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Project Reality 1.0 BETA released!

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The award winning Project Reality Team is proud to announce the launch of the Official Project Reality: BF2 v1.0 Open BETA!


It has been a long time coming and after almost two years of development and numerous new additions, thousands of changes, tweaks and complete overhauls, we are now in the final stages of Project Reality: BF2 v1.0's development cycle. While we are currently not ready for the final full release, it is time for the next best thing: an Open BETA which is free for everyone to download and play!

This Open BETA release is a crucial part of the development cycle and while we have a great team of dedicated testers that have tirelessly helped find countless bugs, we simply cannot properly test gameplay and other features that require a mass amount of players. It is important that we find and fix any problems before we release the final version and we are asking you, the community which has supported us for the past 8 years, for your help in making the PR:BF2 v1.0 the best release yet!

Download the Project Reality: BF2 v1.0 Open BETA Here

The PR:BF2 v1.0 Open BETA download comes in the form of an "ISO" file. In order to install it, you will need to mount it using software such as Virtual CloneDrive, extract it using software such as 7-Zip or WinRAR, or burn it to a DVD. Once you have done this, you simply run the installer it contains. Please note that the PR:BF2 v1.0 Open BETA can be installed side-by-side with PR:BF2 v0.98 and will not cause any conflict.

Project Reality: BF2 v1.0 Open BETA Teaser
While you are downloading the PR:BF2 v1.0 Open BETA, feel free to take a moment to sit back and watch the PR:BF2 v1.0 Open BETA Official Teaser.

About the Open BETA Release
During the next week, from June 29, 2013 to July 7, 2013, the PR:BF2 v1.0 Open BETA will be running and open for everyone to play. The Project Reality Team is providing two 100 player game servers for the duration, one for US based players and one for EU based players. We will not be hosting any additional servers unless absolutely required and you will not be able to create your own servers or play against AI.

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It is important to understand that this Open BETA release is primarily a stress test and we do not want multiple servers that are only half filled, but instead are aiming to have the two provide servers remain fully populated for as long as possible. This may mean you will have to wait to join the servers, but we please ask the community to be patient, as we believe the wait will be more than worth it. If any players happen to miss out over the next week, we sincerely apologize but, providing the BETA goes smoothly, we anticipate the final PR:BF2 v1.0 release to follow shortly after.

New Features and Changes
While the PR:BF2 v1.0 Open BETA does not contain all the new features that will be included in the final v1.0 release, it does contain a substantial amount of changes compared to our previous release, PR:BF2 v0.98. We are currently not prepared to publish a complete change log of the thousands of changes and features you will find in v1.0, but in order to help you adjust and make an easier transition, we have listed some of the more prominent gameplay changes below.

  • Integrated PR Mumble (Positional Voice Chat) that connects completely automatically, with in-game HUD support.
  • Added Machine Gunner and Spotter kits.
  • Removed Binoculars from all conventional forces kits (Officers and Spotters still carry GTLD's).
  • Removed incendiary grenades.
  • Reworked deviation and recoil on all weapons.
  • Reworked explosives completely.
  • Reworked the majority of land vehicle physics.
  • Reworked helicopter damage system, plane-carried air to air missiles, and flares.
  • Changed Forward Outposts and Weapon Caches to only be destroyable by explosives and other heavy assets.
  • Changed Rally Points to be permanent, they will not destroy themselves after a time limit.
  • Rally Points need the Squad Leader + 2 Squad Members to be placed.
  • Rally Points get destroyed by 1 enemy within 10m, 20m, 40m radius (1 km, 2 km, 4 km maps respectively).


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Included Maps
There are currently 3 maps included in the PR:BF2 v1.0 Open BETA release: Black Gold (4 km), Ramiel (2 km) and Saaremaa (4 km). In a few days, we are planning to release an update containing fixes for any critical issues found, as well as a 4th map: Fools Road (2 km). All of the maps have received complete overhauls for v1.0, so rest assured you will find a fresh experience in playing this release, despite only one of the maps being brand new.

black_gold_thumb.jpg ramiel_thumb.jpg saaremaa_thumb.jpg

Project Reality: BF2 Feedback
Since the PR:BF2 v1.0 Open BETA is a test release, we would ask that all players provide us with as much feedback as possible and report any bugs and/or issues they encounter. Please be sure to use the appropriate threads below and check to see if your issue has already been reported before you add a new one.

When reporting issues, please provide your system information if appropriate, which can be easily retrieved in the Support section of the PR:BF2 Launcher.

Project Reality Official Developer Stream
Since the servers may be difficult to join at times, a few of the PR developers and team members will be live streaming the gameplay on Twitch. So if you are stuck in queue waiting for a spot to open, or you are at work or school and find yourself unable to play, please feel free to drop by our channel and watch the action as it unfolds.

