News Battlefield 2 Final Front: Statics

Final Front: Statics

Final Front: Statics
von funakistyle 06.08.2005 4 Kommentare

Die Stargate Mod Final Front zeigt in ihrem aktuellen Newsflash diverse Statics, wie zum Bespiel den Eingang zum Cheyenne Mountain, zwei Kisten und das Space Command Center. Desweitern gibt es noch einige Infos zum First Release, so sind für diese Version 10 Maps geplant. In Zukunft sollen dann sogar die monströsen Capital Ships steuerbar sein, selbst die Replikanten Spezies aus der neuen Staffel der SG-1 Serie werden als Fraktion anwählbar sein.


Well we are here for another Final Front Update. We have been hard at work this week and it shows. Click read more to see what we have been up to. First Id like to show off the first pic which is the screen you will see when selecting the Final Front mod. The next pic is the Space Command Center, which will have a walk in lobby for cover and protection. Next up is dionysus' crates that he did on the side. The next two pictures are XCalPro's Cheyenne Mountain Tunnel Entrance, they will be fully textured by next week and may be the entrance to a level, youll have to wait and see for that. Kurzon is also hard at work on level designs, but needs help, we are hopeing to have atleast 10 maps in the first release of the mod and kurzon cant do it alone, so if you know how to make maps then please send me an email at . Being able to design the maps on paper and able to scan them in is a plus. But Kurzon also worked on the new intro text for our mod, and here it is:

"Battlefield 2: Final Front

Many see the Final Frontier as space, the great expanse. We, here at Final Front mostly agree. We agree in the fact, that it is a frontier but its the final battle front. In ?Final Front? you will be launched into the great fight for the Universe, you will be sent through the Stargate onto many worlds. To fight on some of the epic battles scapes we all know and enjoy. You will be able to control many vehicles including the huge Capital Ships. So be prepared to fight on land, air and in space. Do not be fooled, this is not just for Stargate Fans, this is designed for all those who like the Battlefield Series but want a slightly different twist. The fate of the galaxy lies in your hands. Who will win, the shoddy alliance of Humans, Free Jaffa and Asgard or the mighty armies of the Goa?uld or even the merciless devouring species of the Replicators? You may even see the new enemies from the new season of SG-1. So fight with all the weapons at your disposal and control the fate of the galaxy by your skill and more importantly your luck!"

Thats all for this long update, and until next week. This is Me24 signing off.


06.08.2005 16:20 Özge
als SG-1 Fan kann ich nur sagen: hoffentlich wirds was
06.08.2005 19:42 Hoss
Bis MGM einschreitet :)
06.08.2005 19:52 Hoss
Schon gehört ?

Das offizielle Stargate Spiel, Stargate SG-1 - The Alliance wurde nun eingestellt ...

Quelle extreme players.
06.08.2005 23:21 igor
wie was eingestellt soon mist
aber es gibt ja irgendwann den mod