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ArmA 2

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Einfach den Sixupdater runterladen und dann den Web client Starten (GUI) dann bei 'Ace Mod Vanilla' bei Action einfach auf

install or update.

Wie mach ich das mit dem Sixupdater??

SIX Updater downloaden, installieren und das GUI starten.

Wenn der Browser das SIX Updater Interface geöffnet hat, dann gehst du auf Main, wählst dann das Profil aus und dann gehst du auf Execute.


Gibs auch irgendwann mal ne Exe?!

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Gibs auch irgendwann mal ne Exe?!

Was willst du mit einer .exe, wenn du es dir als .7z Archiv saugen kannst? :allesklar:

es gibt leute die einmal doppelklicken um dann 5 mal auf "weiter" und "fertig" zu klicken lieber mögen, als einmal doppelklick und einmal "entpacken nach"

@ kung fu: lol!

Bearbeitet von Bang0o

Project Reality kommt jetzt auch nach ArmA 2. :daumenhoch:

Wir werden sehen, welche Mod sich durchsetzen wird. ACE 2 oder PR :)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

cooool :)

meine 2 lieblingsspiele in einem ^^

Bearbeitet von LurchiDerLurch
cooool :)

meine 2 lieblingsspiele in einem ^^

schleimer ^^


wie starte ich die ace 2 mod nach dem installieren, finde nirgends ne start-datei

cooool :)

meine 2 lieblingsspiele in einem ^^

schleimer ^^

wer soll das schon lesen und was sollte ich damit bezwecken :lol:

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
wie starte ich die ace 2 mod nach dem installieren, finde nirgends ne start-datei

Benutz doch den ArmA II Launcher :)

Übrigens hier der PR Forum Thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=96505

Our main aim for PR:ArmA2 is:

"To create a realistic and immersive modification for ArmA2, which focuses on encouraging teamwork through gameplay"



Mirroring Project Reality's original goal, the British Army are featured strongly in this initial release, with a Taliban opposition all set on a beautiful Afghanistan-themed map, created by [R-DEV]DeanosBeano.

The advantages of using a more modern graphical environment really shows off the original PR art assets to their full potential - you'll look at the Scimitar, Challenger and all the others in a whole new light! [R-DEV]StalkerGB has put in many hours working on the infantry models and his work can be seen in all its glory. Ever up-to-date, we even bring you the new British MTP (Multi Terrain Pattern) uniforms announced by the Ministry of Defence last month!

As you would expect from any Project Reality development, gameplay improvements will feature strongly. These will take some time to get to where we want, however there have already been changes made to reflect PR-style gameplay, courtesy of [R-DEV]Dr_Eyeball, who has brought over his Devastation Mod to the project. This will form the basis of PR:ArmA2 gameplay.

We are now happy to announce that PR:ArmA2 is at Beta Stage, and as we are sure you can understand, due to the gameplay changes implemented, this is a very important part we need to get right. We plan on releasing PR:ArmA2 v0.1 in the near future. Please be patient with us and keep an eye on the newly added PR:ArmA2 Forums, as well as keeping up to date with the latest Project Reality news for future developments on a concrete release timeframe.

With the creative talents and realism-based goals of the current contributors already in place, this will surely develop into a great ArmA2 mod; so expect a lot more to follow in the future. As always, the Project Reality Studios team would like to thank all those who make our developments possible; in this case the supporting ArmA2 mod sites, server providers, and of course our dedicated community for all their continued support. Without your combined efforts and contributions, Project Reality would not be where it is today and certainly would not be expanding into the ArmA2 arena. See you on the new battlefield soon!

Bearbeitet von Cyborg11

Toll und wie soll ich jetzt ACE installieren?! Da sind ja 1000e Dateien, irgendwelche keys, store...

Soll ich das alles einfach auf mein addon Ordner reinpacken oder was?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Neuer Trailer zu Operation Arrowhead aufgetaucht :daumenhoch:

Bearbeitet von Cyborg11

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