Support Project Reality!
The Project Reality Team develops modifications and games that are completely free for its community to download and play. If you would like to show your support, please consider donating to our team. Our limited funds go directly towards website expenses, including bandwidth, hosting, domain registration, and maintenance; any extra funds are invested into new content for the mod and website, such as sound packs, models, and software. We never use donation funds to directly pay team members.


We hope everyone enjoys the Project Reality: BF2 v1.0 Open BETA! For more information, please feel free to join us on our IRC channel or visit our public forums to discuss this and other news. Also, be sure to connect to Project Reality through social media to stay informed and receive up to the minute updates, the occasional leaked bit of information and more! See you on the battlefield!

- The Project Reality Team



  • Gefällt mir! 1

Na mal sehen ob sich das Warten gelohnt hat. In den letzten Tagen habt ihr bewiesen dass trotz der Stille um 1.0 einiges passiert ist. Ich hätt mir die news eher über die Zeit verteilt gewünscht, als alles im Sturm paar Monate vor dem Release. Na gut, es ist eure Entscheidung wie ihr das handhabt. Auf eine enthüllende Woche ! :D

Nicht vergessen Männer, schön seeden. :)


wie kann man zum iron sight wechseln? und geht das bei jeder waffe?


Rechtsklick und ja


Nein. Die ganzen Aminkifften mit ACOG können das nicht.


wenn man ironsight wortwörtlich nimmt ja dann nicht, ich habs so verstanden das er auch die scopes meint. was hoffentlich aber bald auch möglich sein wird


Bei allen Waffen, die das auch in der Realitaet haben ist dies im Spiel moeglich.

ACOG hat keine solche Vorrichtung.


ahja alles klar.

Bis jetzt ist es ziemlich geil...Wenn man denn einen Platz auf einem Server ergattern kann.

Die neuen Animationen, Sounds und Effekte sind sehr nice. Endlich wurden auch die letzten häßlichen Waffen ersetzt. Das Einzige, was ich mir noch wünschen würde, wäre bessere Grafik und Farben. Bei FH2 fand ich den Sprung unglaublich, der mit den Shadern und der Farbabstimmung gemacht wurde. Aber es ist ja bekannt, das es keine Kooperation von PR und FH2 gibt...


das mit Mumble scheint noch nicht so ganz zu funktionieren aber praktisch das er sich gleich beim Login damit verbindet.Jemand Lust im TS ne runde zu Zocken ?


Wir hatten in den letzten paar Tagen noch etwas Probleme mit den verschiedenen Mumble Servern.

Wird aber von Tag zu Tag stabiler, wir patchen fleissig mit dem Updater :D


Also bisher...


-> Mumble stürzt hin und wieder ab und lässt das Spiel minimieren...

-> Helikopter Geräusche obwohl Keins in der Nähe ist (Bug)


Ansonsten habe ich nichts bemerkt. Wahnsinn wie sich 1.0 (im positiven Sinne) von den alten Versionen unterscheidet. Besser gehts kaum. :confused:


Voip funzt jetzt besser :daumenhoch:  ist es in der Finalen version auch geplant die 8er sqd´s und 100 Spieler bei zu behalten ?


Haben gerade released und jetzt sollten hoffentlich alle verbleibenden Mumbleproblemchen gefixed sein.


Zudem ist Fools Road dabei  :D


Und ja, 8p Squads und 100p Server bleiben, Serveradmins koennen aber natuerlich bei 64p bleiben wenn sie moechten.


Haben gerade released und jetzt sollten hoffentlich alle verbleibenden Mumbleproblemchen gefixed sein.


Zudem ist Fools Road dabei  :D


Und ja, 8p Squads und 100p Server bleiben, Serveradmins koennen aber natuerlich bei 64p bleiben wenn sie moechten.

Daumen hoch! :) Darf man erfahren wann PR 1.0 final erscheinen wird...? Ungefähr?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Kann ich dir leider nicht sagen.

Aber die OpenBeta läuft nach ein paar anfänglichen, erwarteten Schwierigkeiten mit dem neuen Mumblesystem (komplett integriert und dezentralisiert) schon sehr, sehr gut.

Ist also praktisch nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis das Feedback aus der Beta ausgewertet wurde, eventuell eingebaut und dann die letzten Bugs gefixt werden.

Also definitiv nicht mehr lange  :D


Der Launcher/Updater gibt uns die Möglichkeit fehlende Dinge auch nachzupatchen und Bugs innerhalb kürzester Zeit zu fixen. Trotzdem soll das Release natürlich eine gewisse Qualität erreicht haben, bevor wir das auf die Massen loslassen.

Bearbeitet von BloodyDeed

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