Shattered Faith im Interview (Gamecloud)
Viele interesante Neuigkeiten erfahrt ihr in einem kürzlich veröffentlichten Interview zwischen der Science Fiction Mod Shattered Faith und der englischsprachigen Gamingwebsite Einen wichtigen Aspekt bilden vorallendingen die Details zum Gameplay. So soll zum Beispiel das "Terror Beast" (siehe Bild) der Alieninvasoren bei seiner Attacke auf den Gegner zu einem Sprint ansetzen, seinen Kopf senken und als Rammbock gegen Fahrzeuge sowie Menschen eingesetzt werden können. Das Timing spielt dabei eine entscheidende Rolle.
Mehr erfahrt ihr im ausführlichen Interview, siehe Link unter dem Bild. Hier nun ein kleiner Auszug aus dem Gespräch:
Gamecloud - What are some of the more unique gameplay aspects of Shattered Faith?
Scott Zier - I think we just covered that pretty well. I'll focus in on the "Terror Beast" as an example though. This is a player class for the invaders that is predominantly melee based. His major attack requires the player to be sprinting, and will lower his incredibly dense skull down into a ramming position. While doing so he can tear through most vehicles with ease- even during a head on collisions. Timing is important though, as ramming with his skull not lowered may result in him being flattened! The beast also has a secondary attack that unleashes a howl that disorients near by enemy infantry, hurting their accuracy and reducing their stamina. The health and armor pool on the beast is quite high, requiring many direct hits from traditional guns to bring down. This of course is compensated by the fact he has to be in melee range to battle. That's only one of a very large number of unique classes we intend to put into the game. The way the invaders heal, buff, and deal with the dead is quite original too. We've really shunned the traditional bi-ped with kits idea for the invaders- although there are a limited number of bipedal species that do use energy based weapons and control the massive alien vehicles. The beasts and stingers just don't have the thumbs for driving, you see.
GEZ : Tanky
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