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ArmA 2

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Nun gibt es Patch 1.2 und immer noch Bugs ohne Ende. Mein Gruppenführer bleibt immer noch planlos stehen und ich weiss nicht wie es weiter geht. :baeeeeeh: Schande...

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Die option gabs doch schon vor dem patch.. in den patch notes stand das man Bloom und Blur seperat ausmachen kann :-/ das motion blur würd ich gern drin lassen nur dieses bloom sieht so scheisse aus

Nein. Die Option gab es vorher noch nicht. Du konntest die Effekte nur auf Niedrig stellen. Jetzt kannst du sie komplett ausstellen.

In eigenen Missionen kannst du die Intensität der Farben und vom Bloom selbst beeinflussen. Könntest daraus also auch ein Addon machen.

Nun gibt es Patch 1.2 und immer noch Bugs ohne Ende. Mein Gruppenführer bleibt immer noch planlos stehen und ich weiss nicht wie es weiter geht. :baeeeeeh: Schande...

Mission neu starten bzw. Kampagne neu starten und keine alten Savegames weiter benutzen.


Demo erscheint um 15 Uhr! :)

Sie wird folgenden Inhalt haben:

Boot Camp:


Boot camp provides you with several scenarios which can help you to better enjoy the ArmA 2 demo.

To play the scenarios, start the game and select SingleplayerBootcamp from the main menu. The following tutorials are available:

Basic Training - You can learn the basics of the game controls, movement and principles of first aid and infantry combat in this tutorial. If you’re new to the world of military simulations, it is strongly recommended to learn these basics.

Parachute Jump - In this tutorial, you have a chance to try precision-jumping with a steerable parachute.

Helicopter - Learn the basics of helicopter flight, transportation of troops and attack chopper tactics.

Team - Learn the basics of your team’s command and control. This tutorial will teach you how to command your subordinates and manage your team.

High Command - You are often given command of whole groups in the bigger battles (e.g. Death Valley scenario). This tutorial describes the basics of the high-commander’s job.

Construction - In a large-scale scenarios (Death Valley in the demo), you can construct defenses, HQ buildings or structures which enable you to enroll certain unit types.

This tutorial will teach you the basics of the construction interfaces.



Three scenarios and an editable mission template are featured in the demo. Scenarios are accessible from the main menu’s Singleplayer > Scenarios section.

Trial by Fire – A marine assault team is inserted on the Utes island to capture an OPFOR base. To successfully complete this mission, advance together with the rest of your team, follow your orders and avoid being too brave.

Death Valley - Small mission to introduce and also teach you how to use the RTS/FPS blend mode for ArmA 2 - The Warfare mode.

In this large-scale battle, your objectives are to capture all strategic locations or destroy all structures on the enemy base in your area of operation.

It is recommended to play Team, High Command and Construction tutorials before you start playing this mission.

Benchmark - This scenario is an unplayable cinematic benchmark test that will help you determine the best setting for playing ArmA 2 on your computer or to compare your hardware. Average FPS is displayed at the end of this scenario.

Mission Template: Basic - To start this mission template, activate “My missions...”, select “<New mission>”, “01:Basic”, choose the side you want to play for, and edit the mission conditions.



It’s possible to play a multiplayer battle or customize some of the available mission templates.

To start the template-based multiplayer, select “<<New - Wizard>>” and select from the list of available templates. Note that templates are customizable, and you may prepare many variations of existing setups.

Death Valley - Multiplayer version of the scenario. Up to 16 players may take part in this battle. In “Create game”,

Multiplayer Mission Template: Deathmatch - Free-for-all fight for up to 16 players.

Multiplayer Mission Template: Team Deathmatch - Two teams fight in a small area. Up to 16 players may play in this scenario.

Multiplayer Mission Template: Seize The Area - Cooperative scenario for up to 6 players, whose task is to eliminate all hostile units in a designated area.

Mission editor:


Limited version of Mission Editor is present in the demo. Note that it's not possible to either save or load a custom mission in the dem

http://hx3.de/community-161/demo-16955/2/#post248747 Bearbeitet von Cyborg11
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Demo ist draußen (2,5 GB) :daumenhoch:



Also saugt es euch, habt Spaß damit und kauft euch dann die Vollversion :D

Bearbeitet von Cyborg11
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Fileplanet ist scheiße und beim Torrent ist der Speed unter 12kB/s :/

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Gast WhiskeyCobra

ich darf erstmal halbe stunde warten bevors losgeht :/ :daumenrunter: (fileplanet)

Bearbeitet von WhiskeyCobra
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Wo kann man denn nun bitte das Anti Aliasing aktivieren? Bei mir steht da nur "Deaktiviert" und keine Option das zu ändern.

€: Erledigt ich sollte die Seite davor lesen! ;)

Bearbeitet von Sebastian
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Hey leute, wollte gerade die Arma 2 Demo starten und dann kommt sowas:


kann mir jemand die Datei hochladen? wär echt super :daumenhoch:

€: wenn ich das richtig sehe kommt man garnicht so ohne weiteres dranne an die DLL dateien, oder?

Bearbeitet von Hillepille
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BTW a couple of people so far have had a launch error with the demo: "Demo failed to launch, X3DAudio1_6.dll was not found" You need to make sure you have the latest Directx 9 Redistributable installed: http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/C...2009_redist.exe
Quelle: BI Forum

Kleiner Hotfix für 1.02 :)

We decided to release an updated patch 1.02 build 58134, please visit


for more information about the patch and available download options.

Few notes:

* our main reason to release an updated 1.02 version is newly implemented full support for anti-aliasing in this build that we believe increases visual quality significantly without any major performance impact

* this patch is compatible with all previously released versions (1.00, 1.01 and 1.02)

* all versions 1.02 remain compatible in multiplayer and also savegames from various versions 1.02 are compatible so the transition process to this updated version 1.02, build 58134 should be as seamless as possible for all users

Change log for build 58134 from the previous patch 1.02:

* Fixed localVRAM detection on Vista x64 systems with 8 GB RAM and more

* Enabled MSAA in Video options

* Fixed possible crash in Radio target reporting for NULL target

* Fixed DOF always enabled on game start.

* Added safeguard againg frequent reset into RequestFlushMemory as well.

* Improved Cannot create surface Rpt messages.

* Relaxed reset recovery conditions to that "profylactic" reset happens less often.

* HC command - enabled page selection

* Commandline parameter -netlog available in retail version again

* Editor fix: modules info serialization

* Fix: weapon fire effects in MP

Quelle: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?...520#post1330520
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Irgendwie läuft die Demo richtig scheisse, so um die 19 FPS in der ersten Szenariomission, egal ob auf Niedrig oder Hoch.

Scheint ja genau wie bei der ArmA 1 Demo zu sein...

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