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Battlefield 1918 v3.3 Release!

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Battlefield 1918 v3.3 Release!

Greetings and Merry Christmas to everyone. We here at the Battlefield 1918 Development Team hope you are enjoying the holidays, and we also hope you will enjoy the latest version of Battlefield 1918 which releases today! Before we get to the link for this latest version of the mod though, we would like to show off one more new feature.  

Firstly, players may be interested to hear about some new uniforms that are arriving in V3.3. We already have shown off some of the Early War uniforms for France and Belgium; however, players may also be interested to hear that V3.3 introduces Cavalry uniforms for both Russia and Austria-Hungary:





These new uniforms will be found on a brand new map, the Cavalry themed Battle of Jaroslawice, which is based on the largest cavalry vs cavalry battle of the entire war.









Of course with a new release of Battlefield 1918 comes a new trailer and for thus we present to you the Official Guns Of August Release Trailer:




Important Instruction:  

With this all out of the way it is now time to provide links to the downloads as well as the full change log. This Game and Mod is working with the Operating Systems Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 [32/64bit]) We will be providing both a patch version of V3.3 for those who already have V3.2b as well as a full version for new players:

1.) Battlefield 1942

2a.) Battlefield 1918 v3.2b to v3.3 Patch Version (only for currently v3.2b Players): Download

2b.) Battlefield 1918 v3.3 (For new players, if do you don't got the previous last): Download


You need a Server to play?

Get one of the following both Server IP and put it into your Browser manually or use your Multiplayer "Server Refresh List" in BF1942:

<a href="https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/" target="_blank"><img src="https://cache.gametracker.com/server_info/" border="0" width="350" height="20" alt=""/></a>

<a href="https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/bf42.ddns.net:14567/" target="_blank"><img src="https://cache.gametracker.com/server_info/bf42.ddns.net:14567/b_350_20_692108_381007_ffffff_000000.png" border="0" width="350" height="20" alt=""/></a>






 - France: added Zouaves(French colonial), improved backpack & equipment and uniform textures to 1914
- Belgium: improved equipment and uniform textures to 1914
- Serbia: improved uniform textures
- Russia: fixed shoulder straps


- The ZeppelinL30 model has been improved
- added two machine guns in french airship


- added Armored Train by eYe.ris (found in Gebirgspass and brusilov_offensive map)
- bullet velocity in vehicles MGs now matches real values
- slightly increased shell speed
- gun reload speed slightly decreased


- light mortars now rotate 360 degrees (<-a d-> button for rotate)
- bullet velocity in stationary MGs now matches real values
- add drum in Parabellum mg model
- tanks gun reload speed slightly decreased
- add hands in mg08 1p view


- added mas1873_revolver
- added reichsrevolverm1879
- added hotchkissm1909
- fix Flamethrower
- bullet velocity now matches real values
- deployed Hotchkiss and mortars returned to the player after use


- amiens: fixed spawnpoints and removed push-cages from COOP
- albania: added clouds
- battle_of_halen: fixed bots, removed armored cars, added German cavalry textures by HenryV1415
- battle_of_mons: added clouds
- Battle_of_Cer: added clouds
- battleaxe1918: added clouds
- bismarck_archipel: added clouds
- bosnia: added clouds, fixed bots strategies
- gallipoli: fixed vehicle spawns
- galician_fields: fixed
- Suez_Canal: added New Zealand flag
- langemarck: added bots, clouds
- raid_on_fort_pontisse: added bots, but something wrong with lags, so now it unusable
- montblainville: added bots, clouds, switch French to Belgians
- ramskapelle: added bots, clouds
- battle_of_the_nete: added bots, switch French to Belgians
- ypres_streets: added bots
- passo_di_falzarego: added bots, fixed fog
- champagne: added bots

- Battle_of_Leget: added (CQ+COOP mode), added clouds (Serbs vs Austro-Hungarians)
- Mackov_kamen: added (CQ+COOP mode), added clouds (Serbs vs Austro-Hungarians)
- Suvobor: added (CQ+COOP mode) (Serbs vs Austro-hungarians)
- Siege_de_Maubeuge: added (CQ+COOP mode), added clouds (French vs Germans)
- Marais_de_St_Gond: added (CQ+COOP mode), added clouds (French vs Germans)
- Kitcheners_Wood: added (CQ+COOP mode), added clouds (Canadians vs Germans)
- dukla_pass: added (CQ+COOP mode) (Russians vs Austro-Hungarians)
- Battle_of_Liege: added (CQ+COOP mode) (Belgians vs Germans)
- Battle_of_Jaroslawice: added (CQ+COOP mode), added clouds, added KUK and RIA cavalry textures by HenryV1415&Lopa4, added KUK dragoon helmet (Russians vs Austro-Hungarians)
- Galicia: added (CQ+COOP mode), added clouds (Russians vs Austro-Hungarians)
- Battle_of_Struga : added (CQ+COOP mode), added clouds (Serbs vs Bulgarians)
- tgw_stalemate added
- some fixes in maps

- aiming dot replaced with crosshair
- improved death screams and fixed missing sound commands
- improved AI by Dewiss
- added East European chapel from Battlefield Balkan 1991-1995 mod for Battlefield Vietnam by Laufer


Battlefield 1918 v3.3 was developed 2019-2020 till appear Christmas by Lopa4, Vatnik, eYe.ris , HenryV1415, Dewiss, Cicero, Ace1918, Laufer

With this all covered we here of the Battlefield 1918 Development Team once again wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and thank you for your time.


Autor: ACE1918

Source: moddb.com/mods/battlefield-1918

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