FH v0.65 Bilder + DVD Vorbestellung
Neben einigen neuen Bildern hat das Team der Forgotten Hope Mod nun bekannt gegeben das man die v0.65 auf DVD vorbestellen kann.
Zitat: That's right folks, you can now preorder the next installment of Forgotten Hope! Due to several internal versions we have decided that the version name for this release will be Forgotten Hope 0.65, and you can get yourself a copy of this version by following this link, and clicking on the ForgottenHope DVD 0.65 tab in the left hand side of the screen. We hope that this will help all of those people who have a slow internet connection and can't handle the amount of online time needed to download the mod.
And of course, we also have some more content to show off today! First up we're showcasing two new anti tank guys, the British 2 pounder and also the British 6 pounder.
We also have two more renders to show off, the first of these renders shows off some of the new handweapons that are getting included with 0.65, new skins for the PPsh and Sten submachine guns, and also renders of the Arisaka Carbine and the Mosin Carbine. The second render shows off all of the new player model equipment we've got for you. These include an entrenchment tool, new soldier head gear, and also pack gear including gas mask canisters and tons of other goodies!
1,5 GB??
wird immer besser froi. . .
Greetz XHess
oder muß mal dann bald wieder ne dvd kaufen?