News Battlefield 2 BF2 Remote Server Manager 1.08

BF2 Remote Server Manager 1.08

BF2 Remote Server Manager 1.08
von CloneCommander 28.09.2005 3 Kommentare

Vor knapp zwei Monaten berichteten wir von Battlefield 2 Remote Server Manager 1.06, eine Alternative zum BF2CC RCON-Tool. Mittlerweile liegt das Programm in Version 1.08 vor - hier wurden vor Allem neue ModManager - Features hinzu gefügt:: I have been working on the error handling code to make it more robust and also to address some issues users have been having, I have also added somre more ModManager features to the program. These include:

  1. If command times out, the command will be retried (This should stop the "Map Changing, Please Wait" messages)
  2. Added 'Use ModManager' checkbox to the profile screen - This is now set for each server
  3. Minus Kick setting works fully now with the release of ModManager 1.0 rc4 Admin scripts
  4. Load Server Setup button added to setup page - you can Save and Load the setup to file
  5. Added Reload button for the ModManager status table - this allows you to make changes to the mod and restart it on the fly
  6. Add and Remove Ban Words as well as kick Words (Requires ModManager)
  7. Added Saved and Load of ModManager setup - This includes the Kick/Ban Word lists, the Kicker setup and the Autobalance setup.
  8. Server setup is now got at connection to server with a progress bar added when in Gamespy mode
  9. Added Auto Refresh toggle to ingame chat window, There is now a delay from when you send a message
  10. Added various tooltips to help users out, also check the Support section of for info on how to use the program

Weitere Infos & Screenshots findet ihr in der News zur Version 1.06

28.09.2005 17:23 Gast
Was nützt das eigentlich genau
28.09.2005 18:12 MikeRivle
zum administrieren eines bf2 servers

cool glei mal testen
28.09.2005 21:55 CloneCommander
jo da kannste dann per mausklick mapchange machen, restarten, kicken und die ganzen einstellungen vornhemen etc.

also im prinzip nur was für serveradmins ;)