Black Bag Ops Update
Vergangene Nacht gab Kevin Lockitt seine zukünftigen Pläne zu seinem Battlefield Server Manager bekannt. Nach den neusten Informationen wird die Beta 4i in den nächsten Wochen veröffentlicht. Vorerst wird es sich dabei um den letzten Beta-Release handeln. Kevin plant bereits im Februar 2005 eine erste Final-Version bereit zu stellen.
Zitat von Kevin:
University "exam season" is over now and I am taking a well-earned break playing HL2/CSS and visiting with family and friends I haven't seen for a while. I intend to wind up development of BxSM 2.0 over the summer break when I am not working in paid employ. Beta 4i will be the last planned beta release of BxSM. The time and financial pressures of second year university will not allow me to continue this work in 2005. I will release beta 4i "when it's done" and a final version before the end of Feb 2005. If you are aware of any bugs that need fixing please post about them in the forums or they will not be attended to. I will not be adding any major new features to BxSM at this late stage of development beyond what has already been slated. I will post more news about beta 4i in the coming weeks.
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