together. You can take Wing Missions as a Single Player. Each person can accept a wing mission, so a wing of 4 can have up to 4 missions. At a certain threshold, you can accept a "Partial Accept".
CptPimp 79 Melden Geschrieben 12. November 2018 Freu mich richtig auf die Mamba... war schon super die alte ausgeleierte Python gegen die Krait auszutauschen, jez kann ich die FDL auch endlich durch was ebenbürtiges ersetzen!
oOduffyOo 195 Melden Geschrieben 12. November 2018 Ich find sie auch ziemlich sexy. Auch der Stil des Videos gefällt sehr, da hat man sich mal was positives von Star Citizen abgeschaut.
Underdog 4378 Melden Geschrieben 12. November 2018 Nett, aber windschnittige Raumschiffe sind im All unnötig und behindern nur die bestmögliche Form. ...und hier ist die perfekte Form für ein Raumschiff! Spoiler 2
Pe$tilence 60 Melden Geschrieben 25. August 2019 Wenn es doch nur nicht so bockschwer-umständlich zu steuern wäre... ;(