hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 21. Oktober 2016 Ok, auch wenn es nach dem BF1 Release nun nicht mehr ganz so interessant für die meisten ist, doch noch die Info. PTS ging diese Woche zuende und der Patch soll nächste Woche am Dienstag den 25.10 erscheinen. Änderungen sind enorm, und der Patch wird groß. Für PS4 Nutzer hat er 11Gb und für Xbox 6Gb. Für PC ist die größe aktuell noch nicht bekannt. Aber so um 6GB kann man mindestens Rechnen. Ich glaub der PTS Patch anfangs war auch so knapp 10Gb groß. Änderungen gibt es natürlich auch zuhauf. Im aktuellen State of the Game hat man von über 20 DIN A4 Seiten an Patchnotes gesprochen. Getan zur aktuellen Version hat sich also einiges. Was man vom Metachange erwarten kann, kann man hier etwas raus lesen. Gear Sets die aktuell noch super sind, sind nun eher meh usw.
hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 25. Oktober 2016 Patch is da. Bei mir waren es unter 5GB. Hier mal ein paar der Features schön dargestellt. http://tomclancy-thedivision.ubi.com/game/de-DE/news/detail.aspx?c=tcm%3A156-272786-16&ct=tcm%3A148-76770-32
Burner 1635 Melden Geschrieben 3. November 2016 bockt es nu auch wieder? Oder hat man ohne DLC Probleme Missions zu finden und bekommt evtl neues Gear nicht?
hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 7. November 2016 Es macht deutlich mehr Spaß als vorher. Man hat endlich das Gefühl nen Looter zu spielen. Man bekommt wirklich verdammt viel Zeug und man kann sich anständig seinen Char zusammenbauen. Die Gegner sind endlich machbar und auch allein kann man gut grinden. Probleme mit dem Matchmaking zu Missionen hatte ich keine. Im Gegenteil. Spielerzahl im Vergleich zu vorher ist stark gestiegen. Mir ist nicht bekannt das man non Season Pass Spieler irgendwas nicht haben könnte. Jedes Setitem steht allen zur Verfügung. Im Gegensatz zu vorher wo glaub ein paar Sets DLC Exclusive waren. Heute wurde auch das nächste DLC Survival angekündigt. Find ich sehr interessant, da man in erster Linie gegen die Umgebung kämpft. Also man ist Krank und verliert Leben und dazu ist es wegen nem Schneesturm noch Arsch kalt. Man muss nach warmen Klamotten suchen etc pp. Hat was von DayZ. Dazu kommen noch NPCs dazu und wenn man PVP auswählt auch noch Spieler die einen umknallen können. Wenn man PVE auswählt, gibt es zwar immer noch Spieler aber die können einen nicht mehr umnieten. Das DLZ soll mit dem nächsten Patch 1.5 kommen. PTS zu dem ist heute auch online gegangen. Patchlog gibt es auch schon. Wenn man den Season Pass bis zum letzten Donnerstag hatte, da wurden nämlich die Daten übertragen, kann man Survival auch aufm PTS spielen. Wenn nicht, dann bleibt einen wenigstens noch all der Content zu 1.5 Spoiler Expansion 2: Survival Please note that you must own the Survival DLC to gain access to this content. Survival mode enabled More information on the mode will be added here. Update 1.5 Game changes Added World Tier 5 bracket (230+ GS) Enemy NPCs are level 34. Maximum Gear Score raised to 256. Heroic Incursions are now available in Tier 5 only. Named Gear items have been implemented in the game. One piece is available for each Gear Slot and each one comes with a unique Talent. Named Gear items can only be dropped in World Tier 5 or in Survival game mode. [Mask] Ferro’s oxygen mask: Players can move and shoot while under burn status effect. [Knee Pads] Shortbow championship pads: Grenades have shortened fuse timer. [Holster] Colonel Bliss’ holster: Powerful improvements for sidearms. [Gloves] Skulls MC gloves: Increased damage when no gear set bonuses are active. [Chestpiece] Barrett’s bulletproof: Powerful bonuses when skills are on cooldown. [Backpack] NinjaBike messenger bag: Less DZ loot and DZ XP lost when dying in the Dark Zone. Enemy Armor Damage now functions in PVP: damage calculation in PvP ignores a percentage of the target’s armor equal to one third of the shooter’s Enemy Armor Damage. Enemy Armor Damage is now a Major bonus instead of a Minor bonus. With enemy Armor Damage now applying to PvP, this will create an interesting situation where players will have to decide between increasing their Armor or Armor Damage. It can now roll on Backpacks, Masks, Kneepads, Holsters