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Downloading recon maps

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Hello and greetings from Canada. 

We are playing the mod Recon in bf2, and have downloaded most of the maps to play on your servers. Now there are Two Map packs that we cannot find, and in joining this community, you do have the maps that we would like to download.

Map-packs 4 & 11 for Recon, But we cannot download those maps as I have been denied access to download anything.

Can you please allow me access to get the maps needed for the mod recon in Bf2. 

I'm am with the NWM clan working  and playing in Aix2, and we give full access to all aix maps that we have, http://nightwatchmilitia.com/Maps.html#N

Thank you


I have translated this from a translator site.


Vielen Dank, dass Sie uns diese beiden Map Packs zum Herunterladen. Sobald ich kann, werde ich versuchen, Sie auf einen Server hochgeladen, so dass jeder die Dateien herunterladen können und die Mod spielen.

Nochmals vielen Dank.


Thank you very much for allowing us to download those two map packs. As soon as I can, I will try to have them uploaded to a server, so that anyone can download the files and play the mod.

Again, Thank you.


No Problem, i have a harddisk full of mods for 1942, Vietnam and 2.  :)

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