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ArmA 2

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Hm ... wenn ich mir so die Silhouette von dem Schiff anschau, dann könnte es sogar Kriegsschiffe geben :kritisch: Wäre natürlich geil :) Flugzeugträger solls ja geben ^^



scheint eher ein ziviles boot zu sein :kritisch:


Abramovich' Yacht... :kritisch:


schon wieder neue fahrzeuge. hier


Einfach nur Hammer! Ich wusste garnicht das Vodniks amphibisch sind. Sieht jedenfalls fett aus die Kiste mit der dicken Maschinenwumme auf dem Dach.

Der Pickup wird sicher mein Gefährt der Wahl wenn ich mich aufmach die Landschaft zu erkunden ;)


Freu mich schon auf die V-22 Osprey :rolleyes:


Auf jeden Fall :)


Amazon hat das Releasedatum aufn 29. Mai gesetzt.

Ist dazu schon was Offizieles bekannt? :P

@Fahrzeuge: Jo schauen richtig gut aus :> Freu mich auf die F35 ^^


Hört man ja irgendwie von überall das ArmA 2 im Mai rauskommen soll. Auf pcgames.de hieß es wohl auch, das der Mai offiziell bestätigt worden sei.


Hmm ich habe aber mal gelesen, das der tschechische Puplisher das Spiel für Juni angekündigt hat^^....aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, das die jetzt die Infos raushauen und dann wieder alles schleifen lassen.

Es hieß ja bis zum Release mehr oder weniger jede Woche neue Infos.

Amazon hat das Releasedatum aufn 29. Mai gesetzt.

Ist dazu schon was Offizieles bekannt? :P

Ist momentan das offizielle Datum vom Vertrieb... heißt aber nicht das es in Stein gemeißelt ist.. der direkte Konkurrent OFP2 lässt grüßen (unlängst - mal wieder- auf August verschoben) ;)


Flugzeuge sind jetzt auch da :yiiiiha:

Fixed wing aircraft No military simulator is complete without a hangar full of planes for the gamer to fly around in! Most fixed-wing aircraft in the game are state-of-the art jet fighters or attack planes, armed with cannons, laser-guided bombs, iron bombs, unguided rockets and guided missiles. Some planes are capable of Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL).planes.jpg


arma2_vehicles_fixed_wing_A10_s.jpg The A-10 Thunderbolt is a single-seat twin-engine straight-wing jet aircraft used by US Armed Forces. The aircraft is designed to provide close air support for ground forces by attacking tanks and armored vehicles. It is armed with a dual Hydra rocket system, dual AIM-9 air-to-air guided missile platforms, four AGM-65 Maverick air-to-ground tactical missile launchers, three Mark 82 low-drag general-purpose bombs and with a 30 mm gatling cannon.

AV-8B (Fighter)

arma2_vehicles_fixed_wing_AV8B2_s.jpg The AV-8B Harrier is a single-seat attack aircraft that provides powerful air support for the Marines. The AV-8B can perform Short/Vertical Take-Off or Landing (S/VTOL) making it ideal for improvised airfields and carrier launches. It is armed with a dual Hydra rocket system, dual AIM-9 air-to-air guided missile platforms, six Mark 82 low-drag general-purpose bombs and with a 25 mm cannon.


arma2_vehicles_fixed_wing_C130J_s.jpg The C-130J "Super Hercules" is an American tactical airlifter. This four-engine turbo-prop military transport aircraft is capable of transporting up to 92 passengers or up to 33 tons of cargo. The C-130J with a range of more that 5.000 km and maximum speed of 671 kph is considered to be most important transport aircraft worldwide.


arma2_vehicles_fixed_wing_F35B_s.jpg The F-35 Lightning is a single-seat single-engine stealth-capable military multirole strike fighter. It is capable of providing close air support, tactical bombing or air combat missions. The F-35B is the Short-TakeOff and Vertical Landing (STOVL) variant of F-35 prototype. It is armed with two guided bomb units, dual AIM-9 air-to-air guided missile platforms, and with a 25 mm cannon.


arma2_vehicles_fixed_wing_MQ9PredatorB_s.jpg The MQ-9 Reaper is a combat ready unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). It is the first purpose-designed hunter-killer UAV designed for long endurance high altitude surveillance. The MQ-9 is capable of carrying 14 AGM-114 Hellfire air-to-ground missiles as well as two GBU-12 Paveway laser-guided bombs.


arma2_vehicles_fixed_wing_MV22_s.jpg The V-22 Osprey is a multi-mission tilt-rotor military transport aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) and short takeoff and landing (STOL) abilities. It is designed to operate in a similar capacity to conventional helicopters but with the long range and high speed performance of a turboprop cruiser. The V-22 is able to reach speeds of 509 kph and can transport up to 32 passengers or up to 7 tons of cargo.


arma2_vehicles_fixed_wing_Pchela1T_s.jpg The Pchela-1T is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) developed in Russia. Its primary uses are surveillance and observation or target designation.

Su-34 (Fighter)

arma2_vehicles_fixed_wing_Su34_s.jpg The Su-34 (NATO reporting name: Fullback) is a Russian-made two-seat fighter-bomber and strike aircraft. As with many modern bombers the pilots sit side by side. The Su-34 is equiped with GSh-30-1 30 mm cannon, six Kh-29 air-to-surface missile systems, four AA-11air-to-air missile platforms, and two S8 air-to-surface missile platforms.


arma2_vehicles_fixed_wing_Su39_s.jpg The Su-25 (NATO designation: Frogfoot) is a single-seat twin-engine jet aircraft developed in Russia. It is able to withstand heavy enemy fire thanks to very robust armored construction and finds its key strengths in the areas of low-level maneuverability and accurate weapons delivery.

Gast The Wraith

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