and Gear Mods. Roll values have been lowered to compensate for the fact that it can roll on more item types. Rolls on existing Kneepads will be scaled to appropriate values. Note that Enemy Armor Damage will still be considered as a Minor bonus on existing Kneepads. Enemy Armor Damage will be removed from existing Masks and replaced with another minor bonus. Stagger now functions in PvP: high-stagger weapons (Shotguns and Marksman rifles primarily) will now cause the target’s aim to flinch. NPCs now have chances to drop crafting materials. Chances to drop higher quality increases with World Tiers. Season Pass Open World Supply Drops will now scale with World Tier. Opening a supply drop in World Tier 1 will reward with Gear Score 163, 182 in world tier 2, etc. Items in the Scavenger crate in the Base of Operations will now scale with World Tier. Vendors will now scale to player’s Gear Score, independently from the World Tier they’re in. This means that the Gear Score and currency value of goods they sell will adapt to the player’s Gear Score. We have adjusted the Credits and Phoenix Credits rewards for Main Missions, High Value Targets and Incursions to better scale with World Tier. This overall results in an increase starting from World Tier 4 and above. Weapons All Weapon types Hip fire now has stronger recoil than aiming down sights. The strength of this effect varies between weapon types. From most impacted to least impacted: Marksman Rifles, LMGs, Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns, Pistols. SMG Vector 45 ACP & First Wave Vector 45 ACP: base magazine size increased to 25. MP7: base damage increased by 16%. LMG M60: base damage reduced by 3%. M60 & M249 now take longer to reach full accuracy when fired. Hungry Hog: base damage reduced by 13%, to prevent a scaling overlap with the implementation of World Tier 5. Shotguns Lowered the strength of aim assist for Shotguns. Lowered the effect of accuracy on Shotguns. Headshot base bonus reduced from 80% to 60%. Showstopper: Accuracy while in cover has been reduced. M870: base damage reduced by 12%. Added 12 new weapon types. These weapon types can only be dropped in World Tier 5: MG5 Light Machinegun Infantry MG5 Light Machinegun Famas Assault Rifle Model 700 Marksman Rifle M700 Tactical Marksman Rifle M700 Carbon Marksman Rifle Converted USC Submachinegun Police UMP-45 Submachinegun Tactical UMP-45 Submachinegun Snub nosed Rhino Pistol Rhino Pistol Rhino Special Pistol Added 4 new High-End named weapons (available at various gear scores depending on source): Golden Rhino Urban MDR Assault Rifle Tommy Gun Thompson M1928 Gear Sets Final Measure 4 pieces: Grenades can now be picked up every 8 seconds instead of 15 seconds. Hunter’s Faith 3 pieces: Headshot bonus reduced from 20% to 10%. FrontLine has been added: 2 pieces: +15% Protection from Elites 3 pieces: +30% Ballistic Shield Health 4 pieces: Allows using an SMG if one is equipped when Ballistic Shield is deployed. SMG Crit Chance is reduced to 0% Skill changes Pulse All Mods (except Recon Pack): Decreased lifetime by 20% from 25 seconds to 20 seconds. Recon Pack: Increased lifetime by 14.3% from 17.5 seconds to 20 seconds. Decreased cooldown by 25% from 60 seconds to 45 seconds. Tactical Scanner: Increased cooldown by 10% from 60 seconds to 66 seconds. First AidDefibrillator: Increased Ally Heal by 10% from 1500 to 1650. Overdose: Decreased Self Heal by 10% from 1500 to 1350. Increased cooldown by 10% from 60 seconds to 66 seconds. Support Station All Mods (except Immunizer): Increased Lifetime by 10% from 20 seconds to 22 seconds. Sticky Bomb Base Skill and Proximity Fuse: Decreased cooldown by 10% from 90 seconds to 81 seconds. BFB: Decreased cooldown by 4.8% from 105 seconds to 100 seconds. Seeker MineCluster: Decreased Bleed effect duration by 25% from 8 seconds to 6 seconds (total bleed damage is unchanged). Ballistic Shield Base Skill and all mods: NPCs will deal 10% more damage to the shield. Smart Cover All Mods (except Trapper): Decreased Skill Power impact on Damage Resistance, Weapon Stability and Weapon Accuracy buffs by 20% from 150% to 120%. Tactical Link Increased damage bonus by 16.7% from 30% to 35%. Increased