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Wird scheinbar schlimmer und schlimmer. :daumenrunter:

Ich glaube ich weiß schon welches Spiel als erstes von der Platte fliegt um GTA V Platz zu machen :D


BR Change Delayed....again 16.04 jetzt


Wird scheinbar schlimmer und schlimmer. :daumenrunter:


naja immerhin haben sie es in den Kommentaren zu meinem Video schon mal "offiziell" als Bug anerkannt^^



BR Change Delayed....again 16.04 jetzt

na klar, alle verfügbaren Kräfte bei Gaijin sind daran das Spotting wieder herzurichten...  :rolleyes:


Ich habs dann gestern mal geschafft Sweet FX wieder zum laufen zu bringen,
allerdings über SFX 2.0, dementsprechend fummel ich grad ein wenig an den
Einstellungen rum. Wird mehr und mehr zum Bastlergame.


Scheinbar haben sie wieder was verschlimmbessert: Habe jetzt beim ersten Einstieg mit Land/Luftvehikel immer extreme FPS-Drops und Stotterer zu Beginn. Zieht sich über 2-3min als ob die GraKa irgendwas buffern will, sobald das erledigt ist läuft es wieder. Bis zu dem Punkt an dem man vom Fahrzeug zum Flugzeug oder umgekehrt wechselt, dann heissts wieder warten bis man was tun kann. Ausserdem sehen die Baum und Buschtexturen jetzt extra-kacke aus. 

Weiters hatte ich eben 2 Random-Crashes des Games innerhalb einer halben Stunde - sowas hatte ich bisher noch nie.


Gaijin hat sich mit diesem Patch definitiv selbst übertroffen. Mit den derzeitigen Spottingsettings ist es aber ohnehin unspielbar, also halb so schlimm wenn sie noch was in den Sand setzen...

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

[in Development] Skyraider AD-2 and StuH 42 Ausf. G, 1943

For all our players who like attack aircraft there will be a pleasant surprise, the legendary Skyraider AD-2 will be introduced into our game. It will be added to the US tech tree in the "Weapons of Victory" update. In addition, we will be discussing the Sturmhaubitze 42 Ausf.G, 1943.

Skyraider AD-2

A fourth rank aircraft which is ideal for ground attack. As can be seen, there is one 20mm M3 cannon with 200 rounds per barrel on the central parts of the wings. Two Mk.51 bomb racks installed at the wing root, which together with the ventral mount can be used for various bombs weighing up to 2000 pounds (907kg) per attachment point or a torpedo type Mk.13-3. Under the folding outer-wing there are 12 pylons which are set to use Mk.9-2 missiles.


Kirill "Lassar" Vostretsov, Game Designer:​

With the release of 1.49, this will clearly be one of the most effective rank 4 attack aircraft and potentially the most efficient one in the game. It has a large payload and the widest variety of armament options available - bombs, rockets and torpedoes

Untitled_000100.jpeg Untitled_000099.jpeg

Yuri Titarev, Artist:​

The aircraft is interesting for its "inflated" form. It combines both a massive rounded top and at the same time, the flat bottom of the fuselage. Three air brakes also add to the massiveness of the aircraft. Due to the lack of propeller spinner you can easily see the radiator flaps in front of engine and you can clearly see how they function during animation. The engine itself is installed at a slight angle relative to the axis of the aircraft. We had to spend a lot of time to implement both main landing gear, and their fairings. The model has a lot of animated objects, folding wings, a hook, brake pads, and much more.

Untitled_000095.jpeg Untitled_000094.jpeg line.png Sturmhaubitze 42 Ausf.G, 1943

This german self-propelled gun, introduced at the second rank, will be a serious threat to its opponents.


Vyacheslav "BVV_d" Bulannikov, Game Designer:

Assault variant of the Stug-3 SPG, where the 75mm anti-tank gun was replaced with a 105mm Rheinmetall-Borsig StuH42 howitzer, which was created based on the leFH 18 howitzer light field gun.

The first representative of this type of vehicle in the game. Powerful high-explosive shells allow combat with light armoured vehicles and medium tanks weaker areas are targeted, and HEAT ammunition capable of destroying even heavy tanks.

stuh_III_04.jpg stuh_III_03.jpg stuh_III_02.jpg Untitled_000068.jpeg Untitled_000065.jpeg

Svetlana Smirnova, Artist:

An assault howitzer from 1943. This variant is based on the StuH 40 ausf G, the chassis of which was best suited for installing a 105 mm howitzer. Originally howitzers were equipped with a “two-chamber” muzzle brake which we can see in this version. Later, from September of 1944, howitzers designed for installation on this vehicle were produced without a muzzle brake.

