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Battlefield 1 Server - Infos rund um Mieten und Settings

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wie bereits in der News genannt beginnt zu Anfang November das "Rental Server Program". Da dies ein komplett neuer Weg seitens DICE sein wird, wird sich hier einiges an neuen Informationen sammeln und mit Sicherheit auch Diskussionsbedarf bestehen. Hier noch mal im Spoiler die News (THX @panzerfahrer) :


Was kosten die Server?

Preise stehen bereits für Konsole und PC fest, wobei die Konsolen-Serverpreise etwas günstiger sind, als die PC-Serverpreise. Der Haken an der Sache: So wie die Preise veröffentlicht wurden, sind sie zunächst wenig aussagekräftig, da weitere wichtige Informationen fehlen. Es ist zum Beispiel nicht bekannt, ob die Preise an eine Slot-Anzahl gekoppelt sind oder nicht. Ebenso unbekannt ist, ob die Preise währungsbedingt umgerechnet oder Eins zu Eins übernommen werden. Insofern heißt es hier: Abwarten!


1 Tag: $2.99
7 Tage: $11.99
30 Tage: $42.99
90 Tage: $99.99
180 Tage: $149.99

PS4/Xbox One:

1 Tag: $1.99
7 Tage: $7.99
30 Tage: $26.99
90 Tage: $64.99
180 Tage: $99.99

Welche Einstellungsmöglichkeiten wird es geben?

Wie bereits erwähnt, wird eine Kick-/Ban-Funktion erst später für Serveradmins verfügbar sein, ebenso werden neue Funktionen nach und nach freigeschaltet. Wer allerdings die Filteroptionen im Spiel durchforstet, kann sich hieraus bereits mögliche Einstellungsmöglichkeiten für die Admin-Oberfläche ableiten. Genaues ist aber auch hier noch nicht bekannt.

Hier die Wichtigsten in der Übersicht:

Klassen und Fahrzeuge lassen sich gruppenweise aktivieren bzw. deaktivieren (auch Eliteklassen)
Waffengruppen lassen sich gruppenweise aktivieren/deaktivieren
Third-Person-Kamera ein/aus
Kill-Cam ein/aus
HUD ein/aus
3D-Spotting ein/aus
Minimap-Spotting ein/aus
Fahrzeug- und generelle Einstiegszeit
Kugelschaden und Teamkills ein/aus
Basics wie Ticket-Anzahl, Map-Rotation und Spielmodus

Ab wann sind Server mietbar?

Hier steht bislang kein genaues Datum fest. Die Server sollen „zeitnah“ zum Launch des Spiel mietbar sein, vage steht der November im Raum. Frühestens ist damit also am 1.11.2016 zu rechnen. Bestellt werden können Server direkt im Spiel selbst. Weitere Infos wird DICE in den nächsten Tagen bekannt geben. Unser Forum bietet bis dahin die optimale Gelegenheit, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben. Der Battlefield1-Bereich wurde heute erweitert, sodass ihr euch in die Diskussion stürzen könnt.

Momentan versuchen einige Spieler sich Aufmerksamkeit bei DICE zu verschaffen und den CLASSIC Modus einzufordern. Zum einen über das Forum oder auch über Twitter (Thx @Uncut(Ger) oder Youtube. Eine kleine Rückmeldung gab es schon.

Wie sehr dieses Thema der Community auf den Nägeln brennt, zeigt auch der offizielle Fragenkatalog:


