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SQUAD bei BF-Games  

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Empfohlene Beiträge


Ich hoffe das die Vorraussetzungen genauso "scharf" sein werden wie bei PR. Leute ohne Mikro haben kaum bis gar keine Chance das überhaupt zu spielen. Ich will kein modernes RO2, auch wenns nicht schlecht wäre aber dafür gibts Insurgency. Wenn man Mikrobenutztung nicht erzwingt, gibt es diese nur minimal und wenn unter Clans/Freunden, nicht unter Fremden


Das werden dann wohl die einzelnen Serverbetreiber und Communities regeln. Server aufmachen, eigene Regeln aufstellen, Admins engagieren die für Ordnung sorgen. 


Jup, das ist mir bewusst. Deshalb hoffe ich darauf. Ich benutzt selber kein Mikro wenn's nicht erzwungen ist. Noch nie in Insurgency, RO2 oder ArmA benutzt.


Jup, das ist mir bewusst. Deshalb hoffe ich darauf. Ich benutzt selber kein Mikro wenn's nicht erzwungen ist. Noch nie in Insurgency, RO2 oder ArmA benutzt.


Wenn man mit seiner Truppe im Teamspeak hängt ist ingame voice auch nicht immer erforderlich... aber wenn du allein zockst solltest du das Mikro natürlich in Teamplay-Shootern nutzen ;) Kann deinem Team ja nur helfen. 


komische leute hier im forum...

  • Gefällt mir! 4


Jup, das ist mir bewusst. Deshalb hoffe ich darauf. Ich benutzt selber kein Mikro wenn's nicht erzwungen ist. Noch nie in Insurgency, RO2 oder ArmA benutzt.


Wenn man mit seiner Truppe im Teamspeak hängt ist ingame voice auch nicht immer erforderlich... aber wenn du allein zockst solltest du das Mikro natürlich in Teamplay-Shootern nutzen ;) Kann deinem Team ja nur helfen. 


Es bringt meiner Erfahrung nach nur extrem wenig es in Spielen wie RO2 oder Insurgency zu benutzen, genauso wie in Battlefieldtiteln, zumindest publik. Klar ist es anders mit einer Gruppe, hab lange genug PR mit den NEW Leuten gespielt. Ich sehe nur nen Unterschied zwischen PR wo es wirklich notwendig ist, wie zu Spielen wie ArmA wo es eher ein Feature ist, was man nicht wirklich braucht um Spaß zu haben.


Hab bei Greenlight auch mal dafür gestimmt. Gibt es den schon Infos zum Umfang ? Jets ? Welche Fraktionen usw.......

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Wixxen die sich da echt einen auf Greenlight?


Stell dir mal 27.000 regelmäßige PR-Spieler vor. Ja, darauf könnte man ejakulieren denke ich.


Das sind Greenlight votes, nicht Käufer. Bei Greenlight voten die meisten jeden x-beliebigen Titel, den man nur im entferntesten Interessant findet. Der Ruhm/Hype um Project Reality bringt da auch seinen Anteil :D

e: Smiley vergessen

Bearbeitet von Bronko
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Monthly Recap March 2015 : Time Keeps on Ticking



Time for our March monthly update! 

For those unfamiliar, we post up a recap on what's been happening with development over the past month, every month. We include screenshots, developer notes and sometimes even video, to keep you guys in the loop! 

No spoilers this time, if you want to see what this game is about, go read this monthly update in it's proper format on our website at - 


Squad Development Team



March 2015

Time for our March monthly update!





This month we have ramped up internal testing with developers and select community members, playing with over 30 players in a round with only a few minor hiccups, and the results are very promising! We're aiming for bigger and better in future tests.
And of course, as in the last announcement, we have gone live on Steam Greenlight! Visit the Steam Greenlight page here to see more media content including a brand new trailer. We have received over 30000 votes, and we aren't aiming to stop now! Please vote!
Without further adieu, here is a snapshot of the progress in the month of March.
  • Updated the game to be compatible with version 4.7 of the Unreal Engine.
  • Progress on a basic implementation of a Kit Role system
  • Added a particle generator that draws vectors from an origin point and spawns child particle systems based on impacts with terrain and statics, making explosions much more realistic and dynamic based on where they are set off.




  • Added Beretta M9A1 Pistol
  • Updated sounds for various weapons as well as adding more ambient sounds
  • Made significant performance strides with render-to-texture optics (prototype created by Mosquill)
  • Humvee modelling complete
  • Made a lot of progress on deployable statics system, both concept and art




  • Progress on Logar Valley, more detail and foliage as well as a patrol base for the US side
  • Work started on a training-village style map with multi-storey buildings, doors and modular interiors; and a large-scale forested map (named Kohat Toi) intended to make full use of player deployed Forward Operating Bases and Light Vehicles


We will update you on more specifics throughout the month, as well as other new developments as they happen. Once again, if you wish to support the development of Squad, help us pay for running development costs by donating!
Join the discussion on the forums, check out our Steam Greenlight page and look forward to many exciting things in April!

