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Need Help Running Battlefield 2142 on Windows 11 ??

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Hey everyone,

I recently tried reinstalling Battlefield 2142 on my Windows 11 PC.., but I am running into some issues. I have installed the game and the 1.51 patch but every time I try to launch it.., nothing happens. I have tried running it in compatibility mode and as an administrator but still no luck.

I have seen people mention using BF2142 Hub or other fixes.., but I am not sure which one works best in 2025. Does anyone here have a step-by-step guide to get the game running smoothly: ?? Also., are there any active servers or a way to play online with others: ??

Any help would be greatly appreciated !! Looking forward to getting back into this classic.

Thanks in advance !!

With Regards,

Daniel Jose

microsoft azure administrator


Maybe it should help, trying to run it in compatibility mode and as an administrator. Or there's some kind of inofficial patch on the internet. 

Maybe this video could help you.


vor 2 Stunden schrieb josee00daniel:

I have tried running it in compatibility mode and as an administrator but still no luck.


vor 1 Stunde schrieb Chuck Norris:

Maybe it should help, trying to run it in compatibility mode and as an administrator.





Shit, das hab ich überlesen. :trollface:

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