Will there be some form of RCON communication that we can use?
Will there be ability to kill, kick or ban players?
Will we have reserved slots?
Will there be customization levels for weapons? Assuming by the screenshots I’m guessing yes but confirmation would be nice. Examples: Pistols Only, No Explosives, Infantry Only, Fast Vehicle Respawn.
Can we swap maps at will, or are we limited to adjusting the map rotation only?
Can we restart game rounds at will?
Do we have access to admin yell / say commands?
What game mode limitations will be present?
Will there by ping limits or region locking?
Will we be put in “unranked” if we choose to customize the server with the items in question 4?
What will determine ranked v. unranked?
Will we have the ability to rent private passworded servers?
Will the game modes be locked to specific player counts? Like how rush is limited to 24 players now. Can we set rush to 64 players like conquest?
What type of hardware and connection will these servers be hosted on? Latest Xeon based? Multiple backbone providers?
What type of DDoS protection will be implemented against attacks?
Will server rentals be locked to East Coast, West Coast, Europe, Asia? Or will we have more options like we do with BF4? Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Atlanta, New York, Frankfurt, London, Tokyo etc.
What kind of level of support can we expect? What kind of turnaround times on support tickets can we expect to see? Will everyone have the same level of support?
Ability to report cheaters and griefers to the admins.
If EA is hosting all the servers will we FINALLY have an effective way of reporting admins blatantly violating the EA ToU?
If there is a way to ban players, will there be any limitations on such? And will there be any provisions for a central ban list of known cheaters?
Custom messages when players get vanity kills with such weapons as knives, revive mechanic, flare gun etc.
In game balancing?
Language filters?
Punishment system (warn/kill/kick/tban/pban)?
Banlist across servers rented by clan/group?
Votemap / Votekick?
What will be the Cost of the server per slot?
Can you rent less than a 32 man server?
Will tick rates be configurable?
What type of presets will we have for those that want those options?
Will admins need to be in-game to use/monitor server activity of players playing? Monitor from outside server?
Will HARDCORE and/or CLASSIC modes be presets you can search for, or would these setups count as "CUSTOM"?
How will you deal with vanilla map server rotations INCLUDING the DLC maps for players WITHOUT DLC/PREMIUM?
What actual company/companies will be providing the servers to EA/DICE and can we choose where the server is located?
Is mixed mode possible?
Referring to nr. 21, will there be a spambot for ingame info?
WIll servers has support for ban streaming (GGC, Metabans)?
Can servers to be connected to statsdatabase (mysql) so we can use ingame server stats?
Can se use gametracker with the server?
Can we get CPU priority -option to servers?
Remote admin of server web based or other, so we are able to admin from ingame and eg. work (remote)?
Can we choose min/max.tickets/timer same way as in BF4 and server stays ranked.
Will we have "All Unlocks" in Private Servers for the persons who hasn't unlocked all weapons? For the use of clanwars or fun events ?
Referring to question 3), will reserved list and banlist be available to server managers?
Will there be different levels of admins in server controls? (different levels of authority granted? )
Referring to question 13, Will servers be able to be changed on the fly ( a la: change from 64 slots to 32 slots, restart and run)? If so, can slots be mixed and matched? (This is currently a function almost all of us have with GSPs)
Will there be a mute function for specific players?
Will there be a custom, plugin support?
What other options do we now have for server rentals now that you have eliminated all competition?
Will we be able to change the player cap?
Can we mute players?
Can we move server but keep the serverid and ip?
Can we use stats sites like gamestracker and P-stats network?
Can we use Dbases like PBBANS, METABANS ?
Can we have clan tags?
What are the tickrate options?
Can we pre-order the server well before the launch?
Can we hide the server from the public browser ?
I would like to know if we are able to phase stats info from server to a MySQL database for chat and player stats.
How about the following kick/ban option, votemap, server spam (clan related) + custom splash screen while loading
Active server balance (on death player moved)
Map rotation / modes, adjustable slots i.e. RUSH 48 slot for example
Remote admin of server web based or other, so able to admin from ingame or work for example
Some sort of loadout enforcer for say ESL rules server
Able to change ticket count/timer
Best clan tag announce and best 3 player announce end of round
Will we be able to link our server to our website? ie game stats
Another question, however, is will stupid server character names sort servers in the browser strangely (E.g.; .,-/CLAN\-,.) or will we just get to sort alphabetically.
Will there be a server coffer for donors or will one person have to fit the bill?
Will renting more than one server be available or is each individual server a tental purchase?
If donors, will the server owner be able to see/manage donors?
Will VIP/white lists be available to server managers?
Will servers be able to be changed on the fly ( a la: change from 64 slots to 32 slots, restart and run)? If so, can slots be mixed and matched? (This is currently a function almost all of us have with GSPs)
