Startseite Downloads Battlefield 2 Mods Modern Warfare Desert Conflict Extended Desert Conflict Xtended v0.24 Server (Win)

Desert Conflict Xtended v0.24 Server (Win)

Daten, die zum Aufsetzen eines Gameserver von Nöten sind.

This is an Expansion to the Desert Conflict mod, a Gulf-War based modification for Battlefield 2. There are a total of 37 maps in the mod, with 3 more currently in production.

Whats New:
El Alamein Dusk with Headlights on Vehicles CQ and CTF
Omaha Beach CQ and CTF
No Fly Zone Beta CQ and CTF
Arabian Gulf with enterable Carriers
Songhua Stalemate CQ and CTF
Daqing Oilfields CQ and CTF
FuShe Pass CQ and CTF
Operation Clean Sweep CQ and CTF

Ticket Bleed on the following maps is fixed:
---Tikrit Insurgency
---Baghdad Square

Release Notes v0.21
Fixed bug which Broke Iraqs Claymores!
Fixed bug in LAN Collusium so CTF flags are fully Functional!
Fixed sound bug in Highway Tampa!
Fixed occasional sound bug in Tikrit Insurgency!

Current Maps:
Desert Thunder
Tikrit Insurgency
Baghdad Square
Dragon Valley Day2
Gulf of Oman Day2
Highway Tampa
LAN Collusium

New Maps:
Sea Rigs
Arabian Gulf


Dateigröße 294MB
Veröffentlicht 11.10.2009
Downloads 1740
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