News Battlefield Vietnam Dice City Update

Dice City Update

Dice City Update
von CloneCommander 14.12.2004 3 Kommentare

Heute gibt das Dice City - Team ein kleines Update mit Informationen bezüglich des Patches 0.98, in dem einige Bugs der Version 0.97 behoben werden sollen. Näheres hierzu in einem Originaltext: Just wanted to give our fans a heads up on what to expect in Dice City 0.98. For one, we will be adding back many of the vehicles that were removed in 0.97. Also map bugs such as the bridge in The Product and The ShootOut's brightness will also be fixed (for those of you with 1995 monitors hehe). Also you can expect a few new weapons, and new maps of course (The Estate). Please remember that as long as Dice City is in beta, we will experimenting with different techniques to find out what works best. This and your input are the only ways to perfect this modification. My goal is provide fun thru laughter (voice codes lol) and teamwork. Keep the bug reports coming, Uncle 187

14.12.2004 18:40 l8r41n6u9
Die Menümusik sollte wieder eingefügt werden
17.12.2004 06:58 [T]he[E]arth
Dice City 4-ever. . .
17.12.2004 19:14 Pülper
Poe 4ever, poe is einfach die geilste mOd übaerhoopt