How many server managers/admins can be assigned?
Can admins have different levels of authority granted?
Since EA is hosting the servers, will BF1 suffer from Blaze disconnects like in previous titles?
Will there be servers available in all regions? (Oceania?) Will there be blaze servers available in all regions? (Ongoing issues in Sydney due to connectivity back to US) Where will physically will servers be located world wide?
Will trackers be able to be used on them for gaming events like previous Battlefield games?
Since these custom servers aren't coming initially, will there be official servers for hardcore players at launch?
Will all the servers have the same anti cheat system on them which is regularly updated and also no option of turning this off?
Will ther be South American servers to rent from DICE? or will be limited to EEUU/Europe/Asia?, can we use console login from the game?, for example, kick, ban, change map, mode, etc.
With the new UI coming to BF4, does this mean that the current server rental system will be changed to be uniform with BF1 ( i.e 3rd party GSP's removed and replaced by EA servers) ?
Will we be able to choose our location (Dallas for instance), Will EA keep us at the chosen location, Will we be able to choose the Internet Infrastructure Provider, Will EA keep us at that chosen Provider, Will we have "All Unlocks" in Private Servers ?
What will be the Cost of the server per slot, Can you rent less than a 32 man server?
Will there be rentable servers in regions that were not covered during the beta? I'm talking about SEA, Middle East etc. we had no servers nearby and had to play on Japan/Europe servers with >120 ping. Will there be SEA servers specifically for rent?
In BF4 if you disable AFK kick, server went to custom preset. Will there be more customization and server will have preset Normal and Ranked.
Can we rent slots By slots eg. minimum 10 players and max.64?
How about server stats plugins?
Will there be Mute command for guys who are using toxic language?
Can we use ingame chat for admin commands?
Will we be able to to pay for upgraded hardware such as CPU priority?
Will there be fail over, disaster, and DDoS protection? if all the servers are hosted out of the same place or part of the same network it seems like there is a single point of failure for all servers.
Will there be an option to upgrade the anti cheat system to BattlEye? It would save us a lot of time cleaning up the hackers.
If Admins can not kick "pro" players for simply being to good, will there be an option to set the skill level of players who can join?
Will there be a customer service response and server up time SLA?
Will there be a dedicated bandwidth QOS dependent on how many players your server can hold?
If you are not going to utilize Procon do you have a guide and or training that we can look at now that will help us become familiar with the server options, what they mean and how to use them?
Will we have region-based prices for server rentals (like buying games through Origin now) or will there be one currency only?
Will admins have kick and ban abilities to properly manage the community they are running. This is the single most important question. Without this; map rotations, weapon selection etc... is irrelevant as you cannot run a server clean from abuse (cheating, abusing bugs, racial or intolerant chat, etc...).
If you own multiple servers, will the above ban list populate across servers you own. Not as important as number 101, but it is obviously a pain in the butt to require input across multiple servers for this.
Will there be an MOTD (message of the day) function that can be used to advertise for donations? Our group is looking at $10,000 a year to run and manage servers, this is fairly important.
Will we be able to add a full admin to customize or edit the servers other then the owner / main account holder ?
Payment system, will there be a group / clan pay or just owner ?
Since we are unaware of *exactly* what anticheat measures are going to be in place other than FairFight, Will there still be the ability to move a server from Ranked to Unranked for those in the "cinematics business"?
If there are multiple Anti-Cheats e.g FairFight & Punkbuster for example, Can we please see these anti-cheats locked to "enabled" and only allowed to be disabled on private unranked servers? This will at least help the game stay clean for those cheaters whose clients can bypass one anticheat whilst being unable to bypass both.
Will Servers that are in violation of ToS ( no kill / flagrun ) servers be dealt with without impunity? I often see servers that blatantly advertise themselves both in the server name and in the server description as a stat padding server and yet they remain up, Anybody who uses quickmatch may find themselves unwillingly put into one of these servers and in time, Get a stats reset which is unfair if they did not intend to join such a server.
Will we see similar customisation options on rentable server providers as in BF4? ( Yell / !kill etc ) Or will some of these be removed to prevent abuse?
Will we see tougher actions being taken against those admins whom kick or ban players for "being better than them" and use "suspected cheating" as the reason regardless of the legitimacy. I see far too often users posting here on the Forums about this, And whilst some are indeed genuinely badmins, Others turn out to be such violations as profanity, hate speech, racism and so on and so forth.
Will rented servers be available in South Africa?
