Battlefield Apocalypse erhält Award
Die Battlefield Apocalypse - Mod wurde von mit dem Visual Delight - Award ausgezeichnet. Die Auswahlkriterien beschränken sich hier auf das Aussehen der Mod, Gameplay etc. bleiben unbeachtet. Erst letzte Woche wurde der BF:A - Mod ein Artikel in der PC Gamer UK gewidmet.
Wie bei jedem Update gibt es natürlich auch wieder eine neue Ausgabe des Modder's Journal von Juralis.
Originaltext: The Mod Database has awarded Battlefield: Apocalypse with their Visual Delight Award. This award is given out to mods, which they feel are a visual delight. It is based only on the mods appearance, all other aspects of gaming such as playability are disregarded.
Here's what the guys over at ModDB had to say about us: Click Here! Our team would like to thank ModDB for presenting us with this great award.
Last week we announced that we appeared in PC Gamer UK magazine (September 2005, Page 119), so if you haven't seen it yet, here's the scan of the article: Click Here! Our team would also like to thank PC Gamer UK for writing this fantastic article.
And finally, Juralis has written another Modder's Journal article while finishing up his vacation. He gets to talking about the Editor and recent events surrounding it.
PS: gratulation ich denk mal sowas bekommt man nicht ohne....
GEZ : Tanky
GEZ : Tanky
GEZ : Tanky