Surreal Mod: Alpha 24 & 24B Patch
Die Surreal Mod veröffentlichte heute ihren Alpha 24 und Alpha 24B Patch. Dazu noch ein paar Screens, z.B. von der Rebel Gazelle auf GaudalCanal. Die Details im folgenden Auszug von der offiziellen Page des Surreal Mod Teams. "Alpha 24 and Alpha 24B Patch. Its mainly aimed at Team and Testers but as always anyone wishing to try it is welcome. Please make sure you have the 24B patch installed though. SERVER - IP Server is running Alpha 24B Here's a few screens, Hope you all enjoy it. Screenshots taken today from server." - Rebel Gazelle on GaudalCanal - New Militia Heli - MAH02 small fast and agile and waiting new skin - View from Turret of Rebel RHT01 Tank on Surreal - Training Map - View from the Rebel Defence Gun (Dual AT and AA) - View from Rebel Landrover showing Defgun and Gazelle - MonoRail Train is now working perfectly with no lag and waiting for Stuka to skin - Custom Trikes fitted with Gatling Guns