BF2 CC: Version 1.0.2048 released
Mit etwas Verspätung wurde gestern Nacht die für Mittwochfrüh (US-Amerikanische Zeit) angekündigte Version 1.0.2048 des Servertools Battlefield 2 Command Control (BF2 CC) veröffentlicht. Der Servermanager, der eine Steuerung über Rcon und/oder Daemon erlaubt, wurde laut dem vorliegenden Changelog deutlich überarbeitet und enthält viele neue Features. Darunter unter anderem die schon bei BBO sehr beliebten Funktion des High-Ping-Kicks und Auto-Warning bei banned Words (zum Beispiel "Player" im Spielernamen). Die genauen Fixes entnehmt Ihr einfach dem Changelog.
- BF2 Command Control - Client 1.0.2048
- BF2 Command Control - Daemon 1.0.2049
- BF2 CC - ModManager Admin Scripts
## Changelog:
## Neue Features
- Smart Team Balance (Priority Based)
- Idle Player Detection with Auto-Kick
- High Ping Kick
- Auto- Warn/Kick/Ban on Banned Words
- Switch Teams at End of Round
- Auto-Messages
- CHANGED (Admin Scripts) BF2CC now relies ModManager Scripts with the BF2CC module. MM scripts can provide R-Con only servers with Auto-Admin features!
- FIXED (Client Bug) Profiles weren't saving if the Map List form wasn't loaded, due to a failed Map Count Check
- FIXED (Client Bug) After losing a connection to the Daemon or Rcon, sometimes a Re-login caused a crash
- FIXED (Client Bug) New Reasons weren't being saved in the W/K/B Options Menu
- FIXED (Client Bug) Exiting the program using File --> Exit wasn't saving the form layout.
- FIXED (Client Bug) Removed a Debug Messagebox saying "Close Up" in the User Section
- FIXED (Client Bug) Prompt Before Stop/Restart label was cutoff in general options menu
- FIXED (Client Bug) Changing the value for Community Logo URL wasn't enabling the save/cancel buttons
- FIXED (Client Bug) Elapsed Time now stops counting when you are disonnected or when the server is not running
- FIXED (Client Bug) Fixed Infragistics Component crashes. No more big red X's on player's grid or log grid. (hopefully)
- FIXED (Client Bug) Profiles weren't updating when connecting betweeen 2 different Daemons.
- CHANGED (Client) Changed some code to prevent more than 1 login form from being created and possibly prevent strange behavior when logging in and out multiple times
- CHANGED (Client) "Outlook" Group By Row removed to save space. Users can use Row Filter to sort by User
- CHANGED (Client) Removed Map Check. It is now on the Daemon side.
- ADDED (Client) Player's Grid now shows Rank Icons, Total Time for Each Player on the Server, and Idle time for Each Player
- ADDED (Client) R-Con IP Setting to the Dashboard Control, so that Rcon IP can be changed remotely (as opposed to only in the configuration of the daemon)
- ADDED (Client) Join Button to join the BF2 server you are connected to.
- ADDED (Client) Client can import .con files (Settings or Maps) into the GUI.
- ADDED (Client) Ability to enter a custom message (on the fly) underneath the warns/kick/bans right click menu
- ADDED (Client) Ability to Right Click on a Player Name in the Chat Log and Warn/Kick/Ban for Language Violation
- ADDED (Client) Added "Copy" Right Click Menu to In Game Chat & Log Controls.
- ADDED (Client) Option to Kick Using PunkBuster kicks (displays kick reason to player after disconnect)
- ADDED (Client) "[Ranked]" Indicator in Server Status for ranked servers
- ADDED (Client) Added More Error dialog boxes to show an unsuccessful Start BF2 Server request (Daemon Mode)
- ADDED (Client) Players on Each Team Next to Tickets
- FIXED (Deamon Bug) Windows Daemon Crash when starting up and trying to create default.profile. Crash was caused by maplist.con files with an extra space at the end of the last line.
- FIXED (Daemon Bug) Memory Leak Bug in the ReadBlock and ReadLine functions for RCON communications would cause huge memory leaks on Linux servers
- FIXED (Daemon Bug) Bug in the automessage function would not display the 5minute BF2CC message
- FIXED (Daemon Bug) Enhanced the server shutdown to use quit before trying to kill the process (Linux)
- FIXED (Daemon Bug) Profiles with no maps will load the first map in the folder to prevent a crash
- ADDED Additional Error handling to startup and profile creation code
- ADDED (Daemon) Added the Following Command Line Parameters -noquitprompt Disables the GUI Prompts when quitting the daemon. -autostart Automatically launches the BF2 server with the last/default profile when the Daemon is started -lockdemorec Disables Demo Recording. Nobody can Change. This is a provider request since it's eats CPU -locknetsettings Locks the BF2 network settings controls on the Client. This is a provider request so that users can't screw up their BF2 network settings. -playerlimit limits the number of max players
Denn ich habe T2 und binn meistens mit dem zeitschlechtesten ping unterwegs
ich weis auch nicht warum.
was haben dann die anderen "Standleitung"
An... Alle es kann sich nicht jeder eine 10MB standleitung leisten.
Es sollen alle eine Change haben Bf2 online zu Spielen die DSL haben
und Dice soll nicht so einen blöden netcode herrausbringen vo man mit t2 einen ping von über 200 hat
Und wer den BF2CC Daemon in der Version 1.0.2048 benutzt sollte den auf die Version 1.0.2049 updaten. Diese Version fixt diesen Bug hier:
We have posted BF2CC Daemon 1.0.2049 about 2 hours after 1.0.2048 was released. Version 2049 fixes the -autostart parameter. Sorry for any inconvenience.
ärger mich durchaus, wenn die pings bei einigen dermaßen hoch werden, daß mein spiel nemmer läuft und ich als relativer n00b, der schon selten trifft, dann garnixmehr trifft, lol.
Wen... du nen Server hast kannst du damit diesen Administrieren. Wenn du keinen eigenen Server hast brauchst du diese Dateien nicht.
Fakt ist, dass durch die lange Kartenladezeit aller Mitspieler auch so noch zu Anfang immer ein Lag für die ersten 30 Sekunden erkennbar sind.