Untitled_000066.jpeg Untitled_000064.jpeg




Dear players!

War Thunder Update 1.49 'Weapons of Victory' is not too far away - and it will include a variety of new combat vehicles that you will be able to play. On this occasion, we want to present to you the preliminary list of vehicles currently planned for introduction in Update 1.49. Of course, we will also continue to brief you about each vehicle individually - so keep an eye on our Developer's Blog!

New aircraft:

  • USA: Skyraider AD-2
  • USSR: IL-2 1943
  • Germany: Ar 234C-3, Hs.129 (Cockpit)
  • Britain: FireFly F.Mk.I, FireFly F.Mk.V, Seafire Mk.XVII, Sea Fury FB.11, Attacker FB.1, Canberra (Cockpit)
  • Japan: J2M2, Ki-21
New ground vehicles:
  • USA: M2A2, 75mm M3 GMC, M18 GMC, T-95, Т28, М10 GMC, M18 Black Cat, M5A1 (5th Armored Division)
  • Germany: StuH 42G
  • USSR: 4М GAZ-ААА, SU-57, SU-122-54, Т-34-85E, Т-34E STZ, IS-2 "Revenge", SU-76М (5th Guards Cossacks Cavalry Corps)
Discuss it here!


Sea Fury... :addicted::aww::panic::zoidberg:

Bearbeitet von Glob



Sea Fury... :addicted::aww::panic::zoidberg:



Die fette Airbrake :D


Achja DEV-Server war on.




Patch notes 1.49:



Be aware that Patch Notes are not final! 


New aircraft:

USA: AD-2, Skyraider, P-51D-10, P-51A

USSR: Yak-9M, Il-2 1943, IL-28 (Cockpit), Yak-9T and Yak-9K (new models), IL-2 1942, IL-2M AM-38 1943, Dolgushin’s La-7

Germany: Ar.234 C3, Hs.129 (cockpit), Bf-109B
Britain: FireFly F.Mk.I, FireFly F.Mk.V, Seafire Mk.XVII, Seafire FR.47, Sea Fury FB.11, Attacker FB.1, Canberra (cockpit), Sea Gladiator Mk1, Sea Hurricane Mk.Ib, Sea Hurricane Mk.Ic, Plagis’s Spitfire LF. Mk.IX, Prendergast’s Spitfire FR.MK.XIVe

Japan: J2M2, Ki-21


New ground vehicles:

USA: M2A2, 75mm M3 GMC, M18 GMC, T95, Т28, М10 GMC, М36, M18 “Black Cat”, M5A1 5th arm.div.

Germany: StuH 42G

USSR: 4M GAZ-AAA, Su-57, Su-122-54, Т-34-85E, Т-34E STZ, IS-2 Avenger, SU-76М of 5th Guards Cossack Cavalry Corps.


New maps and locations for ground vehicles

  • Berlin: Modes available: Domination, Battle, Capture.
  • Normandy. Modes available: Domination, Battle, Breakthrough, Capture.
  • Hurtgen forest. Modes available: Domination, Battle, Capture.


Changes to current locations for ground vehicles:



  • A rocky ledge on the north-eastern area of the lake has been added.
  • Minor balance changes.


  • Many changes have taken place on this location. For better gameplay balance, new hills and covers have been added.
  • The riverbed has been re-worked.


  • Daily awards interface has been changed.
  • Format of Information regarding damage to enemy ground vehicles has been changed.


  • The penetration mechanics of armour piercing and APCR shells have been changed. The penetration of all shells is now calculated through a single method: Almost all of these shells can now penetrate thicker, non-sloped armour than before, while being considerably less effective against sloped armour. Armour piercing projectiles (all types) now show the worst performance regarding the penetration of sloped armour (More details in our Developer’s Blog).
  • The amount of time that it takes for a fuel tank fire to cause an explosion has been changed. Now, it will take a set amount of time (10 - 15 sec.) before ammunition and fuel tanks may detonate from a fire in other modules. After this time has lapsed, the chance of ammunition or fuel tank explosion is higher than it previously was in 1.47.
  • All high-explosive shells, that were not tracer shells in reality, no longer show a tracer effect in the game.
  • 122mm high-explosive shells of the D-25T are now using a reduced propellant charge (instead of full charge), resulting in a muzzle velocity of 570 m/sec and a steeper trajectory.
  • The muzzle velocity of the 90mm armour-piercing shells for the M36 and M3A1 cannons have been changed to 912m/sec.
  • The muzzle velocity of armour-piercing shells for German 75mm cannons with a barrel length of 43, 48 and 46 calibers have been changed. The maximum muzzle velocity is now featured by the PaK 40 (SPG Marder III).
  • The visual effects of hits into the ground and on vehicles by projectiles with normal caliber rounds have been reduced.


