News Battlefield 2 BF Modern Combat: Neue Shots

BF Modern Combat: Neue Shots

BF Modern Combat: Neue Shots
von MiG 22.01.2005 3 Kommentare

Seit einiger Zeit plant Digital Illusions Battlefield Modern Combat, die Konsolenvariante von BF2, frühstens im Sommer diesen Jahres zum Verkauf frei zu geben, damit der Singleplayer Modus fertig gestellt werden kann. Um die Zeit des Wartens für die Konsolen-Fans unter euch ein wenig zu verkürzen, gibt es nun kurzem 15 neue ingame Screenshots zu BF:MC! Zusätzlich wurden einige häuftig gestellten Fragen mit Antworten der Entwickler veröffentlicht...

"Q: Is the games online play free or do I have to pay for the service? A: Hey Paul, the games online play is 100% free.

Q: Will you guys charge for download content? A: John, we will not be charging for downloaded content. The Battlefield franchise prides itself on providing free content after launch and the console version is no different.

Q: Will the game have a single player component? Or is it an "Online Only" game? A: We wanted to put all our focus on multiplayer for Battlefield: Modern Combat. So, with that in mind, we do not have a single player component.

Q: Will the game feature "Punkbuster" support? A: Monty, there are no plans at this time to support "Punkbuster"

Q: What are some of the features that different soldier kits can have? A: Zack, to name a few of the features in our game from each kit: Sniper ? Laser Designator, Sniper Rifle Assault ? Grenade Launcher, Frag Grenades Special Ops ? Flash Bangs, C4 Explosives Combat Support ? Artillery Strike, Medical Injector * Combat Engineer ? Anti Vehicle mines, Shotgun

Q: Will Battlefield: Modern Combat be appearing on the GameCube console? A: No, we are not planning on having a GameCube version.

Q: Will nuclear arms be part of the game? A: Hey Linda, we will not have nuclear arms in our game.

Q: Will an Xbox Live user be able to play against a Playstation 2 user? A: No. The current agreement with Microsoft and Sony would not allow us to have users from both systems playing each other.

Q: Will the Xbox version feature better graphics than the PS2 version? A: Yes. Due to the Xbox being a slightly more powerful system then the PS2 the graphical quality of the game will be better on the Xbox.

Q: What separates Battlefield: Modern Combat from the rest of the Battlefield games? A: Besides being on a console for the first time, the title features modern weapons and vehicles. As well, the games community support far exceeds that of any previous Battlefield title to date. With Clan creation and management, a friends list, messaging, in-game ranking, in-game stats and tracking, and Voice IP, the game offers many ways for the community to enjoy support not seen before in a Battlefield game.

Q: Will the game be played from the 1st or 3rd person perspective? A: The game will be played primarily from the 1st person perspective with the ability to switch to 3rd person only in vehicles.

Q: Will the Xbox version have a system link? If so, how many players will be able to play on the system link ? A: No. The Xbox version is not supporting a system link. It is entirely online--no LAN is supported."


23.01.2005 01:47 Thud
Wann sterben diese nutzlosen konsolen endlich aus?
23.01.2005 11:28 isch disch!
joar, eben, kommt rüber wie pix auf ner gf 2 mx. :. )
24.01.2005 13:40 night-biker87
Konsolen sind net nutzlos! Es gibt genug spiele die auf ner konsole viel geiler sind wie auf nem pc,zb gta!
Bevor du jetzt meinst das würde ich nur sagen weil mein pc zu schlecht zum spielen is, ist er net.
ich hab wenigstens erfahrung mit beiden und weiß genau wovon ich rede.