duration by 8.3% from 12 seconds to 13 seconds. Survivor Link Increased duration by 8.3% from 12 seconds to 13 seconds. PC Only [PC Only] Added a radial menu for emotes. [PC Only] Added a new UI rendering setting that will reduce game latency at the cost of framerate. Bug Fixes Fixed a bug where players could trap elite NPCs inside a spawn closet during Dragon’s Nest – Eliminate the Collective checkpoint. Fixed a bug where players would not be able to carry the Fuse box object if they were facing a certain angle. Fixed instances where players could obtain High-End items at too low levels. Fixed a bug where the interaction radius around the Crafting Table was too small. Fixed a bug where weapon talents that would buff the player would be purged after switching weapons. Fixed a bug where the Medved and Warlord High-End weapons would drop at 163 Gear Score in Incursions at any World Tier. Fixed a bug where swapping out the 4th piece of a gear set with one of the same type would disable the 4-piece set bonus. This affected Tactician’s Authority, Sentry’s Call and Striker gear sets. Fixed a bug where Wildfire, Shrapnel and Fear Tactics would not apply their effects to nearby enemy targets. Fixed a bug where players would not be able to use Recovery Link signature skill while aiming another skill. Fixed a bug where the Recovery Link would not automatically trigger if the player took fatal damage while aiming down sights. Fixed a bug where weapon talents would not activate if the player had fulfilled exactly the required stat value. Fixed a bug where equipping a weapon directly from dropped loot would replace the players current weapon instead of an empty slot. Fixed a bug where sometimes looted containers and props would still be highlighted as loot-able in the game world. Fixed a bug where recalibrating Enemy Armor Damage stat would not use the correct values at 163 Gear Score. Fixed a replication issue that occurred when the player was performing a two-hand vault over an obstacle in the game world. Fixed instances where the Fuse box objects would not replicate correctly when players would leave the mission instance. Fixed game framerate while inside any inventory that has a large number of items. Fixed a bug where the Signature Skill icon would not disappear when “auto-hide HUD” option was enabled. Fixed a bug where players could not scroll an item description during item compare, in certain conditions. Fixed a bug where the UI would not show the new item notification when a skill mod was unlocked due to a Base of Operation upgrade. Fixed a bug where the Automatch megamap screen inside Underground mode would display activities that were not available for matchmaking. Fixed a bug where the player’s health bar would overlap the Gear Score value while the Stash is open. Fixed a bug where some vendors in the Base of Operations were not displayed on the megamap or the minimap. Fixed a weird door. PC Specific [PC only] Fixed a bug where the first keyboard tap to deploy a skill would not register immediately after the skill was equipped or came off cooldown. Fixed a bug where the player would not be able to shoot for several seconds after having thrown a skill or a grenade. Fixed a bug where players would get unmuted after being killed in the Dark Zone. Fixed a bug where the World Bracket UI was not affected by the HUD eye focus for the Tobii Eye Tracker. Fixed a bug where players could still interact with the crafting table even though they received an “inventory is full” notification. Fixed a bug where window size would not actually change when switching the video settings to windowed mode. Jetzt noch Special Report zur Ankündigung Und kommentiertes Gameplay
Burner 1635 Melden Geschrieben 7. November 2016 Die Dragondingens Incursion ist nur für DLC Besitzer. soviel zu " man wird keinen Nachteil im Mp haben sollte man die DLC nicht kaufen, es werden reine SP Erweiterungen"
hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 7. November 2016 Echt Dragons Nest ist DLC? Aber das ist ja auch ne SP Mission, daher stimmt das soweit. Wenn man es nicht spielt hat man keine Nachteile. Außer das man nicht die tolle Erfahrung hat vom Flammentruck gebrutzelt zu werden.
hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 9. November 2016 PTS bring scheinbar auch DX12 support, jedoch ist das nach PCGH perfomance technichnisch eher ernüchternd. DX11 bringt aktuell noch mehr Leistung. http://www.pcgameshardware.de/The-Division-Spiel-37399/News/Patch-15-DirectX-12-1212814/
Kantholz 691 Melden Geschrieben 10. November 2016 DX12 sollte auch nicht mit den "schnellen" CPUs getestet werden. DX12 soll ja den rechenoverhead von der CPU nehmen und auf die GPU umlagern. Bringt also auf dem Papier am meisten bei ner guten GPU aber "mäßigen" CPU. Ich hab z.B. einen i7-3770k und ne GTX1060, da würde ich vermuten bessere Ergebnisse mit DX12 sehen
hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 16. November 2016 Weil ich gestern mitbekommen habe, dass die Info doch nicht so verbreitet ist, wie ich dachte. Der PTS für den neuen Patch wurde ja schon am Montag geschlossen und seit dem hört man auch nichts mehr wirklich. Die Testphase war diesmal also nur sehr kurz. Das noch ein PTS kommt, glaub ich allerdings auch nicht, da Microsoft wohl das Releasedate für das nächste DLC und somit auch für den Patch geleakt hat. Das würde soweit passen, da an dem Tag Patchday ist. Ich würde also aktuell die Supply Drops noch nicht auf machen die man als Season Pass Heini bekommt. Warum? Da der Patch nach einer Ewigkeit wieder eine Gearscore Erhöhung kommt. Das Zeug aus den Drop wird dann also 256 sein. Kann also den Anfangsgrind wieder etwas vereinfachen. Man sollte auch schauen, dass man mit den Phoenix Credits beim Cap von 2000 ist. Man weiß ja schließlich nicht ob es dann was gutes zum kaufen gibt. Die Birdbucks bekommt man aktuell ja relativ leicht wenn man Clear Sky auf World Tier 2 farmt. Ein Run dauert in etwa ~5 Minuten und man bekommt 100 Phoenix Credits. Dazu gibt es ja noch die normalen Credits und XP. Von den XP bekommt man ja auch Behälter. Die spucken, obwohl man die XP auf World Tier 2 farmt, aktuell 229 Gear aus. Daher sammel ich die aktuell, denn vielleicht spucken die beim nächsten Patch dann 256 Sachen aus. Und wenn nicht, hab ich zumindest viel Sachen zum Verkaufen und kann das Phoenix Credits Limit umgehen.
hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 17. November 2016 Jetzt ist es auch sicher. Am Dienstag kommt der Patch für PC und Xbox. PS4 Spieler müssen noch ein paar Tage warten. Quote Update 1.5 Release Date for Update 1.5 and Survival: Tuesday November 22nd for Xbox and PC Update 1.5 Patch for PS4 will be delayed for a couple of days, but more updates will follow. Survival will be deployed on PS4 one month later but before Christmas Patch Notes Update 1.5 Enemy Armor Damage will not be a main stat Enemy Armor Damage will still apply in PVP Stagger now works in PVP – but it works different than against NPCs (gun jumps) Hip fire now has stronger recoil than aiming down sights. NPCs now have chances to drop crafting materials Weapon Talents requirement have been lowered MG5 accuracy and damage has been reduced MP7 is receiving a buff Provident has been removed from weapons that drop in Tier 5 (and have 256 GS) Technical Advanced has been capped Exclusive 1.3 Weapon Talents can now be rolled on all weapons of the specific weapon classes Xbox chat has been fixed and will work again after Update 1.5 drops Stash size has been increased to 150 items. Patch Notes Console M870 has been nerfed Headshot bonus has been reduced Aim assist has been changed Patch Notes Survival First Aid heal value has been increased Ballistic Shield Health is increased DX 12 Will not go live, that was a PTS experiment PTS Patch Notes for reference: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/1515568-Global-1-5-Survival-PTS-Patch-Notes?p=12036167&viewfull=1#post12036167 Bugfixing Judie Walters Echo is fixed with 1.5 Sealed Caches The Gear Score of the cache is calculated when you get it – so there is no point to keep the caches you get now, you will just get 229 equipment. You also won’t get equipment from caches that are exclusive for Tier 5 after 1.5 drops New Named Gear Items Will only drop in World Tier 5 and from Survival Caches Looking forward Starting on Tuesday there will be a 24h Stream with giveaways Final patch notes will be out on Monday
hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 21. November 2016 Morgen ist Patchday. Hier der Trailer zu Survival DLC das morgen auch kommt. und dann noch patch notes Spoiler Quote THE DIVISION UPDATE 1.5: SURVIVAL - PATCH NOTES 21/11/2016 05:00 PM EXPANSION 2: SURVIVAL Please note that you must own the Survival DLC to gain access to this content. This is available on Nov 22 for Xbox One and PC and December 20 for PS4. Survival mode enabled Cold, sick, hungry, stripped of gear, and beset by a brutal snowstorm, you must survive until extracting safely in the Dark Zone. Finding supplies, warm clothes and survival equipment will be vital to your success. However the environment is not the only danger; other agents and deadly Hunters will prove the biggest challenges to your survival. Survival is a game mode offering a more hardcore experience with survival mechanics and permanent death. The game mode hosts 24 players and takes place in a modified version of Manhattan, reusing the whole open world. The game mode is session based, with one game lasting up to 2 hours. UPDATE 1.5 The following content, changes, and bug fixes are available to Xbox One and PC players on November 22, and slightly later on PS4. Game changes Added World Tier 5 bracket (224+ GS) Enemy NPCs are level 34. Maximum Gear Score raised to 256. Heroic Incursions are now available in Tier 5 only. Named Gear items have been implemented in the game. One piece is available for each Gear Slot and each one comes with a unique Talent. Named Gear items can only be acquired in World Tier 5 or in Survival game mode. [Mask] Ferro’s oxygen mask: Players can move and shoot while under burn status effect. [Knee Pads] Shortbow championship pads: Grenades have shortened fuse timer. [Holster] Colonel Bliss’ holster: Powerful improvements for sidearms. [Gloves] Skulls