POE 2: Interview & Bilder
Auch die englischsprachige Communityseite Firescore.com nutzte die Chance und führte unter Leitung von =B33F=Palerider ein ausfürliches Interview mit einigen der Point of Existence 2 Devs. Im Zuge dieses Exklusivinterviews veröffentlichte das Modteam noch einige ungesehene Renderbilder, darunter fertiggeskinnte Waffen wie die MSG-90, die P8, die M9 Beretta sowie deutsche Granaten und zwei fertige Ferngläser. Lasst euch die Bilder genüsslich auf den Augen zergehen und lest euch das interesante Interview durch, (Englischkentnisse vorrausgesetzt). Hier ein Auszug:
Q-What do you think is going to make POE stand out from the rest of the MODs for BF2?
{Hathcock}: The biggest thing that makes POE stand out from the rest of the ?Mods? out in the community I believe is the time and effort that we take to listen to our community. The team has tried to implement many different ideas and requests that gamers have posted in our forums. We have tried to take a ?customer excellence? approach to things and try to support our community the best that we can. The team works hard on releasing quick ?hot fix? patches after a major release if we find out that things didn?t turn out the way we wanted or that the community has major issues with the builds. One thing that also got me interested with POE at the beginning is that we like to add the "new" technology into the game. We started off with adding the Comanche and the XM-8 Rifle, what will we bring to POE:2?
{DrunkenPirate}Another thing which I think sets us apart from other projects is the way that updates are made. In addition to the traditional website updates, one big hit with the community is the 'interactive development forum', here community members can view regular updates made by each developer as they work on separate projects, from concept & design right up to the final render.
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war doch ne wunderbare sache für umme...