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War Thunder [OT]

Empfohlene Beiträge


Ich will endlich die Troll-Henschel mit der 7,5er und vor allem die FW-200 haben. Endlich den großen Bomber bei den deutschen.


Was mir auch schon blöd aufgefallen ist,die haben 6 Versionen der Do 217. 3 Nachtjäger und 3 Bomber.Und 3 He 111 Versionen Aber nur 1 Ju 88. Und die auch noch die A4 die noch nicht wirklich gut war.

Anstelle der Do 217 Nachjäger hätten sie besser die Ju 88 der C und G Versionen verwendet.Die war der Do nämlich in allen belangen überlegen.


Das späte Matchmaking (5) kannste sowas von vergessen bei den Deutschen. Nur am verlieren :sauer:


Das liegt aber nicht am Matchmaking, sondern an den Maschinen. Bis auf die Komet kannst du die Jets alle vergessen.


Das weiß ich ja, aber im moment kommts mir noch schlimmer vor als vor dem Patch...

Selbst mit der Me 163 hat man (zumindest ich) einfach keine Chance gegen Mig 15er und die Ammi-Jets...


deshalb flieg ich nur 7-13 (im moment II-III, die neuen 109er und 190er freischalten).

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Naja scheint etwas unfair zusein 45er Flieger gegen Flieger des CW antreten zulassen =/

Außer man lässt Prototypen gegen die MiG und Saber antreten :D

Bearbeitet von SirGutz

bin aufm TS, wenn jemand n bissl Arcarde fliegen will.


wen eine lust hat eine runde zu drehen bin mal im ts


hätte gleich auch zeit, wenn interesse besteht :D



Closed Beta Test Diaries.

Many of us  will remember the 4th of December as the first day of Closed Beta Test Start for the War Thunder Ground Forces. During 3 weeks testers have been driving the steel beasts on the closed server. And we decided to tell you how the first wave of CBT is running and share players’ impressions with you.

   First invitations



Beginning from the very first day of CBT we started to send out invites and instructions to the players who had completed Ground Foces HQ tasks.  These lucky ones got the early access to the Ground Forces CBT and to the hidden CBT sub-forum.  In order to concenrate our testers’ attention on the possible bugs and errors and to to get a proper feedback we decided to run CBT server daily  at a certain time and after the test was over we offered our players to share their impressions.


  Here go the impressions:



«My impressions?  Tanks look amazing.…»


“First of all, i wanna say, i was blown away by the overall impressions»


«- the extremly realistic looking tanks

- the detailed landscape around you

- the dirt

- the sounds

- the driving behavior of your tank

- its movements when you drive over rough terrain

- again the sounds of explosions and gun fire

- the tracers from your and enemy shells flying away and towards you

- the mindblowing firefights between tanks »


«Without ever driven a tank by my own and moreover without having participated in a real tank battle for gods sake, nevertheless thats how i imagine real life tank battles in the past must have looked and felt like !!!»


«...Overall impression: Amazing. Simply amazing»


«I love the "feeling" of the tanks, their sounds and absolutely stunning models.»


«Tanks 'feel' like tanks - you get a sense of controlling this big, heavy piece of machinery in a way few others games (if any) have yet captured for me»


«Atmosphere - its great - explosions going off everywhere, walls of flame, aircraft flying overhead - you feel like you are in a battle, and less like an arcade game»


«I'M DRIVING A TANK! my reaction to the bumpyness, sliding about, and general difficulty in controlling the vehicles. feels like a mass of steal and explosives.»


«First impression, mind blown.»


«I saw images you guys putting on forum and website but it is something different when you actually is in game.


I like sounds, tank details, grass, trees, dirt.. I think it is beautiful build, and tank control is really something new, something that has not been seen so far (atleast seen by me).»



Teamspeak meeting before the server opening  has become a daily tradition. That was a good opportunity to discuss the goals and tasks awaiting.


Map and Mission

During this tage players have been offred to take part in Karelia Battle - it is a front sector of a considerable size, featuring lots of difficult terrain, which allows to hold ground properly.    


Spawning dots placed on the edges of the  map   provide for the  unexpected attacks  from different directions. And while the key areas situated near ther spawn points are easy to capture - the one in the middle is a hard nut to crack.  Vehicles that  occupied the zone have a good position to strike the upcoming forces down, and the tanker who had decided to go off the road will face severe difficulties: he may get wrecked while trying to surpass the hollows or get stuck in the rocks. Another problem is the dense forest all around - you still can damage your tracks while moving through..


You may still ask what is the tankers’ mission?  First of all it is to hold the key positions - the more more positions your team holds the more more points the enemy team lose. Destroyed enemy tanks and planes also contribute to your victory.  

Waht is the aircraft role on the map? Besides the fact that pilots gain air superiority they can significantly affect the outcome of the battle. While destroying a moving tank is reallu difficlut, bombing key positions may still prove to be vialble and deadly tactics.  However, player-controlled AA’s may make things complicated


What’s next?


New invites are being sent on a daily basis - hundreds of them.  During the weekend we have sent over 2000 invitations and we not gonna stop. We still have a very important stage of the testing head - The Second Wave, that will grant the access for those who had purchased the tank packs. And we will definitely carry on to send the invites for those who had the Ground Forces HQ tasks completed.


Und hier noch die schöne KI-84 :aww:


Wobei sie leider das FM verhunzt haben...

Die haben da nen Newbie rangelassen .. Gaijin logic... :evil:


Können die echt behalten den Kram, die sollen erstmal das Spiel wieder entpatchen und den Spass zurückbringen.

  • Gefällt mir! 2

So wie es jetzt ist, zocke ich auch net mehr. Ist mir zu doof.

Aber das wird sich eh net aendern, die sind stur wie Wargaming

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