News Battlefield Vietnam Bushwar v0.3 released

Bushwar v0.3 released

Bushwar v0.3 released
von CloneCommander 04.10.2004 4 Kommentare

Das Team der Bushwar - Mod hat die Version 0.3 ihrer Mod released. Sie enthält einige neue Maps, Waffen, Fahrzeuge und Flugzeuge. Genaueres in der original Readme mit Changelog: New Team: ->PLAN - Peoples Liberation Army of Namibia (military wing of SWAPO)

New Kits: ->Instead of a Sniper and a Medic, PLAN has a Sabotager and an SA-7 soldier. PLAN soldiers also use other grenades and carry machetes. ->Instead of the Medic, the SADF has a flame thrower soldier.

New Vehicles: ->MiG-23, AlouetteIII, Ratel20, Ural repair and ammo trucks, the T34-85 and the T62 tank.

New Weapons: ->Vector SS77 machine gun and the flame thrower.

New Maps: ->BUSHWAR supports the Defence of Con Thien map. ->Ambush, Cuito Cuanavale, Killing Field, Operation Super, The great Tank Battle and The Road to Ebo.

Other: ->Many bug fixes and changes since 0.2. ->New objects including destroyable trees and fuel barrels. ->The background movie now also tells the story of South Africa's war with SWAPO.


Teams: ->South-African Defence Force ->Cuban Army

Kits: ->Cuban and South-African kits are the same. -Assault Soldier -Heavy Assault Soldier -Engineer -Mine Layer -Mortar Soldier -Anti-Tank Soldier -Sniper -Medic

Vehicles: ->SADF: Olifant tank, Eland 90 light Tank, Casspir mine resistant vehicle, LandRover scout car, G6 Howitzer and the Mirage F1CZ fighter plane with V3B air to air missiles. ->Cuban Army: T55 tank, PT76 amphibious tank, BTR60 troop transporter, UAZ scout car, BM21 rocket launching vehicle, M46 Artillery the Mig-17 with FAB250 bombs or Rockets and the MiG-21 fighter plane with air to air missiles or with 4 FAB250 bombs.

Weapons: ->SADF: Automatic R1 assault rifle, semi-automatic R1 assault rifle, R1 rifle with scope, R4 assault rifle, M60 machine gun, RPG7 rocket launcher, 81mm mortar, the TM62 anti-tank mine and other weapons from Battlefield Vietnam. ->Cuban Army: AK47 assault rifle, AKMS rifle, RPG7 rocket launcher, 24mm mortar and other weapons from Battlefield Vietnam.

Maps: ->BUSHWAR maps: Benguela Airport and Omarunga (both have bot support) ->All Battlefield Vietnam maps are supported.

Other: ->Modifications to many Battlefield Vietnam weapons and vehicles, with the aim of making them more realistic: -Airplane bombs don't reload. -The BM21, Mi-8 and Mig-17 can fire salvos of rockets instead of just one at a time. -The music played in the LandRover and UAZ plays on while there is nobody in the car. -The deviation of the AK47, AK47MS and RPD has been modified. -The RPD and M60 are deployed, so it looks realistic when firing while lying. ->A realistic damage system. ->Many new textures for Soldiers, Flags and other objects. ->Third person view for soldiers. ->The Battlefield Vietnam Music in mp3 format, so you can listen to it while driving your favourite vehicle. ->Background movie telling the BUSHWAR story.

Known issues:____________0.3

->The game may slow down when playing BUSHWAR with bots, especially at first contact. If this happens, just press escape to go to the menu and press escape again to go back into the game. If the problem persists, turn your video settings down. The BUSHWAR models have more polygons than their Battlefield Vietnam counterparts.

->The bots are pretty stupid in maps containing bridges and rivers.

->The South-African bots don't spawn in Operation Irving and in Operation Flaming Dart.

->I you find any additional bugs, please report them in the bugs section at


BUSHWAR MODIFICATION FOR BATTLEFIELD: VIETNAM WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS IN BUSHWAR 0.3: ->Ghost - He does most of the modding work, from coding to mapping, to modeling, to skinning. The majority of the mod is his work. ->Kosmo - Managing the Mod, contacting sponsors, maintaining Public Relations, managing staff. ->Onryou - For making the T34-85 and the T62 models. ->Av@lon - For his Omarunga map. ->Tabu - For his Road to Ebo map. ->Shadow - For making the Website theme. ->Tha Rooster for hosting a server and helping with screenshots logos and movies.

-> for hosting our website. -> for hosting our new gameserver. ->[-iC-]DEATH[GEN] for hosting a server. ->Rexman and the MDT forums for solving some problems.

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04.10.2004 13:54 night-biker87
Naja ich weiß net ob ich mir die zieh, hab version 2 und die fand ich scheiße
04.10.2004 14:11 kurupt
naja sieht eher danach aus als wollte die entwickler mit ner schnellen aber unspektakulären alpha auf sich aufmerksam machen. . . .
04.10.2004 18:55 Bleem
also ich saug mir jede mod :) is GRATIS :) und bringt abwechslung :)
04.10.2004 23:21 PCM.BEL|Che
hm. .
anscheinend wird ja noch was draus,aber bis die mod nen status wie jetz zb poe hat (ich glaub nicht das es jemals so weit kommt) ,vergeht sicher noch viel zeit.