Changes and fixes of ground vehicles:

  • Corrected the thickness of the upper frontal armour of the M4A3E2 with 75mm and 76mm cannons from 25.4cm (10 inch) to 63.5cm (25 inch).
  • The ammunition load of the Pz.III N has changed from 56 to 64 shells.
  • The rotation speed of the Tiger I Ausf. H1’s turret has increased from 7.5 degree/sec to 12 degree/sec, and for the Ausf. E’s turret, 7.5 degree/sec to 14 degree/sec.
  • Several characteristics of the T-35 have been updated - the thickness of the armour plates, the tank’s entire mass, and the main turret rotation speed were fixed (according to bug report information from Nikon_D3x) .
  • The ammunition load has been changed for the SPGs, IS-122, ISU-122S, and all modifications of the T-54.
  • The time to change magazines on the M16 SPAA has been increased to 14 seconds.
  • A bug on multi-turret vehicles, which allowed the continuous rotation of the turrets after the drive mechanisms had been destroyed, has been fixed.
  • The ammunition load of the M41A1 has been changed from 57 to 65 shots.

Ground forces decals:

  • M18 Hellcat, "Black Cat" emblem
  • "Месть за брата героя" (Revenge for the Hero brother) text
  • "Major Jim" text, 1st Armored Division
  • "Blondie" text
  • Emblem of the ‘66th Armoured Regiment’
  • Emblem of the ‘33rd Armored Regiment’
  • "Lidice" text
  • Emblem of the ‘División Mecanizada Brunete n.° 1’
  • Emblem of the ‘1er régiment de chasseurs à cheval’
  • Emblem of the ‘Egyptian 4th Tank Division’
  • ‘Kangaroo’ emblem, used by Australian troops on captured vehicles
  • Emblem of the ‘3e régiment de chasseurs d'Afrique’
  • "Chwat" text
  • Emblem "Devils Head", from 31st Panzer Regiment, 5th Panzer Division
  • Emblem of the ‘10th Panzer Division’
  • Emblem of the ‘21st Panzer Division’
  • Emblem of the ‘507th Heavy Panzer Battalion’
  • "864" Tank Number
  • "5100" Tank Number
  • "Tadeusz" Text
  • Emblem of the Canadian 5th Armoured Division
  • Text "k230"
  • 5 Guards Cavalry Corps, Su-76M markings
  • Emblem of the 6th Guards Tank Brigade
  • Number "53"
  • Text "The black bear"

Aircraft decals:

  • Nosecone art, No. 30 Squadron RAAF, Papua New Guinea 1943
  • "Eat-Em-Alive" emblem, No. 30 Squadron RAAF
  • No. 77 Squadron RAAF P-40 nose art
  • Royal Australian Air Force Roundel, 1942-1946
  • "Lynx" emblem of No. 416 Squadron RCAF
  • "The Fiery Queen" pin-up, No. 425 (Alouette) Squadron RCAF
  • Royal Canadian Air Force Roundel 1946-1965
  • "African Mask", Fighter (Pursuit) Group III/6, 5th Squadron insignia. Pierre le Gloan
  • "Mosquito" insignia from Portuguese 1st Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, Azores Islands, 1941
  • "Penguin" Emblem of 5./St.G 2, 1940
  • Emblem of the 150a Squadriglia, 2° Gruppo
  • Emblem of the 278a Squadriglia, 132°  Gruppo Autonomo A.S.
  • Emblem of the 377a Squadriglia Autonoma
  • Brazilian Air Force Roundel
  • Indonesian Air Force Roundel
  • Iranian Air Force Roundel
  • Pakistan Air Force Roundel
  • Portuguese Air Force Roundel
  • Royal Thai Airforce Roundel 1941-1945
  • South African Air Force Roundel
  • Emblem of No. 193 Squadron RAF
  • "Braying Donkey" emblem, No. 37 Squadron RAF, Egypt 1942
  • Emblem of No. 609 Squadron RAF
  • Emblem of No. 80 Squadron RAF
  • Emblem of No. 804 Naval Air Squadron, Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy
  • "Shangri-La", Don Gentile's P-51B, 336th Fighter Squadron, 4th Fighter Group
  • Emblem of the 68th Fighter Interceptor Squadron
  • Emblem of 1st Pursuit Group of the AVG (American Volunteer Group)
  • Insignia of the Strike Fighter Squadron 11 (VFA-11), "The Red Rippers"
  • Personal emblem of Maj. Vyacheslav Sirotin, 17th IAP