Can we use gametracker to our server ? How about ggcstreaming, metaban streaming?
I want to know if EA will put in "KICK/BANS" on servers that do so on the server browser list.
What plugins will be available external of the ability to change settings specific to the game (for example, server messages, ping limiter, vote kick)?
Will admins be able to build a manual banlist?
What options that were changeable in BF4 are now locked in BF1?
Please explain how seeding will work for BF1?
Will we be able to automate any tasks? Or do we have to be present 100% of the time to kick, ban, or do any function?
How do we designate other admins for the server besides just the server owner? Or is this not possible.
Is there any control of how much access a particular admin has? On PC (because of Procon) we can specify detailed admin rights for each admin. We can specify if they can move players, kick, temp ban, ban, change server settings, restart the server, etc. all individually. Each setting can be customized for each admin. It sounds like this is gone now?
Do we have to launch the game to do any server management or will there be other stand alone tools for PC or mobile phones to manage the servers? This is a must.
Will servers force daily restarts?
Can we disable daily restarts if we want so we can do it manually?
Will there be anyway to monitor server status and health?
Is there anyway to make custom in game commands that players can use or that admins can use? I'm guessing no.
How will you handle DLC onto servers? Will you let people who rent a server decide which DLC (or none) they want to host or will you decide it? Will you force DLC onto servers?
What will be the pricing for the renter servers? Also, will there be different tiers of servers (performance wise) you can buy?
Will there be an app where I can control the server for Android and Iphone like I can now?
Will we have access to the startup, spectatorList, mapList, reservedSlots, and banList text files?(assuming the pb configs are no longer relevant).
What sort of services will EA BF1 servers provide us to backup, duplicate, edit, deploy, and share server configurations and settings?
Can we adjust the amount of players to start the round? Currently it takes 10 people to start a round on an "official" server.
Will servers be able to host Operations and conquest?
Will we have the ability to turn off Aim Assist for controllers on PC?
What will platoon support be like and will you consider making additional efforts to connect platoons to their servers, as the majority tend to run some?
Will there be chat filters for swear words?
Are there any servers that will be available in Canada? or would the closest available be Upper USA/ USA East?
Will this rental be directly through Electronic Arts or will it be through DICE?
Are there differences between Console and PC Server Rental System?
What type of hardware are used for the Server?
What type of connection will these servers be hosted on?
Do we have an DDoS Protection?
Are we able to report Servers (Badmins)?
How will you deal with vanilla map rotations including DLC Maps with players who does not own the DLC/Premium?
Are Server names getting Sorted?
Are we able to Change the Anti-Cheat System?
Are we able to choose the internet Infrastructure Provider (InterNAP for instance)?
Are Servers which flagged for Rules violations highlighted.
Are we able to seed our Servers in any way to become popular? (Battlelog is now gone)
Will the match making system match to only official servers or will it also match to ranked servers?
How many Gameservers will be run on one machine?
What is required to be a "Ranked" "Official" etc. Server?
So my questions is what will they have instead of PB if it is not going to be on the servers and can we add a Anti cheat from other sources?
Can we create, edit and save maplists?
Any discount for 24-slot server (domination)?
Why is PC servers price so high compared to console?
Will we be able to display a banner on our server like in bf4??
Will we be able to mixed vanilla maps with DLC maps and still be official?
And I know this has nothing to do with renting server but it as an impact on them being rented by clan, will there be clan support added to the battlefield companion (emblem, tags and display of emblem like in bf4?
Will server renters be able to select the number of slots according to their needs?
Are there going to be rentals for fewer slots (10,16,24,32,48,64) except the default 68 (64 + 4 specs as there are no commanders)?
Will there any be middle east servers to play on or rent?
So will be there any Option for longer periods ? e.g. clans need the server the whole year and not only 180 days.
Will the cost change depending on what Hz you run a server at?
Will other regions be looked into regarding local servers?
Will rented servers show in the Server Browser? Or will they all be forced to the "Custom" tab regardless of how they're configured?
If they will be listed in the Server Browser is there any specific changes that are made to the server to throw it in the Custom tab?
Also what if I just want a 20 slot domination server, is the pricing fixed because it is a 64 fixed slot?
Will console rent-a-server finally have the safe abilities as PC?
Is quickmatch finally going to put people into ranked rented servers and not just the neutered "official" servers?
Will quickmatch refuse "sniper-only" servers, but still allow those that are reasonable by only banning certain weapons/gadgets (in case of glitches or abuse), or removing the behemoth to keep the game balanced?
Will we eventually have the ability to ban by GUID?

