Action BF Mod Update
Für die bekannte kleine Battlefield 1942 Modifikation namens Action BF gibt es jetzt eine englische Beschreibung, wie man den Mod mit der Version 1.2 zum Laufen bringt.
Die Beschreibung:
Action BF works with patch 1.2 but with some visual interface glitches. But it works!
(Also, to my greatest joy , patch 1.2 seems to fix all crashing problem with Action BF! So put back the Sound details options to HIGH and have some fun!)
-- What to do if you want to use Action BF 1.0 with BF 1.2 : All you need to do is to REPLACE the original "objects.rfa & game.rfa" from Mods/bf1942/archives with the files for Action BF. Now, backup REAL original files to objects.old. ,game.old etc... if you wanna play Normal BF later.
You can't let Action BF files live with their old names (objects_4ActionBF.rfa) because the game do not recognise these anymore. You need to give them the original names(objects.rfa , game.rfa).
If you just installed Patch 1.2, Action BF files will be in the same folders, but now it's within Mods/bf1942/archives.
Later you will have a brand new Mods/ActionBF folder to deal with, and you'll be able to activate the mod...etc... But right now, it doesn't work that way. Also, you need to put Action BF in your server name for people to know you play Action BF.
Weird for now, but as soon as we know how to make Activable mods with patch 1.2, I'll release Action BF 1.2!
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