Changes in flight models:

  • F6F3 - Functionality of propulsion system (engine-propeller-system) has been changed (improved acceleration capabilities on takeoff), improved geometrical parameters of the wings, improved compression of control surfaces at high speeds, improved stability during vertical dive.
  • B5N2 - Improved handling on high speeds, stability during bombing and torpedoing, automatic engine control.
  • TBF-1C - Functionality of propulsion system (engine-propeller-system) has been changed. Refined the geometry of control surfaces (handling was improved). Improved stability in maneuvers on high speeds (tendency of pitching the nose upwards reduced).
  • La-5F/FN - Improved automatic engine control. Reduced the impact of compression on control surfaces, “jamming” of elevators was minimized while maneuvering at low speeds and in “Mouse Aim” mode. The overall maneuverability and controllability on this controls type was improved.
  • I-15 (all) - Flight model updated (new settings for these planes were added).
  • Gladiator Mk.II (all) -  Flight model is updated (new settings for these planes were added). Propulsion system (engine-propeller-system) has been reworked. Wing box was recalculated. Improved performance during takeoff and landing.
  • Fairey Swordfish Mk I - Flight model updated (new settings were added). Propulsion system (engine-propeller-system) has been reworked. Wing box was recalculated. Stability during torpedoing has been improved.
  • Ki-43-3 otsu - Temperature control of the engine has been fixed. Overheat temperature is equal to 230 degrees celsius.
  • F4U-1 (all) - Bug in the engine functionality was fixed. Acceleration capability during takeoff has been improved. Stability during a vertical dive and stability in maneuvers on low speeds were improved.
  • PBY-5/5a, H6K4 - A bug has been fixed, which led to uncontrollable rotation with ever-growing angular velocity after bombs were dropped, ultimately resulting in the destruction of the aircraft.
  • He-111 (all) - A bug has been fixed, where engines could be damaged by switching them off and on.
  • Ki-84 (all) - A bug has been fixed, which led to shortfalls of the maximum engine power at the sea level.
  • A-26 - A bug has been fixed, which led to the inability to use emergency power
  • Hs-129 - A bug has been fixed, which made it impossible to start the engine in the air at speeds lower than 170 km/h.
  • Ju-87 D-5 - A bug has been fixed, which led to the engine turning off randomly in Arcade Battles.
  • P-47M - flight model updated according to the data sheet
  • Yak-9M - flight model updated according to the data sheet
  • Ki-21-1Ko - flight model updated according to the data sheet
  • J2M2 - flight model updated according to the data sheet
  • IL-2M-37 - flight model updated according to the data sheet
  • IL-2M-1943 - flight model updated according to the data sheet
  • AD-2 -  flight model updated according to the data sheet


  • M1919A4 tank machine gun sounds have been updated
  • Degtyaryov (DT) tank machine guns have been updated
  • Opening and closing the cockpit while flying results in a more noticeable sound difference



Dafür haben wir ja den News Fred. :)


Davon ab:






[Dev-Blog] РСЗО T34 Sherman Calliope

Mit dem Update “Weapons of Victory” werden wir ein einzigartiges neues Fahrzeug in War Thunder einfügen - einen Mehrfachraketenwerfer! Wir arbeiten bereits seit einer Weile an dieser Art von Fahrzeugen und das erste wird der Premiumpanzer der USA Sherman Callioppe. Er wird auf Rang II des Forschungsbaums der US-Bodentruppen zu finden sein.

Mehr unter: http://warthunder.com/de/devblog/current/17








Da bin ich mal gespannt wie das Fair ins Game gebracht wird. :)


Kommt mir das nur so vor oder ist das spotten mit dem patch wieder schlechter geworden?


Man das Ding ist ja die Definition von Balance :P


so up :ugly:


Super das erste richtige P2W vehicle ....

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