MC gloves: Increased damage when no gear set bonuses are active. [Chestpiece] Barrett’s bulletproof: Powerful bonuses when skills are on cooldown. [Backpack] NinjaBike messenger bag: Less DZ loot and DZ XP lost when dying in the Dark Zone. Enemy Armor Damage now functions in PVP: damage calculation in PvP ignores a percentage of the target’s armor equal to one third of the shooter’s Enemy Armor Damage. Stagger now functions in PvP: high-stagger weapons (Shotguns and Marksman rifles primarily) will now cause the target’s aim to flinch. Tactical Advance: This talent will now provide a maximum of 30% damage increase. Stash size has been increased from 70 to 150 total items. Loot, rewards & vendors NPCs now have chances to drop crafting materials. Chances to drop higher quality increases with World Tiers. Season Pass Open World Supply Drops will now scale with World Tier. Opening a supply drop in World Tier 1 will reward with Gear Score 163, 182 in World Tier 2, etc. Items in the Scavenger crate in the Base of Operations will now scale with World Tier. Vendors will now scale to player’s Gear Score, independently from the World Tier they’re in. This means that the Gear Score and currency value of goods they sell will adapt to the player’s Gear Score. We have adjusted the Credits and Phoenix Credits rewards for Main Missions, High Value Targets and Incursions to better scale with World Tier. This results in an overall increase starting from World Tier 4 and above. Modified rewards from completing weekly assignments: Moved 30 Phoenix Credits from the weekly assignment reward to put them inside the weekly assignment cache (the total amount is still the same) Added one extra High-End Mod inside the weekly assignment cache Weapons Talents Swift: Reload Speed bonus has been increased from 15% to 25%. Provident: This talent has been removed from World Tier 5 and will not roll or be available in recalibration for Gear Score 256 weapons. Hurried, Focused and Disciplined are no longer exclusive to PP19, G36 and SVDs. All Weapon types Hip fire now has stronger recoil than aiming down sights. The strength of this effect varies between weapon types. From most impacted to least impacted: Marksman Rifles, LMGs, Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns, Pistols. SMG Vector 45 ACP & First Wave Vector 45 ACP: base magazine size increased to 25. MP7: base damage increased by 9%. LMG Damage to targets out of cover bonus has been slightly reduced for all LMGs of Gear Score 256. M60: base damage reduced by 3%. M60 & M249 now take longer to reach full accuracy when fired. Hungry Hog: base damage reduced by 13%, to prevent a scaling overlap with the implementation of World Tier 5. Shotguns Lowered the strength of aim assist for Shotguns. Lowered the effect of accuracy on Shotguns. Headshot base bonus reduced from 80% to 60%. Showstopper: Accuracy while in cover has been reduced. M870: base damage reduced by 12%. Added 12 new weapon types. These weapon types can only be dropped in World Tier 5: MG5 Light Machinegun Infantry MG5 Light Machinegun Famas Assault Rifle Model 700 Marksman Rifle M700 Tactical Marksman Rifle M700 Carbon Marksman Rifle Converted USC Submachinegun Police UMP-45 Submachinegun Tactical UMP-45 Submachinegun Snub nosed Rhino Pistol Rhino Pistol Rhino Special Pistol Added 4 new High-End named weapons (available at various gear scores depending on source): Golden Rhino Urban MDR Assault Rifle Tommy Gun Thompson M1928 Gear Sets Final Measure 4 pieces: Grenades can now be picked up every 8 seconds instead of 15 seconds. Hunter's Faith 3 pieces: Headshot bonus reduced from 20% to 10%. FrontLine has been added 2 pieces: +15% Protection from Elites 3 pieces: +30% Ballistic Shield Health 4 pieces: Allows using anSMG if one is equipped when Ballistic Shield is deployed. SMG Crit Chance is reduced to 0% Skill changes Pulse All Mods (except