Desert Combat Final - Client (für DC 0.7N)
DC 0.7 bemnötigt!!
-----DC Final Changelist-----
DC_Final Client Full, version 3
-Removed remaining horn and artillery spot icons
-Adjusted patriot rotation
-Spandrel rotation slowed but has a strange bug meaning it still moves fast for short adjustments
-Reduced MI24 gunner overheat, very light now
-SA-342 gunpods reduced overheat some more
-Launch effects added to all aircraft missiles
-Moved F117 bombs down slightly
-New missile smoke for aircraft
-Fixed Ural fueldrums damaging truck, can still walk through fueldums while on truck but it's now harder to get in
-Gaskin missile same as Linebacker
-Enterprise UH-60q spawn corrected for vertical takeoff
-Sparks added to metal collisions
-humvee/car explosions cause some screen shake when close to explosion
-adjusted many weapon icons in vehicles, most were still using the same BF rocket icon
-fixed bug with turret sounds
-adjusted linebacker rotation
-fixed F16 bug with some linux servers
-Gaskin lights fixed
-Gaskin turret icon removed
-F117 given f14 minimap icon
-US sniper kit has removed backpack
-Iraqi sniper helmet readded
-Patriot HP increased to match SA3
-created unexplainable, unfixable catastrophic crashing bug
-had dinner and fixed catastrophic crashing bug
-changed linebacker launch sounds
-removed patriot wreck
-random iraqi skin removed
-reduced time to live for F117 bomb down to 5 seconds, will airburst if it hasn't hit the ground. Needs some testing.
-reduced radius of F117 bomb by 20%
-increased camera stay for patriot/sa3 to 3 seconds
-patriot missile detonate changed to altfire to avoid launching second missile on detonation
-Reworked AK/AKS sounds
-Reworked Shilka third person sound
-Better explosion effects in Weapon Bunkers
-Fixed serveral projectile positions
-Removed horn icons
-Reduced muzzle smoke on some weapons
-Optimised tank explosions
-Pantsyr icon fixed
-BMP1 health and ammo added
-Iraqi AT3 kit fixed
DC_Final Client Full, version 2
-Reworked AK/AKS sounds
-Reworked Shilka third person sound
-Better explosion effects in Weapon Bunkers
-Fixed serveral projectile positions
-Removed horn icons
-Reduced muzzle smoke on some weapons
-Optimised tank explosions
-Second iraqi skin randomly chosen
-Collision of barrels on fueldrum ural fixed
-Pantsyr icon fixed
-BMP1 health and ammo added
-Iraqi AT3 kit fixed
DC_Final Client Full, version 1
-Mortar given overheat on deployment, can't drop another for about 30 seconds. The overheat per shot is 150%
and it accumulates so if you deploy one when the overheat bar is at half way it gets pushed up to 200%.
-New M1A1 reload sound
-AI added to binoculars, bots will target heavy armor when very close
-Smoke grenade effect made larger
-Blood effect added to knife stabs
-Running footsteps can be heard further away
-Reload bar added to hind FFARs
DC_Final RC3
-All TOW Missiles now shoot straight
-M82 given large muzzle flash light effect
-Skorpion ROF slightly higher
-Saiga given larger muzzle lift per shot
-MK23 ROF upped to match other pistols
-SA-342 gunpod overheat reduced
-SA-3/Patriot range increased
-SA-3/Patriot smoke effect changed
-SA-7s in SA-7 boxes
-All in-vehicle radios placed in their own sound file (Can be renamed or removed to improve performance)
-Artillery muzzle smoke slightly reduced
-Massive reduction in sound.rfa size
-Stinger's Humvee textures
-Adjusted SCUD driver camera position
-New sounds for ammo reload, reloading vehicles now different sound to soldiers
-Wrench can be heard from several meters away and has new sound
-AA classes given MP5 and Skorpion
-Stryker driver's head fixed
DC_Final RC2
-Overheats fixed
MH500 overheat
Technical overheat
DPV overheat
SA342 overheat
-Mortar wall hack fixed
-New Scoreboard icon for Spec Ops
DC_Final RC1
-Both LCAC versions should be fixed
-Mortar view adjusted
-Mortar explosions more deadly but with less force (bodies don't get thrown so far)
-US player model has new shader parameters, fixed 1st person camo.
-US and Iraqi player models have more variety in 'accessories'
-Fixed issue with Spandrel turret
-New fake crater effect for scud explosions. Large stone pieces are blown off buildings
that get hit.
-Modified most smoke trails and missile flames
-New sounds for:
Missile launchers on helicopters
TOW launch
-Reduced volume of birds
-Many small fixes to incorrect crosshairs
-Fixed missing MLRS kickback
-New minimap icons for virtually all the different vehicles
-Fixed Stryker drivers head showing
-Changed Tomahawk explosion effect
-Increased audible range of choppers for medium and high sound settings
-Slowed MI24d gunners rotation speed
-Shilka materials and health revised, splash vs. infantry removed. - It now takes 2 RPGs to kill (down from 4),
2 tank shells (up from 1), isn?t particularly vulnerable to 20mm Fighter cannons (used to be), 2 Spandrel rockets
(up from 1), 35 30mm shells (BMP2, m2a3), 1 artillery shell, 1 c4 stick (down from several). Should still be exactly
as potent vs. aircraft.
