News Battlefield Vietnam Tiberian Aftermath: Mega-Update

Tiberian Aftermath: Mega-Update

Tiberian Aftermath: Mega-Update
von funakistyle 11.08.2005 7 Kommentare

Lange hatte man nichts mehr von der Battlefield Vietnam Modifikation Tiberain Aftermath gehört, nun gibt es ein riesiges Update mit allerhand Neuigkeiten und massig Render - und Ingameshots. Zunächst kündigen die Jungs von TA an, dass sie ab dem jetzigen Zeitpunkt, wie viele andere Modteams vor ihnen, auf die Battlefield 2 Engine umsteigen. Das bedeutet aber nicht das Ende der Battlefield Vietnam Version. Diese soll demnächst released werden und auch neben der BF2 Version weiterhin mit Patches versorgt werden. Somit können Command & Conquer Fans langsam anfangen ihr BFV zu entstauben. Was euch dann auf dem Schlachtfeld erwarten wird könnt ihr auf den unzähligen Screens betrachten. Neben Fahrzeugen wie den NOD Buggy, NOD Stealth Tank sowie den Harvestern der GDI Fraktion, gibt es noch allerhand Waffen sowie Gebäude und Statics zu sehen. Weitere Bilder findet ihr auf der offiziellen Homepage

Originaltext: I have started porting objects to BF2 as we will officially be porting to BF2 in the future. But fear not, the BFV release is right around the corner and will continue to be improved and patched as we work on the BF2 version. On that note, we are looking for some new members. We need a new site design and webmaster, skinner/texture artist, and experienced mappers(for BFV). If this is you and you want to help, contact Mephistofo

We have been very busy over the last month and have a bunch of new stuff for you today. First we have some newly skinned vehicles. The Nod Buggy was modelled by SpartnII, skinned by Taskforce, and coded by Meph. The Nod Stealth Tank was modelled by Havoc89, skinned by Taskforce, and coded by Meph. The Nod Montauk was modelledand skinned by Permagrin, and coded by Meph. The tunnel the Montauk is in the pictures is just temporary for testing purposes and will be replaced for release. The Harvester's were modelled by Havoc89, skinned by Taskforce and coded by Meph. Next we have a few weapons. The Nod F335A was modelled and skinned by Havoc89 and coded by Meph. It fires a regular assault round as well as a secondary pulse round. The Nod HARII was modelled and skinned by Havoc89 and coded by Meph. Last is a re-skin of our basic GDI Assault rifle by Taskforce. Finally some structures. We have the GDI War Factory, modelled, by HAvoc89, skinned by Seb, and coded by Meph(skinned version not in game yet). You can build all your GDI ground units from inside this bad boy(just dont let it get blown up). Next is the GDI Conyard, modelled by Cebt, skinned and coded by Meph. All GDI structure building is handled from this building. The GDI Powerplant will power all your other structures, without a Powerplant your other buildings will eventually decay. The Powerplant was modelled by DarkAngel, and skinned and coded by Meph. The GDI and NOD Tiberium Silos were modelled by Dark Angel and skinned by Taskforce. The Nod Weapons Factory was modelled by Havoc89(skin in progress), works the same way as the GDI, all you ground units will manufactured here. Last is the good old Civillian Church that you may remember from Tiberian Sun. It was modelled by Dark Angel and skinned by Taskforce. We are finishing some maps and finalizing systems for our first BFV release, which will be announced in the near future. Mephistofo 08/09/05

More to come soon


11.08.2005 14:38 night-biker87
hab BFV eh vor 2 tagen wieder neu installiert
11.08.2005 14:48 isch disch!
nuja, vielleicht kommt endlich mal wieder schwung in die bf- alt welle, bf-2 nervt mich einfach nur...
11.08.2005 15:53 Berlin 1
Sieht cool aus wann kommt dat mod ??
11.08.2005 16:47 Urilaiberl
Ich liebe Command and Conquer...
Die guten alten Zeiten des 1er Teil...
11.08.2005 18:18 Tankmaster
jam jam leider mag ich BFV gar nicht....aber es gibt ja auch ein paar Mods für BF2 (bald) ^^

GEZ : Tanky
11.08.2005 23:28 Ceanic
das wird ja doch mal^^
12.08.2005 03:02 Burner
looks very interesting!