Recon Pack): Decreased lifetime by 20% from 25 seconds to 20 seconds. Recon Pack: Increased lifetime by 14.3% from 17.5 seconds to 20 seconds. Decreased cooldown by 25% from 60 seconds to 45 seconds. Tactical Scanner: Increased cooldown by 10% from 60 seconds to 66 seconds. First Aid Defibrillator: Increased Ally Heal by 10% from 1500 to 1650. Overdose: Decreased Self Heal by 10% from 1500 to 1350. Increased cooldown by 10% from 60 seconds to 66 seconds. Support Station All Mods (except Immunizer): Increased Lifetime by 10% from 20 seconds to 22 seconds. Sticky Bomb Base Skill and Proximity Fuse: Decreased cooldown by 10% from 90 seconds to 81 seconds. BFB: Decreased cooldown by 4.8% from 105 seconds to 100 seconds. Seeker Mine Cluster: Decreased Bleed effect duration by 25% from 8 seconds to 6 seconds (total bleed damage is unchanged). Ballistic Shield Base Skill and all mods: NPCs will deal 10% more damage to the shield. Smart Cover All Mods (except Trapper): Decreased Skill Power impact on Damage Resistance, Weapon Stability and Weapon Accuracy buffs by 20% from 150% to 120%. Tactical Link Increased duration by 8.3% from 12 seconds to 13 seconds. Survivor Link Increased duration by 8.3% from 12 seconds to 13 seconds. PC Only [PC Only] Added a radial menu for emotes. [PC Only] Added a new UI rendering setting that will reduce game latency at the cost of framerate. BUG FIXES Fixed a bug where players could trap elite NPCs inside a spawn closet during Dragon’s Nest – Eliminate the Collective checkpoint. Fixed a bug where players would not be able to carry the Fuse box object if they were facing a certain angle. Fixed instances where players could obtain High-End items at too low levels. Fixed a bug where the interaction radius around the Crafting Table was too small. Fixed a bug where weapon talents that would buff the player would be purged after switching weapons. Fixed a bug where the Medved and Warlord High-End weapons would drop at 163 Gear Score in Incursions at any World Tier. Fixed a bug where swapping out the 4th piece of a gear set with one of the same type would disable the 4-piece set bonus. This affected Tactician’s Authority, Sentry’s Call and Striker gear sets. Fixed a bug where Wildfire, Shrapnel and Fear Tactics would not apply their effects to nearby enemy targets. Fixed a bug where players would not be able to use Recovery Link signature skill while aiming another skill. Fixed a bug where the Recovery Link would not automatically trigger if the player took fatal damage while aiming down sights. Fixed a bug where weapon talents would not activate if the player had fulfilled exactly the required stat value. Fixed a bug where equipping a weapon directly from dropped loot would replace the players current weapon instead of an empty slot. Fixed a bug where sometimes looted containers and props would still be highlighted as loot-able in the game world. Fixed a bug where recalibrating Enemy Armor Damage stat would not use the correct values at 163 Gear Score. Fixed a replication issue that occurred when the player was performing a two-hand vault over an obstacle in the game world. Fixed instances where the Fuse box objects would not replicate correctly when players would leave the mission instance. Fixed game framerate while inside any inventory that has a large number of items. Fixed a bug where the Signature Skill icon would not disappear when “auto-hide HUD” option was enabled. Fixed a bug where players could not scroll an item description during item compare, in certain conditions. Fixed a bug where the UI would not show the new item notification when a skill mod was unlocked due to a Base of Operation upgrade. Fixed a bug where the Automatch megamap screen inside Underground mode would display activities that were not available for matchmaking. Fixed a bug where the player’s health bar would overlap the Gear Score value while the