Interstate '76: Cars & Statics
Das Interstate '76 Modteam zeigt in ihren heutigen News einige aktuelle Rendermodelle ihres Jefferson Sovereign Straßenkreuzers in verschiedenen Varianten sowie zwei Bilder mit verschiedensten WIP Statics ihrer neuen Teammitglieder HrdCorHillbilly und Rampage.
Hi everybody,
I'm happy to see great results on clicking ads, this allow me to buy domain name of the website! You can see it at, a more simple address than before... Today, we are going to present some models:
First, the Jefferson Sovereign, designed in three versions:
And so beautiful buildings (to fill our maps) created by HrdCorHillbilly and Rampage recruited during the first news.
Let me talk about recruitment. We have had a successful recruitment with a coder nicknamed LogiTell and HrdCorHillBilly and Rampage have begun modeling statics for us. We?ve also recruited a 2D artist, Blodd. Other people who want to join our team are also being accepted soon, we just want to see their results first. We are also looking for a character modeller and also mappers so don?t hesitate to contact us. See you later with further information, and don't forget to visit our forum.
Ich dachte IS 76 is derBF2 Nachfolger von IS 82 für BF42?
Oder gibts da noch andere mods die so heißen?
GEZ : Tanky
@TheConfuse... Solange ihr die Page nicht umbennent und eine News bringt, seit ihr offiziell IS04. Wir können das ja schlecht melden und ihr habt dann noch die alte Page und keine entsprechende Meldung