News Battlefield 1942 BF42 Community Update #44

BF42 Community Update #44

BF42 Community Update #44
von MiG 28.02.2004 0 Kommentare

Auch auf der offiziellen Webseite zu Battlefield 1942 hat es mal wieder ein Update gegeben. Bei der 44. Community Mitteilung handelt es sich hauptsächlich um frische FAQs von Dice. Des weiteren gibt es Mod-News betreffend Eve of Destruction und Wasteland 2042. Lest am besten einfach selbst!


Question: Pagliacci asks if there is someone who can help him with the Mod Development Toolkit...and will there be an MDT for Battlefield Vietnam?

Answer: Look no further than the Forums at PlanetBattlefield. In the next few days a new forum will appear there called Ask Rex. Rex, as some of you might already know, is THE tools guru for Battlefield 1942 and Vietnam. He also worked on most of the tools in the current MDT. He'll field any of your MDT-related questions. And yes, the MDT 2.0 is updated and upgraded with some great additions for BFV. Watch the community update in the next few weeks for more information.

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