Stash is open. Fixed a bug where some vendors in the Base of Operations were not displayed on the megamap or the minimap. Fixed a weird door. Fixed a bug where Nimble talent would not work until reequipped if a cover to cover move is interrupted. Fixed a bug where players could become invincible for a few seconds after using Survivor Link. Fixed several instances of client crash. Fixed a bug where Skill Haste would not correctly affect Support Station cooldown. Fixed a bug where Judy Walters part 2 to 5 echos couldn’t be picked up correctly. PC Specific [PC Only] Fixed a bug where the first keyboard tap to deploy a skill would not register immediately after the skill was equipped or came off cooldown. Fixed a bug where the player would not be able to shoot for several seconds after having thrown a skill or a grenade. Fixed a bug where players would get unmuted after being killed in the Dark Zone. Fixed a bug where the World Bracket UI was not affected by the HUD eye focus for the Tobii Eye Tracker. Fixed a bug where players could still interact with the crafting table even though they received an “inventory is full” notification. Fixed a bug where window size would not actually change when switching the video settings to windowed mode. http://tomclancy-thedivision.ubi.com/game/en-GB/news/detail.aspx?c=tcm:154-275402-16&ct=tcm:148-76770-32
hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 22. November 2016 (bearbeitet) Patch da und hier mal das sinnvolle was man sich aktuell bei den Händlern kaufen kann. BoO - Blueprints Classic RPK: 915 PxC Navy MP5: 915 PxC Stamina Gear Mod: 192 PxC Electronics Gear Mod: 192 PxC BoO - Special Equipment Vigorous Chestpiece: 1260 FA/1852 ARM 4% HoK, 6571 Health, 55% Ammo Capacity 832 PxC Striker Chestpiece: 1248 STA/1865 ARM 7% DTE, 5933 Health, 48% Ammo Capacity 832 PxC AlphaBridge Knees: 1270 STA/1651 ARM 3612 Health, 29% Disrupt Resis, 28% Burn Resis, 33% Blind Resis 832 PxC Performance Gear Mod: 3.5% Turret Damage 192 PxC LZ Safehouse - Dante's Run Specialized Backpack: 1123 ELE/2035 ARM 859 ARM, 14% Disrupt Resis 1,112,880 credits LZ Safehouse - The Last Call G36: Dominant, Responsive, Focused 23% EAD 1,669,320 credits Camp Hudson - Weapons Vendor Police Mk17: Brutal, Intense, Coolheaded 164% HSD 1,669,320 credits Small Grip 18% CHD, 2.5% Stability, 4.5% Optimal Range 174,722 credits LZ Safehouse - The Meat Locker Omega Rifle Suppressor 17% HSD, 4% CHD, 3% CHC, 43% Reduced Threat 174,722 credits DZ Checkpoint - East 34th ST Firearms Gear Mod: 236 FA/259 ARM 21,362 DZ credits DZ Safehouse - 06 Predator Mark Gloves: 1207 FA/920 ARM 1185 AR DMG, 4% HoK, 14% CHD 277,440 DZ credits Striker Chest: 1258 STA/3163 ARM 4% HoK, 1189 ARM, 52% Ammo Capacity 277,440 DZ credits AlphaBridge Knees: 1147 STA/1603 ARM 8% CHD, 11.5% EAD, 29% Disrupt Resis, 30% Shock Resis 227,440 DZ credits D3-FNC Holster: 1235 FA/1196 STA/1262 ELE/914 ARM 584 Pistol DMG 277,440 DZ credits Bearbeitet 22. November 2016 von hall0
Bösertobi 200 Melden Geschrieben 22. November 2016 eben schon eine runde getestet da haben die server rum gespackt
Rupert_The_Bear 1268 Melden Geschrieben 24. November 2016 Hab gestern sowohl den Patch, als auch nen neuen Treiber installiert und hab seitdem böse Textur-Nachlader und richtig üble Ruckler. Manchmal bleibt das Spiel für Sekunden einfach stehen, wie GTAO es gern mal getan hat. Muss mal gucken, was das verursacht, ich tippe aber mal auf den Nvidia Treiber, denn die letzten paar waren einfach unterste Schublade.
Raffi_M 383 Melden Geschrieben 24. November 2016 (bearbeitet) Also bei mir funktioniert das Spiel nach wie vor reibungslos. Habe auch nach dem Update und der Installation des neuesten Grafiktreibers von Nvidia gespielt ... Die Treiber von Nvidia machen aber in letzter Zeit des öfteren Probleme. Es gibt mehrere Personen die über Performance-Probleme klagen. Bearbeitet 24. November 2016 von Raffi_M