Squad Dev Team




Bearbeitet von Raffi_M
  • Gefällt mir! 1
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Squad on Battlefield Podcast Livestream, Sunday April 12th

Let's keep the hype train rolling!

What better way to spend a Sunday than listening to the first live interview with the developers of Squad? Well, we can think of a few but we are all out of parachutes. Come join us for a few beers and some informal malarky while ChalkOne and PeekABoo_Bang drop some fools in a livestream playtest session. Listen in to get some insight from our Project Leads about making the game, the instant splash the Greenlight campaign has caused, and find out what the future holds for Squad. 


Find out more here! 


Squad Development Team

Bearbeitet von Raffi_M

Dieses Spiel hat von der Community grünes Licht erhalten!


Die Community hat genug Interesse an diesem Spiel gezeigt.

Valve ist nun mit diesem Entwickler in Kontakt getreten, um auf die Veröffentlichung auf Steam hinzuarbeiten.

We did it!
13. April - Spush

On behalf of the entire team we thank you all who have voted us, and being part of the excitement that helped get Squad Greenlit.

Be sure to keep up to date with us on our main website, and social media pages. We will be showing off more exciting stuff in the very near future.

Squad Development Team



Schaut gut aus.

Squadplay in BF2 und PR war immer lustig.


Interessiert mich sicherlich mehr als das nächste Battlefield: iwishiwascod.




Hab mal symbolisch 1 $ gespendet. Vielleicht machts ja jemand anders auch noch.

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Battlefield Podcast Interview and Steam Highlights



Last week we had a massive 3 hour session where community members had the opportunity to pose the developers questions, as well as see a bit of where the game is at in a livestream. The videos are now live on the Squad youtube page, so go check them out and share them! 


Squad Development Team



MOTMedia.com Vodcast, starring IronTaxi and SgtRoss of the Squad Dev Team

Check out the new sound on your radio dial, AZ_Mick of MOTDMedia's Podcast put Irontaxi and SgtRoss through the paces, 



Not every day you get invited to be the inaugural vodcast guest for a new media company, the Squad Dev team would like to thank MOTDMedia.com , and their host AZ_Mick and writer TheRA1DER for the chance to help them kick off their new venture. Here’s to both our startups doing great things in 2015 and beyond.



May Day, Media Embargo Lifted, Check out our videos


This is it, May Day, 1400 UTC, media embargo release date. U.S Army crashing the streets of Logar Valley, and the Insurgents standing up resistance. Enjoy the videos, there should be quite a few released over the day and week, recorded and edited over the last two months. Keep an eye out for the rapidly evolving game features, we’re watching a FPS franchise grow up before our eyes. 

I‘ll append the videos’ links to the bottom of this thread as they’re reported.




A Letter from Litoralis, Community Manager,


This is it, May Day, 1400 UTC, media embargo release date.  U.S Army crashing the streets of Logar Valley, and the Insurgents standing up resistance.   Enjoy the videos, there should be quite a few released over the day and week, recorded and edited over the last two months.  Keep an eye out for the rapidly evolving game features, we’re watching a FPS franchise grow up before our eyes.  It’s my hope you enjoy what you see, and then give me a few minutes to explain to you the background to how we got here today.   I’m writing this on the 30th, and I haven’t seen any of the videos.  I was no further than one step removed from anyone releasing videos today and this week and I’ve actively refused to watch any of the videos or pre-alpha gameplay that were offered up for review before release.  We’ll all be watching and commenting on them together on the forum and social media this week, should be exciting for the Devs to show off their work to the world.


I’ve been taking heat from inside and outside the development team, and from the media people themselves, about how open I let this get, but I believe in this product, and I believe in an open environment.  I believe in the power of the masses to understand potential when they see it, and I know the founders are modders first, transparency is the way things are done with this group, we’ve adapted from our old practices and we’re not going to build firewalls around ourselves and keep our fan base in the dark.  It’s been nerve wracking, I literally have no idea what’s been released, if we’re getting panned, if certain individuals who came to recording sessions will actually release videos or not, and if anyone will give us high or low appraisals.  


The devs on the team with industry experience have been at various times telling me it’s commendable to be this transparent during early development, while the next day saying it’s a incredibly dangerous marketing tool to allow such an early pre-alpha game be given out to outside parties to record and distribute whatever they want with just a minimal list of guidelines.  Can the Dev team keep to this level of transparency, that’s an open question as it’s actually really time consuming for the marketing team when trying to schedule playtest recording sessions for developers and youtube creators spread across 11 time zones.  Right now, we’re going to work towards regular updates from both inside the Dev team, and unfiltered outside access to some Youtube and streaming content creators to keep perspective.




