Jo-M 0 Melden Geschrieben 2. April 2004 Stats sagen nichts über das wirkliche Können des Spielers aus!
K-Jii 94 Melden Geschrieben 2. April 2004 ab heute is der spaß für nen Monat aus... häh...wie meinste das ??
Fingah 40 Melden Geschrieben 2. April 2004 so April 2nd - 01.00 GMT We were extremly unlucky during the last monthly maintenance as we by mistake lost all stats for March. We're now rebuilding the databases from a backup and hopefully everything will be up and running during Friday. Sorry about the inconvenience. :-( (Tracking is DOWN during this period) Please visit our forums, read the FAQ or come to our IRC-channel #mayhem on QuakeNet and say something nice or catch up on the latest Battlefield 1942 news at
K-Jii 94 Melden Geschrieben 2. April 2004 aber doch nich für nen monat...wenn alles klappt gehts ab heute weiter...