Corsair 217 Melden Geschrieben 24. Juli 2014 Hab ich bei WT schon länger ! Auch die Panzer machen nicht wirklich Spaß. Bis zu den Schiffen lasse ich das aber noch drauf.Vielleicht macht ja das Spaß
Volmat 55 Melden Geschrieben 24. Juli 2014 Die R2Y2 Keiun-Kai war ein japanisches Aufklärungs-Strahlbomberprojekt, dass auf Basis des Kolbenmotorflugzeugs R2Y1 Keiun entwickelt wurde. Dazu wurde der Kolbenmotor mit zwei Strahltriebwerken gewechselt. Der Antrieb des Flugzeugs wurde von Mitsubishi He-330-Strahltriebwerken in Gondeln unter den Flügeln erbracht, die jeweils eine Schubleistung von 1320 kg schafften. Die Bewaffnung bestand aus vier 30-mm-Maschinenkanonen und einer Bombe von bis zu 800 kg Gewicht an externen Aufhängungen. Auf Basis von Berrechnungen konnte die R2Y2 eine Höhe von bis zu 10.000 Metern und eine Geschwindigkeit von 740 km/h erreichen. Die Entwicklung begann Ende 1944. Der Prototyp wurde vor dem Ende des Krieges allerdings von einem amerikanischen Bombenangriff zerstört und konnte nicht zu seinem Erstflug antreten. V1 V2 V2 V3
Glob 58 Melden Geschrieben 24. Juli 2014 (bearbeitet) Schick schick.. aber soviel zu keine Blueprints... Mal gespannt was das ding taugt. Wenn das Teil Airspawn hat könnt ich es mir ganz angenehm vorstellen, wenn nicht dann wirds interessant... e: DEV server is coming At least there will be 800kg bomb Oh mir gefällt was ich da höre... Bearbeitet 24. Juli 2014 von Glob
Burner 1635 Melden Geschrieben 24. Juli 2014 fehlt dann nur noch das balancing der low und mid tier planes
Glob 58 Melden Geschrieben 24. Juli 2014 Well known Flakpanzer IV ‘Wirbelwind’ based on the tank PzKpfw IV will be added in the next update Discuss It Here
Bösertobi 200 Melden Geschrieben 25. Juli 2014 ja schaut ganz da nach aus ich sehe es später kommen nur ca 4t bomben
Black__Jack 2655 Autor Melden Geschrieben 25. Juli 2014 Jap isses Kam gestern auf Facebook ohne News dazu... bin ich sehr gespannt drauf.
Glob 58 Melden Geschrieben 25. Juli 2014 Wenn das Ding kommt braucht Japan die A7M Reppu.. Bin mal gespannt welches Tiering der Flieger bekommt...
Glob 58 Melden Geschrieben 26. Juli 2014 The Flakpanzer V «Coelian» was a German self-propelled anti aircraft vehicle prototype based on the Pz.Kpfw. V «Panther», that was designed and manufactured by Rheinmetall. The vehicle was equipped with a twin 3.7 cm FlaK 43 L/89 mounted in a rotary turret. You can discuss it here.
ogragla 262 Melden Geschrieben 26. Juli 2014 oh, noes - Rainbow, du hast meine volle Anteilnahme Ich könnte es nicht besser in Worte fassen, als dieser Kamerad hier: Oh how the mighty have fallen. A tech tree treasure, the David among the Goliaths, the great saviour of tier V German teams has sadly passed on. The Ju-87 D-5, affectionaltely known by some as the Dakka-5, but also going by many other names, was one of the greatest heroes to ever grace the skies. Punisher of the foolhardy and incompetent, bringer of joy to the faces of children and adults alike, collector of tears, protector of the innocent and deliverer of justice. A caring, gentle spirit, often underestimated by it's foes for its antiquated design, it's size and it's low speed, yet it earned great respect among German and Allied pilots alike for it's ability to take the fight directly to the enemy, and through bravery and skill, come out on top. Despite it's appearance and the assumptions of it's abilities it constantly surprised with its ability to turn the tables on foes through its respectable dive speed and superb turning ability. A lumbering aircraft sure, but in times of need it could be quick as lightning, agile as a rabbit, cunning like a fox and pack a hell of a wallop, striking out like a cobra when the time was right and having the ability to down entire squadrons in but a single flight. It had a stunning ability to destroy opponents which thoroughly out-classed it, perhaps more so than any other. Yet sadly this knight of the air is not more, struck down by the iron hand of accurate FMs. Now you ascend to the great hangar in the sky where you lay with the other ancestors of today's great clubbers. Though you have left this world you will remain in our hearts forever. You were a plane like no other. You performed well above and beyond the call of duty proving you were far more than "just a Stuka". May the FM developers have mercy, so that one day you might return to us, but if not at least you will never be forgotten. Auf wiedersehen kamerad My personal favourite Stuka flying song, seems fitting really (OK so basically in the recent update the Stuka recieved an updated, more realistic, flight model which basically turned it into the slow, lumbering and out-dated and vulnerable aircraft that it was historically. Basically its landing gear is impossible to break without over-speeding, it locks up completely at 650ish km/h and has very heavy control stiffening on top of its already bad acceleration and meh energy retention. On top of that the MG 151/20s have had debatable performance recently. So now it's kinda just bad and generally not worth playing as a dedicated fighter. It may remain useful for ground farming and some enterprising souls will undoubtedly still claim kills in it but for the most part it's a hangar decoration now. I do understand as the game makes progress this was inevitable, but it's still sad nonetheless. Many RB and some SB players will have very fond memories of clubbing fools who tried to turn-fight the mighty Stuka or simply underestimated it and got caught out. It claimed victims not only among its contemporaries but also against the top jets of every nation it faced and every plane in between and collected the tears of countless pilots who wrongly thought "It's just a Stuka". Drawing from my own memories of all the laughs and great times the D-5 bought me I thought a memorial was in order. So now it sits in my hangar, still beautiful as ever with that big goofy smile, and takes pride of place in my heart as one of the most fun aircraft I ever had the pleasure to fly in War Thunder. So long old friend o7) Edit: New sig, nevur 4get