-Vulcan splash vs. infantry removed, death explosion reduced
-Stinger damage vs. Hind, Apache, Blackhawk reduced
-Larger helicopters maneuverability improved
-SU25 cannon splash set to match A10's
-M1A1/T72 maximum turret angle reduced 2 degrees
-M2A3/BMP2 round velocity increased
-Humvee and DPV strengthened to reduce terrain damage
-Most wheeled vehicles handling modified
-BDRM health upped 50% to 75, death explosion reduced.
-Added Howitzer and Howitzer battery
-Added Patriot
-Added LCAC
-Reflective US goggles
-MI8 handling improved
-Armed MI8 without spawn points added
-Radios added to most aircraft
-Radios added to Humvees
-New cockpit sounds for some aircraft
-Many silent gun positions given rotation and reload sounds
-Pantsyr front passenger added, radar fixed
-Spandrel and Gaskin turrets slowed slightly
-All Brownings and NVSTs now have improved gun camera position
-New sounds for:
Stinger and SA-7
Bullet cases
Mortar and mine deploy
-New M25 model and skin
-Freelook added to all chopper passengers
-Slightly reduced speed of freelook in aircraft
-Changed explosion effects for most airburst missiles
-Cockpit and zoom added to AH64 gunner
-Zoom added to Hind gunner
-F14b bomb position gets crosshair
-Fixed ZPU muzzle flash position
-Skorpion deviation reduced
-New theme music courtesy of Andre Hofmann
-Added dust effect to some chopper wheels to simulate rotor wash
-Removed unused artillery icon from UH-60
-New PKM, M249 and Remington animations
-Remington pump sound added
-AK47 reload animation plays slightly faster
-Reduced fall damage
-All vehicles now have gunner position as position 2
-New stationary PKMs with crouching shooters
-Horns added to several vehicles
-VSS does less damage over long distance
-Added BMP1
-Updated MP5 model
-Most voices reworked
-Standard Ural has 3 extra passengers in the back, 2 facing inwards the last sitting on the back of the tray.
-Fueldrum Ural that drops explosive barrels controlled by the driver
-Recoilless rifle Ural, mounted in the tray
-AA Ural with top half of a ZPU, ammo boxes and sandbags sitting on the tray area
-Added MK-19 Humvee
-Added Minigun Humvee
-More new effects for vehicle damages and explosions
-Fixed Humvee resupply spots
-New ammo boxes
-Adjusted zoom angle for MP5 and AKS
-Fixed recoil animation bug with pistols, sniper rifles and Remington
-Larger blast radius for mortar
-Reduced screen shake for explosions
-Reduced excessive screen shake firing sniper rifles standing
-Many muzzle flash fixes and improvements
-Rear wheels now roll on AH-64, UH-60s, MI-24, MH-53 and MI-8
-Screen shake added to ZPU
-Camera stay time on guided sa-3 reduced to 2 seconds
-New explosions for mines and C4
-Added F-117 armed with GBU-27 bomb. Same power as scud.
-Added Gaskin AA variant of BRDM
-Guided SA-3 missiles explode when out of fuel, launch effect and screen shake added
-Moved BRDM supply depot away from driver
-SMAW/RPG blast radius slightly higher
-MK19 has doubled rate of fire, damage unchanged
-Rate of fire changed for shotguns
-VSS slightly reduced power
-New Humvee handling code
-Fixed the massive blast radius of the MGs and RHIB
-1 stab kills with knife
-Reduced spiral on Hydras
-New US player model
-New M9 model
-Many new explosion effects
-New bullet impacts
-Many new sounds for weapons and vehicles
-Removed bullet whiz sounds for shotguns
-Modified muzzle flashes for many weapons
-New smoke trails
-Icons added for all useable objects in vehicles
-Modified screen shakes for weapons
-New Environment sounds added to most maps
-Artillery velocity reduction for improved arc
-Sniper rifles fire faster.
-MBTs with more momentum to the turrets, longer reload time, more powerful shell.
-MLRS and BM21 turret speed given momentum like the M109
-Created proper Iraqi SA-7 armory
-new soundscript for mortar in flight
-Renewed special impact effects for heavy calibers
-Mk19 given higher rate of fire with smaller clip and more spread
-New SA-3 system with joystick control made from Tan mod
Well there you have it! The only thing that is left is to play it! See ya on the battlefield soldiers!
Dateiname | dc_final_client.exe |
Dateigröße | 370MB |
Autor | |
Veröffentlicht | 02.05.2007 |
Downloads | 46425 |