The last five weeks has been a continuous conversation between myself, the devs, volunteers and the community and we’ve come out with some solid ways to introduce Squad to the larger gaming public.  Distilling answers to some of the questions is really hard, getting it into soundbites to grab the attention of gamers who are new to the Project Reality teamwork gameplay style, and who might give us maybe 30 seconds to 2 minutes to impress them before they move on to the next item in their store stream.  How to focus and transmit the concept of our really social, really intense gameplay into a 1 minute clip?


What is Squad?

What do you mean by “the concept that teamwork is the optimal strategy”?  

How to explain in 20 seconds that the accumulation of ten years experience in fps game design has crafted teamwork into the paramount strategy to enjoy a game?  How do you explain that playing the game in the shoes of frontline grunts and not superhero special forces tier one operators is a more rewarding experience, that this mod team has recreated something closer to the experiences that guys like you, your friends and neighbors experienced in the sandbox, and the game is all the better for it?


How do you explain a game that on first glance revolves around hypercompetitive multifaceted interdependent combined arms, but where in reality the best weapon is a microphone?

How do you convince the gaming public that we actually “fixed” all the features that the market competitors have been withholding for years, and have done so in one fell swoop?  By “fixed” we just mean coded, implemented, tested, tweaked, recoded, tested, released, added features, then ported the concepts to a new engine, ue4,  and did so in a year where other companies have been lagging on core teamwork gameplay features for nearly a decade?

How do we explain to the public even we don’t understand how competitors didn’t figure this out at any point over the last 5 years?  The questions keep going, but I’ll let you continue talking about them in the existing forum threads for them.  Jump on into the fray and help us thresh out the details, the Dev team and marketing guys are in there every day reading up and taking part in these conversations.


To the guys on the team building Squad they’re own way, a few quotes to commemorate May Day,


“The highest pleasure to be got out of freedom,

and having nothing to do, is labor.”

- Mark Twain


"No man is born into the world, whose work

Is not born with him; there is always work,

And tools to work withal, for those who will:

And blessed are the horny hands of toil!"

-  James R. Lowell


Enjoy the video deluge,





P.S. I ‘ll append the videos’ links to the bottom of this letter as they’re reported.


Squad - Deployables (Português Brasileiro)


Henrique Fett .

Retired Project Reality Dev, creator of the Gaza Beach map




Squad Prealpha Gameplay - Taliban attacking US. Army forces!


Smart Tactics




Squad ► Pre-Alpha: Battlefield Podcast Event







SQUAD - Conheça o novo jogo dos produtores de Project Reality









To those new to the joinsquad.com website, check out some highlights here:

March Update: http://joinsquad.com...le?articleId=14

February Update: http://joinsquad.com...le?articleId=10

And the whole list of our Updates: http://joinsquad.com/#updates

Bearbeitet von Raffi_M
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Monthly Recap April 2015

Read up on what's happened in Dev-land over the past month! 

Monthly Recap April 2015


April 2015
You know what time it is? Monthly RECAP TIME!


April was a very busy time for us, as you can see by the feature work done below. In addition we are planning something very big towards the end of this month, so keep your eyes peeled for more media from us as well as on Youtube.
  • First iteration Deployables system implemented, with unique deployables for each faction.
  • First iteration Kit Role system was implemented; with 5 roles per side (Officer, Rifleman, Automatic Rifleman, Medic and Grenadier)
  • Rudimentary healing system implemented
  • First iteration Ammunition Resupply system added
  • Added proper physics and rolling for grenades
  • Atlas performance optimizations in preparation for weapon attachment system
  • Lowered strafe speed for more realistic movement
  • Radial menu with multiple menu levels introduced for SL commands, Deployables and other basic interactions
  • Changes to tracers to reflect realistic loadouts
  • Added Smoke Grenades with various colours
  • Added GP-25 and M203 Grenade Launchers
  • Added RPG-7
  • Added footsteps dust kick up effects
  • Added more environment props and assets
  • Improved performance and visual fidelity of the ACOG
  • Audio improvements and sound packages for the RPG7, Grenade Launchers, Smoke Grenades and Clothing
  • Improved performance and visual fidelity of grenade explosions
  • Humvee asset finalized
  • Added a play-test environment for heavily forested areas
  • Added new Scrub foliage assets for Kohat
  • Updated Logar Valley with additional foliage and smoothing
We will update you on the specifics throughout the month, as well as other new developments as they happen. Once again, if you wish to support the development of Squad, help us pay for running development costs by donating!
Join the discussion on the forums, check out our Steam Greenlight page and look forward to something really big in May!

Squad Dev Team


Bearbeitet von Raffi_M

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