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Elite: Dangerous

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omg das grouping ändert einfach alles. Wurde grade mittem im supercruise angechatted und seh nun überall andere spieler beim cruisen. Das Trading ist komplett rebalanced, Missions am start und Fuel. Zum Glück hab ich heute frei :D



Addet mich unter "Marmion"


edit: Wurde im supercruise in Morgor erstmal von nem anderen Spieler drauf hingewiesen, daß am Zentralgestirn ein Signal ist, welches ich unbedingt mal angucken sollte. Finde dort mindestens 20 Kanister Gold zum einsammeln ( :D). Werfe natürlich die nutzlosen Robotics raus um mehr Platz zu schaffen. Während ich versuche den 4.ten Container einzusammeln, landen 3 Pirate Cobras und zerlegen mich in Stücke. Haha auf ein neues :V 



Hab dich mal geadded noch als " commander backer #52591" Request zu Germanfragger ist schon raus!  BFG Gruppe anyone? und schreibt mal eure ingame namen rein!


Bin 'HisDudeness' aber läuft momentan eh nicht


Bin wie immer Cyborg11 :D

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hab euch mal alle geaddet. Server läuft bei mir.

Bearbeitet von oOduffyOo

Meinte damit, es crasht alle Nase lang.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Habe bis jetzt 3 Stunden am Stück ohne einen Crash oder Bug um relogen zu müssen gespielt. (Seit dem Patch)
Leuft auch gerade irgendwie Laggfreier als heute mittag.

Aber was soll diese Grütze das dauernd jemand meint in einer Raumstation alle möglichen Laser und Rakete zu testen???
Die Station an der man bei Spielstart spawnt kann man ja fast nicht mehr gefahrlos anfliegen...

Edit: Wie sieht es eig. mit einer Gruppe aus?

Bearbeitet von Banaene

Irgendwie heißt die Gruppe immer wie man selbst? Checke das nicht ganz ^^


DK2+Elite erste Eindrücke:




DK2 Impressions by Zimtok5 Warning: Spoilers across several older games below. Also, long post!

I'm an avid gamer with a passion for games over all other art forms and consider myself a critic with exacting standards. I have toyed with Unity and count myself as an enthusiast and on that basis bought a DK2 just 2 hours after sales opened in March. Yesterday, my Rift made it to me in Scotland. Up to that point, I had my hopes set on the DK1 with a bit better resolution. I nearly hugged the driver in anticipation but, boy, was I wrong. It was a far more fundamental jump than I had expected.

After a bit of setup and jumping through various Rift demos, the Elite: Dangerous servers came back online after receiving a major update; opening their doors to the world (and me) as part of the Standard Beta. Just moments into the multiplayer game, I realised it. E:D in the Oculus Rift DK2 is simply the single best gaming experience I have had to date in my 29 year life. I sat on this statement this morning, comparing memories which may have been better in both indie and triple A titles, but E:D plus DK2 beat them all by comparisons, hands down. So, what floored me and evoked surprise and emotions I never thought would surface while gaming? Initially, it was the sight of a rotating space station with a planet far below and trails of smoke from recent passers by which made the entire scene electric to me. I just sat there and soaked it in as the small beeps and sounds of my ship ticking over reminded me that I, too, was alive and part of it all. As I took a flyby of a floating city and docking station, something about the detail level and ethereal combination of elements caused an involuntary tear to roll down my right check in front of more Twitch viewers than I thought I would ever have. I have never felt that in a game. I know others will feel this with me, in time. I realised am no longer waiting for change, in fact. The world -has- changed. It has changed forever.

To compare, my experience last night:

  • Was more impressive than the renowned Half Life [PC] moment where a huge tentacle from Xen pins a scientist to the wall, smashing through a pane glass window; one of the biggest shocks of my early PC gaming life. Seeing a planet floating yet suspended in the most subtle of motions at full scale is one for the bucket list.

  • Pulled on heart strings harder than failing to resurrect Chrono in Chrono Trigger [sNES]. When you bond with a character so closely, losing them and then losing them again can really jerk you around.

  • Gave me a purer sense of freedom than releasing Epona in The Ocarina of Time and taking a mane-whipping ride across the plains of Hyrule. I nearly shouted 'FREEEEDOM!' In the vein of my Scottish countrymen. Breaking free of the dock and boosting my engines felt like graduating from some interstellar university. I wished I had a hat to throw in the air and cheer.

  • More satisfying than after more than 30 attempts defeating the end boss in Unreal Tournament named Xan, yet finally breaking through and securing the victory (and a new skin for muliplayer to show off proudly). Getting pulled out of warp and drawn into a gun battle which I only won thanks to some helpful players was simply epic. I thought I was a dead man... but lived.

  • Was a more lucid experience than tunnelling to the core in Minecraft and feeling solitary, confined, and entombed by the glow of lava on the cave walls, wondering if I would ever find home again.

  • Had me feeling truly lost in space and more in over my head than wandering the shores of the Chernarussian coast in DayZ mod for the first time with flares lighting up despondent zombie faces as they meandered ominously through the fog.

  • Made me dream of the future more than walking through a custom built house in the DK1 and for the first time truly seeing the future of gaming and recognising the unbridled potential of this amazing new hardware at the hands of thousands of craftsmen and women (Rift devs!).

TL:DR Dude... dude... I wept over a game. What!? Yes. It happened.

In summary:

If you have disposable income to spend, the combination of an Oculus Rift DK2 plus Elite: Dangerous is perhaps the best available use of your funds right now. This is a jaw-dropping, tear-jerking experience and I give the developers at Frontier major kudos for getting so ahead of the pack and at an astounding level of quality on their delivery to date. I felt like I was back in the store in San Francisco on launch day for the iPhone. Frontier are months (if not years) ahead of their competition and deserving of your hard earned credits. :P (Seriously, though!)

I am SO happy to have taken the gut shot at ordering my DK2 on the basis of my original experineces. If you can, just do it. This is an absolutely incredible and groundbreaking experience.

I leave you with this:

"Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before." – Captain Kirk



Ist heute Abend mal jemand online und im TS? So ab 18,19 Uhr?


Me too =)


E: Ich habe weiterhin keine Verbindung zum Board in den Stationen. Wie macht Ihr bitte mit 4 Laderaum Plätzen mehrere 100k in sowenig Zeit? Wenn ich Pro 10 Minuten Flug 300-400 Profit mache ist das echt gut

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hatte bei mir übrigens geholfen die Planeten Details auf Low zu stellen, seit dem gings ohne crashs.


Wie geht denn das mit dem Grouping? Zusammen jumpen kann man ja wohl noch nicht, sehe also irgendwie denn Sinn nicht wirklich :/


Ok scheint so als sind dann nur wir und AI auf dem "Server" und sehen uns sobald wir im selben System sind.



Bearbeitet von Poow

Ich bin im Teamspeak, falls gleich jemand dazu kommt


Neuer Patch.


Habs gestern leider nicht geschafft, sorry!


Momentan kann man eh noch nicht wirklich was zusammen erledigen. Haben gestern knapp 4 Stunden gespielt und haben uns nur alle halbe Stunde mal kurz gesehen bei docken ^^


Coop wird erst richtig interessant, wenn man seinen Antrieb beim Jumpen gleich schalten kann.



Und wir konnten effektiv auch nur handeln, die Missionen innerhalb der Stationen verursachen bei uns leider "Connection Lost"

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