Quelle: https://forums.battlefield.com/en-us/discussion/41981/battlefield-1-rental-server-questions-master-list#latest


Bearbeitet von renesweb74
  • Gefällt mir! 1
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kleines Update aber nichts was wir vorher bereits geahnt hatten bzw. an den filterbaren Variablen bereits ablesbar war:


Update 2:

Additional features you can enable/disable in rented servers:

  • • Kill Cam
  • • Minimap
  • • Friendly Fire
  • • 3D Spotting
  • • Fog

Update 1 war:


What types of features can I expect?
Among many other settings, players renting servers will be able to adjust:

  • • ticket count
  • • bullet damage
  • • modes
  • • weapons
  • • maps


Bearbeitet von renesweb74
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Noch ein kleines Update zu den Preisen: Die genannte Preise gelten pro Server bis 64 Slots. Durch die Auswahl des Game Modus (CQ, Rush, DOM... ) wird somit scheinbar die Größe des Servers bestimmt, so wie es jetzt bereits in BF4 ist, wenn die Servergröße nicht festgelegt ist.



  • 1 Tag: $2.99
  • 7 Tage: $11.99
  • 30 Tage: $42.99
  • 90 Tage: $99.99
  • 180 Tage: $149.99

Die Preise sind ein wirklich günstiges Angebot und "belohnt" die, die sich längerfristig binden wollen. Zum Vergleich der 52´er Bamboo Bar (BF4 30Hz) kostet per 3 Monate ca. 100 Euro inkl. Finanzierungskosten.

Wie es natürlich mit dem Support aussieht, lässt sich noch nicht sagen genauso wie mit den Einstellmöglichkeiten...

Bearbeitet von renesweb74

Das klingt für mich mehr als fair, hätte ich nicht gedacht :daumenhoch:



Will there be RCON or PROCON tools?
We are commited to developing in-game support for the most popular plugins used with previous Battlefield titles to ensure that admins have similar levels of customization. However, the new RSP servers will not support 3rd party tools like RCON or ProCON. Please stay tuned to the Battlefield channels for more updates.
Why are the prices different for PC and console?
PC servers will be running at 60Hz, with console servers running at 30Hz. Pricing has been adjusted accordingly. Please stay tuned to the Battlefield channels for more updates.
Are the prices for servers affected by slot-size?
Server rental prices are not set by slot-size, but the slot-size will vary depending on the mode chosen in the rotation. Please stay tuned to the Battlefield channels for more updates.

More details to come.



Anfang November steht weiterhin nicht fest, wann die Community von Battlefield 1 eigene Server von Electronic Arts mieten kann.

Dafür wurden im Forum neue Informationen veröffentlicht, welche Features das »Rent-A-Server«-Programm bieten soll. Die Infos stammen vom Community Manager Jeff »Braddock512« Braddock.

Folgende Features werden Admins definitiv einstellen können:

  • Anzahl der Tickets

  • Schaden pro Kugel

  • Spielmodi

  • Waffen

  • Karten

  • Kill Cam

  • Minimap

  • Teambeschuss

  • 3D Sichtung

  • Nebel

Weitere Servereinstellungen werden später bekanntgegeben. Außerdem gibt es jetzt eine definitive Antwort, ob die Serversoftware RCON und PROCON aus den Vorgängern zurückkommen werden: Nein, sie wurden definitiv gestrichen. Damit ließen sich beispielsweise Chats filtern, Spieler gezielt kicken und Abstimmungen für die nächste Karte initiieren. Ob diese Funktionen von DICE aus erster Hand nachgereicht werden, lässt man bisher offen.

Preis hängt nicht an Servergröße

Keine Fragen gibt es mehr zur Preisbestimmung für Communityserver. Die Preisliste wurde bereits kurz vor Release bekanntgegeben, jetzt sind finale Details bekannt. PC-Server laufen demnach fest mit 60hz Tickrate, die bis zu 144hz aus Battlefield kehren nicht zurück. Auf Konsolen sind es gar nur 30hz.

Daher ergibt sich auch der Preisunterschied für Server zwischen PC und Konsolen. Preisunterschiede zwischen Serverkapazitäten wird es allerdings nicht geben: 24 Spieler-Slots werden exakt so viel kosten, wie Server für 64 Spieler. Außerdem wird es Obergrenzen für Spieler-Slots je nach Spielmodus geben, genau wie auf den offiziellen Servern von EA. Ob sich die Spielerzahl wenigstens nach unten frei regulieren lässt, wurde ebenfalls noch nicht erklärt.

Battlefield 1 ist seit dem 21. Oktober 2016 für PC, Xbox One und PlayStation 4 verfügbar. Alle Plattformen werden Mietserver unterstützen.


Offizieller Forenthread: https://forums.battlefield.com/en-us/discussion/34210/battlefield-1-rental-server-program


@arturo33 du hast aber schon die vorhergehenden Posts gelesen ???? die genau diese Informationen beinhalten :cool:



Trotzdem ne schöne Zusammenfassung ;)


Edith: bääääähh :baeeeeeh:


Also kein Rush mit mehr als 24 Spielern? Conquest mit 48 Spielern ist auch noch nicht sicher? Pfui, EA, PFUI!

El_Exodus, vor 45 Minuten:

Also kein Rush mit mehr als 24 Spielern? Conquest mit 48 Spielern ist auch noch nicht sicher? Pfui, EA, PFUI!

Da sie die Tools diesmal selber schreiben, könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass sie bestimmte Barrieren einbauen, wie z.B. Rush max. 32 Player oder so. Momentan ist da noch nichts save !!!!


Hieß es nicht auch, dass die Server ab 1. Nov verfügbar sein sollten?


Meines Wissens wurde nur der November als ganzer Monat angegeben. D.h. frühestens am 1.11., spätestens am 30.11.
Dass der erste Termin Wunschdenken war, ist jetzt klar. :D

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